import { SyntaxNode } from '@lezer/common'; import { parser } from 'lezer-promql'; import { binaryScalarOperatorToOperatorName } from './binaryScalarOperations'; import { ErrorName, getAllByType, getLeftMostChild, getString, makeBinOp, makeError, replaceVariables, } from './shared/parsingUtils'; import { QueryBuilderLabelFilter, QueryBuilderOperation } from './shared/types'; import { PromVisualQuery, PromVisualQueryBinary } from './types'; /** * Parses a PromQL query into a visual query model. * * It traverses the tree and uses sort of state machine to update the query model. The query model is modified * during the traversal and sent to each handler as context. * * @param expr */ export function buildVisualQueryFromString(expr: string): Context { const replacedExpr = replaceVariables(expr); const tree = parser.parse(replacedExpr); const node = tree.topNode; // This will be modified in the handlers. const visQuery: PromVisualQuery = { metric: '', labels: [], operations: [], }; const context: Context = { query: visQuery, errors: [], }; try { handleExpression(replacedExpr, node, context); } catch (err) { // Not ideal to log it here, but otherwise we would lose the stack trace. console.error(err); context.errors.push({ text: err.message, }); } // If we have empty query, we want to reset errors if (isEmptyQuery(context.query)) { context.errors = []; } return context; } interface ParsingError { text: string; from?: number; to?: number; parentType?: string; } interface Context { query: PromVisualQuery; errors: ParsingError[]; } /** * Handler for default state. It will traverse the tree and call the appropriate handler for each node. The node * handled here does not necessarily need to be of type == Expr. * @param expr * @param node * @param context */ export function handleExpression(expr: string, node: SyntaxNode, context: Context) { const visQuery = context.query; switch ( { case 'MetricIdentifier': { // Expectation is that there is only one of those per query. visQuery.metric = getString(expr, node); break; } case 'LabelMatcher': { // Same as MetricIdentifier should be just one per query. visQuery.labels.push(getLabel(expr, node)); const err = node.getChild(ErrorName); if (err) { context.errors.push(makeError(expr, err)); } break; } case 'FunctionCall': { handleFunction(expr, node, context); break; } case 'AggregateExpr': { handleAggregation(expr, node, context); break; } case 'BinaryExpr': { handleBinary(expr, node, context); break; } case ErrorName: { if (isIntervalVariableError(node)) { break; } context.errors.push(makeError(expr, node)); break; } default: { if ( === 'ParenExpr') { // We don't support parenthesis in the query to group expressions. We just report error but go on with the // parsing. context.errors.push(makeError(expr, node)); } // Any other nodes we just ignore and go to it's children. This should be fine as there are lot's of wrapper // nodes that can be skipped. // TODO: there are probably cases where we will just skip nodes we don't support and we should be able to // detect those and report back. let child = node.firstChild; while (child) { handleExpression(expr, child, context); child = child.nextSibling; } } } } function isIntervalVariableError(node: SyntaxNode) { return node.prevSibling?.name === 'Expr' && node.prevSibling?.firstChild?.name === 'VectorSelector'; } function getLabel(expr: string, node: SyntaxNode): QueryBuilderLabelFilter { const label = getString(expr, node.getChild('LabelName')); const op = getString(expr, node.getChild('MatchOp')); const value = getString(expr, node.getChild('StringLiteral')).replace(/"/g, ''); return { label, op, value, }; } const rangeFunctions = ['changes', 'rate', 'irate', 'increase', 'delta']; /** * Handle function call which is usually and identifier and its body > arguments. * @param expr * @param node * @param context */ function handleFunction(expr: string, node: SyntaxNode, context: Context) { const visQuery = context.query; const nameNode = node.getChild('FunctionIdentifier'); const funcName = getString(expr, nameNode); const body = node.getChild('FunctionCallBody'); const callArgs = body!.getChild('FunctionCallArgs'); const params = []; let interval = ''; // This is a bit of a shortcut to get the interval argument. Reasons are // - interval is not part of the function args per promQL grammar but we model it as argument for the function in // the query model. // - it is easier to handle template variables this way as template variable is an error for the parser if (rangeFunctions.includes(funcName) || funcName.endsWith('_over_time')) { let match = getString(expr, node).match(/\[(.+)\]/); if (match?.[1]) { interval = match[1]; params.push(match[1]); } } const op = { id: funcName, params }; // We unshift operations to keep the more natural order that we want to have in the visual query editor. visQuery.operations.unshift(op); if (callArgs) { if (getString(expr, callArgs) === interval + ']') { // This is a special case where we have a function with a single argument and it is the interval. // This happens when you start adding operations in query builder and did not set a metric yet. return; } updateFunctionArgs(expr, callArgs, context, op); } } /** * Handle aggregation as they are distinct type from other functions. * @param expr * @param node * @param context */ function handleAggregation(expr: string, node: SyntaxNode, context: Context) { const visQuery = context.query; const nameNode = node.getChild('AggregateOp'); let funcName = getString(expr, nameNode); const modifier = node.getChild('AggregateModifier'); const labels = []; if (modifier) { const byModifier = modifier.getChild(`By`); if (byModifier && funcName) { funcName = `__${funcName}_by`; } const withoutModifier = modifier.getChild(`Without`); if (withoutModifier) { funcName = `__${funcName}_without`; } labels.push(...getAllByType(expr, modifier, 'GroupingLabel')); } const body = node.getChild('FunctionCallBody'); const callArgs = body!.getChild('FunctionCallArgs'); const op: QueryBuilderOperation = { id: funcName, params: [] }; visQuery.operations.unshift(op); updateFunctionArgs(expr, callArgs, context, op); // We add labels after params in the visual query editor. op.params.push(...labels); } /** * Handle (probably) all types of arguments that function or aggregation can have. * * FunctionCallArgs are nested bit weirdly basically its [firstArg,] where rest is again FunctionCallArgs so * we cannot just get all the children and iterate them as arguments we have to again recursively traverse through * them. * * @param expr * @param node * @param context * @param op - We need the operation to add the params to as an additional context. */ function updateFunctionArgs(expr: string, node: SyntaxNode | null, context: Context, op: QueryBuilderOperation) { if (!node) { return; } switch ( { // In case we have an expression we don't know what kind so we have to look at the child as it can be anything. case 'Expr': // FunctionCallArgs are nested bit weirdly as mentioned so we have to go one deeper in this case. case 'FunctionCallArgs': { let child = node.firstChild; while (child) { updateFunctionArgs(expr, child, context, op); child = child.nextSibling; } break; } case 'NumberLiteral': { op.params.push(parseFloat(getString(expr, node))); break; } case 'StringLiteral': { op.params.push(getString(expr, node).replace(/"/g, '')); break; } default: { // Means we get to something that does not seem like simple function arg and is probably nested query so jump // back to main context handleExpression(expr, node, context); } } } /** * Right now binary expressions can be represented in 2 way in visual query. As additional operation in case it is * just operation with scalar or it creates a binaryQuery when it's 2 queries. * @param expr * @param node * @param context */ function handleBinary(expr: string, node: SyntaxNode, context: Context) { const visQuery = context.query; const left = node.firstChild!; const op = getString(expr, left.nextSibling); const binModifier = getBinaryModifier(expr, node.getChild('BinModifiers')); const right = node.lastChild!; const opDef = binaryScalarOperatorToOperatorName[op]; const leftNumber = left.getChild('NumberLiteral'); const rightNumber = right.getChild('NumberLiteral'); const rightBinary = right.getChild('BinaryExpr'); if (leftNumber) { // TODO: this should be already handled in case parent is binary expression as it has to be added to parent // if query starts with a number that isn't handled now. } else { // If this is binary we don't really know if there is a query or just chained scalars. So // we have to traverse a bit deeper to know handleExpression(expr, left, context); } if (rightNumber) { visQuery.operations.push(makeBinOp(opDef, expr, right, !!binModifier?.isBool)); } else if (rightBinary) { // Due to the way binary ops are parsed we can get a binary operation on the right that starts with a number which // is a factor for a current binary operation. So we have to add it as an operation now. const leftMostChild = getLeftMostChild(right); if (leftMostChild?.name === 'NumberLiteral') { visQuery.operations.push(makeBinOp(opDef, expr, leftMostChild, !!binModifier?.isBool)); } // If we added the first number literal as operation here we still can continue and handle the rest as the first // number will be just skipped. handleExpression(expr, right, context); } else { visQuery.binaryQueries = visQuery.binaryQueries || []; const binQuery: PromVisualQueryBinary = { operator: op, query: { metric: '', labels: [], operations: [], }, }; if (binModifier?.isMatcher) { binQuery.vectorMatchesType = binModifier.matchType; binQuery.vectorMatches = binModifier.matches; } visQuery.binaryQueries.push(binQuery); handleExpression(expr, right, { query: binQuery.query, errors: context.errors, }); } } function getBinaryModifier( expr: string, node: SyntaxNode | null ): | { isBool: true; isMatcher: false } | { isBool: false; isMatcher: true; matches: string; matchType: 'ignoring' | 'on' } | undefined { if (!node) { return undefined; } if (node.getChild('Bool')) { return { isBool: true, isMatcher: false }; } else { const matcher = node.getChild('OnOrIgnoring'); if (!matcher) { // Not sure what this could be, maybe should be an error. return undefined; } const labels = getString(expr, matcher.getChild('GroupingLabels')?.getChild('GroupingLabelList')); return { isMatcher: true, isBool: false, matches: labels, matchType: matcher.getChild('On') ? 'on' : 'ignoring', }; } } function isEmptyQuery(query: PromVisualQuery) { if (query.labels.length === 0 && query.operations.length === 0 && !query.metric) { return true; } return false; }