import { MessageDescriptor } from '@lingui/core'; import { Trans as OriginalTrans } from '@lingui/macro'; import React from 'react'; export const Trans: typeof OriginalTrans = ({ id, children }) => { return <>{children ?? id}; }; export const Plural: React.FC = () => { throw new Error('Plural mock not implemented yet'); }; export const Select: React.FC = () => { throw new Error('Select mock not implemented yet'); }; export const SelectOrdinal: React.FC = () => { throw new Error('SelectOrdinal mock not implemented yet'); }; export const t = (msg: string | { message: string }) => { return typeof msg === 'string' ? msg : msg.message; }; export const defineMessage = (descriptor: MessageDescriptor) => { // We return the message as the ID so we can assert on the plain english value return { ...descriptor, id: descriptor.message }; };