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- import { set } from 'lodash';
- import { useCallback } from 'react';
- import { UseFormReturn } from 'react-hook-form';
- interface Options<R> {
- name: string;
- formAPI: UseFormReturn<any>;
- defaults?: R[];
- // if true, sets `__deleted: true` but does not remove item from the array in values
- softDelete?: boolean;
- }
- export type ControlledField<R> = R & {
- __deleted?: boolean;
- };
- const EMPTY_ARRAY = [] as const;
- /*
- * react-hook-form's own useFieldArray is uncontrolled and super buggy.
- * this is a simple controlled version. It's dead simple and more robust at the cost of re-rendering the form
- * on every change to the sub forms in the array.
- * Warning: you'll have to take care of your own unique identiifer to use as `key` for the ReactNode array.
- * Using index will cause problems.
- */
- export function useControlledFieldArray<R>(options: Options<R>) {
- const { name, formAPI, defaults, softDelete } = options;
- const { watch, getValues, reset, setValue } = formAPI;
- const fields: Array<ControlledField<R>> = watch(name) ?? defaults ?? EMPTY_ARRAY;
- const update = useCallback(
- (updateFn: (fields: R[]) => R[]) => {
- const values = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(getValues()));
- const newItems = updateFn(fields ?? []);
- reset(set(values, name, newItems));
- },
- [getValues, name, reset, fields]
- );
- return {
- fields,
- append: useCallback((values: R) => update((fields) => [...fields, values]), [update]),
- remove: useCallback(
- (index: number) => {
- if (softDelete) {
- setValue(`${name}.${index}.__deleted`, true);
- } else {
- update((items) => {
- const newItems = items.slice();
- newItems.splice(index, 1);
- return newItems;
- });
- }
- },
- [update, name, setValue, softDelete]
- ),
- };
- }