123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323 |
- import {
- DataFrame,
- DataFrameView,
- DataQueryResponse,
- FieldColorModeId,
- FieldDTO,
- MutableDataFrame,
- NodeGraphDataFrameFieldNames as Fields,
- TimeRange,
- } from '@grafana/data';
- import { getNonOverlappingDuration, getStats, makeFrames, makeSpanMap } from '../../../core/utils/tracing';
- /**
- * Row in a trace dataFrame
- */
- interface Row {
- traceID: string;
- spanID: string;
- parentSpanID: string;
- operationName: string;
- serviceName: string;
- serviceTags: string;
- startTime: number;
- duration: number;
- logs: string;
- tags: string;
- }
- interface Node {
- [Fields.id]: string;
- [Fields.title]: string;
- [Fields.subTitle]: string;
- [Fields.mainStat]: string;
- [Fields.secondaryStat]: string;
- [Fields.color]: number;
- }
- interface Edge {
- [Fields.id]: string;
- [Fields.target]: string;
- [Fields.source]: string;
- }
- export function createGraphFrames(data: DataFrame): DataFrame[] {
- const { nodes, edges } = convertTraceToGraph(data);
- const [nodesFrame, edgesFrame] = makeFrames();
- for (const node of nodes) {
- nodesFrame.add(node);
- }
- for (const edge of edges) {
- edgesFrame.add(edge);
- }
- return [nodesFrame, edgesFrame];
- }
- function convertTraceToGraph(data: DataFrame): { nodes: Node[]; edges: Edge[] } {
- const nodes: Node[] = [];
- const edges: Edge[] = [];
- const view = new DataFrameView<Row>(data);
- const traceDuration = findTraceDuration(view);
- const spanMap = makeSpanMap((index) => {
- if (index >= data.length) {
- return undefined;
- }
- const span = view.get(index);
- return {
- span: { ...span },
- id: span.spanID,
- parentIds: span.parentSpanID ? [span.parentSpanID] : [],
- };
- });
- for (let i = 0; i < view.length; i++) {
- const row = view.get(i);
- const ranges: Array<[number, number]> = spanMap[row.spanID].children.map((c) => {
- const span = spanMap[c].span;
- return [span.startTime, span.startTime + span.duration];
- });
- const childrenDuration = getNonOverlappingDuration(ranges);
- const selfDuration = row.duration - childrenDuration;
- const stats = getStats(row.duration, traceDuration, selfDuration);
- nodes.push({
- [Fields.id]: row.spanID,
- [Fields.title]: row.serviceName ?? '',
- [Fields.subTitle]: row.operationName,
- [Fields.mainStat]: stats.main,
- [Fields.secondaryStat]: stats.secondary,
- [Fields.color]: selfDuration / traceDuration,
- });
- // Sometimes some span can be missing. Don't add edges for those.
- if (row.parentSpanID && spanMap[row.parentSpanID].span) {
- edges.push({
- [Fields.id]: row.parentSpanID + '--' + row.spanID,
- [Fields.target]: row.spanID,
- [Fields.source]: row.parentSpanID,
- });
- }
- }
- return { nodes, edges };
- }
- /**
- * Get the duration of the whole trace as it isn't a part of the response data.
- * Note: Seems like this should be the same as just longest span, but this is probably safer.
- */
- function findTraceDuration(view: DataFrameView<Row>): number {
- let traceEndTime = 0;
- let traceStartTime = Infinity;
- for (let i = 0; i < view.length; i++) {
- const row = view.get(i);
- if (row.startTime < traceStartTime) {
- traceStartTime = row.startTime;
- }
- if (row.startTime + row.duration > traceEndTime) {
- traceEndTime = row.startTime + row.duration;
- }
- }
- return traceEndTime - traceStartTime;
- }
- export const secondsMetric = 'traces_service_graph_request_server_seconds_sum';
- export const totalsMetric = 'traces_service_graph_request_total';
- export const failedMetric = 'traces_service_graph_request_failed_total';
- export const histogramMetric = 'traces_service_graph_request_server_seconds_bucket';
- export const serviceMapMetrics = [
- secondsMetric,
- totalsMetric,
- failedMetric,
- histogramMetric,
- // These are used for debugging the tempo collection so probably not useful for service map right now.
- // 'traces_service_graph_unpaired_spans_total',
- // 'traces_service_graph_untagged_spans_total',
- ];
- /**
- * Map response from multiple prometheus metrics into a node graph data frames with nodes and edges.
- * @param responses
- * @param range
- */
- export function mapPromMetricsToServiceMap(
- responses: DataQueryResponse[],
- range: TimeRange
- ): { nodes: DataFrame; edges: DataFrame } {
- const frames = getMetricFrames(responses);
- // First just collect data from the metrics into a map with nodes and edges as keys
- const nodesMap: Record<string, ServiceMapStatistics> = {};
- const edgesMap: Record<string, EdgeObject> = {};
- // At this moment we don't have any error/success or other counts so we just use these 2
- collectMetricData(frames[totalsMetric], 'total', totalsMetric, nodesMap, edgesMap);
- collectMetricData(frames[secondsMetric], 'seconds', secondsMetric, nodesMap, edgesMap);
- collectMetricData(frames[failedMetric], 'failed', failedMetric, nodesMap, edgesMap);
- return convertToDataFrames(nodesMap, edgesMap, range);
- }
- function createServiceMapDataFrames() {
- function createDF(name: string, fields: FieldDTO[]) {
- return new MutableDataFrame({ name, fields, meta: { preferredVisualisationType: 'nodeGraph' } });
- }
- const nodes = createDF('Nodes', [
- { name: Fields.id },
- { name: Fields.title, config: { displayName: 'Service name' } },
- { name: Fields.mainStat, config: { unit: 'ms/r', displayName: 'Average response time' } },
- {
- name: Fields.secondaryStat,
- config: { unit: 'r/sec', displayName: 'Requests per second' },
- },
- {
- name: Fields.arc + 'success',
- config: { displayName: 'Success', color: { fixedColor: 'green', mode: FieldColorModeId.Fixed } },
- },
- {
- name: Fields.arc + 'failed',
- config: { displayName: 'Failed', color: { fixedColor: 'red', mode: FieldColorModeId.Fixed } },
- },
- ]);
- const edges = createDF('Edges', [
- { name: Fields.id },
- { name: Fields.source },
- { name: Fields.target },
- { name: Fields.mainStat, config: { unit: 'r', displayName: 'Requests' } },
- { name: Fields.secondaryStat, config: { unit: 'ms/r', displayName: 'Average response time' } },
- ]);
- return [nodes, edges];
- }
- /**
- * Group frames from response based on ref id which is set the same as the metric name so we know which metric is where
- * and also put it into DataFrameView so it's easier to work with.
- * @param responses
- */
- function getMetricFrames(responses: DataQueryResponse[]): Record<string, DataFrameView> {
- return responses[0].data.reduce<Record<string, DataFrameView>>((acc, frame) => {
- acc[frame.refId] = new DataFrameView(frame);
- return acc;
- }, {});
- }
- type ServiceMapStatistics = {
- total?: number;
- seconds?: number;
- failed?: number;
- };
- type EdgeObject = ServiceMapStatistics & {
- source: string;
- target: string;
- };
- /**
- * Collect data from a metric into a map of nodes and edges. The metric data is modeled as counts of metric per edge
- * which is a pair of client-server nodes. This means we convert each row of the metric 1-1 to edges and than we assign
- * the metric also to server. We count the stats for server only as we show requests/transactions that particular node
- * processed not those which it generated and other stats like average transaction time then stem from that.
- * @param frame
- * @param stat
- * @param metric
- * @param nodesMap
- * @param edgesMap
- */
- function collectMetricData(
- frame: DataFrameView | undefined,
- stat: keyof ServiceMapStatistics,
- metric: string,
- nodesMap: Record<string, ServiceMapStatistics>,
- edgesMap: Record<string, EdgeObject>
- ) {
- if (!frame) {
- return;
- }
- // The name of the value column is in this format
- // TODO figure out if it can be changed
- const valueName = `Value #${metric}`;
- for (let i = 0; i < frame.length; i++) {
- const row = frame.get(i);
- const edgeId = `${row.client}_${row.server}`;
- if (!edgesMap[edgeId]) {
- // Create edge as it does not exist yet
- edgesMap[edgeId] = {
- target: row.server,
- source: row.client,
- [stat]: row[valueName],
- };
- } else {
- // Add stat to edge
- // We are adding the values if exists but that should not happen in general as there should be single row for
- // an edge.
- edgesMap[edgeId][stat] = (edgesMap[edgeId][stat] || 0) + row[valueName];
- }
- if (!nodesMap[row.server]) {
- // Create node for server
- nodesMap[row.server] = {
- [stat]: row[valueName],
- };
- } else {
- // Add stat to server node. Sum up values if there are multiple edges targeting this server node.
- nodesMap[row.server][stat] = (nodesMap[row.server][stat] || 0) + row[valueName];
- }
- if (!nodesMap[row.client]) {
- // Create the client node but don't add the stat as edge stats are attributed to the server node. This means for
- // example that the number of requests in a node show how many requests it handled not how many it generated.
- nodesMap[row.client] = {
- [stat]: 0,
- };
- }
- }
- }
- function convertToDataFrames(
- nodesMap: Record<string, ServiceMapStatistics>,
- edgesMap: Record<string, EdgeObject>,
- range: TimeRange
- ): { nodes: DataFrame; edges: DataFrame } {
- const rangeMs = range.to.valueOf() - range.from.valueOf();
- const [nodes, edges] = createServiceMapDataFrames();
- for (const nodeId of Object.keys(nodesMap)) {
- const node = nodesMap[nodeId];
- nodes.add({
- [Fields.id]: nodeId,
- [Fields.title]: nodeId,
- // NaN will not be shown in the node graph. This happens for a root client node which did not process
- // any requests itself.
- [Fields.mainStat]: node.total ? (node.seconds! / node.total) * 1000 : Number.NaN, // Average response time
- [Fields.secondaryStat]: node.total ? Math.round((node.total / (rangeMs / 1000)) * 100) / 100 : Number.NaN, // Request per second (to 2 decimals)
- [Fields.arc + 'success']: node.total ? (node.total - Math.min(node.failed || 0, node.total)) / node.total : 1,
- [Fields.arc + 'failed']: node.total ? Math.min(node.failed || 0, node.total) / node.total : 0,
- });
- }
- for (const edgeId of Object.keys(edgesMap)) {
- const edge = edgesMap[edgeId];
- edges.add({
- [Fields.id]: edgeId,
- [Fields.source]: edge.source,
- [Fields.target]: edge.target,
- [Fields.mainStat]: edge.total, // Requests
- [Fields.secondaryStat]: edge.total ? (edge.seconds! / edge.total) * 1000 : Number.NaN, // Average response time
- });
- }
- return { nodes, edges };
- }