123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679 |
- import uPlot from 'uplot';
- import {
- DataFrame,
- FieldColorModeId,
- fieldColorModeRegistry,
- getDisplayProcessor,
- getFieldColorModeForField,
- getFieldDisplayName,
- getFieldSeriesColor,
- GrafanaTheme2,
- } from '@grafana/data';
- import { alpha } from '@grafana/data/src/themes/colorManipulator';
- import { config } from '@grafana/runtime';
- import { AxisPlacement, ScaleDirection, ScaleOrientation, VisibilityMode } from '@grafana/schema';
- import { UPlotConfigBuilder } from '@grafana/ui';
- import { FacetedData, FacetSeries } from '@grafana/ui/src/components/uPlot/types';
- import {
- findFieldIndex,
- getScaledDimensionForField,
- ScaleDimensionConfig,
- ScaleDimensionMode,
- } from 'app/features/dimensions';
- import { pointWithin, Quadtree, Rect } from '../barchart/quadtree';
- import { isGraphable } from './dims';
- import { defaultScatterConfig, ScatterFieldConfig, ScatterLineMode, XYChartOptions } from './models.gen';
- import { DimensionValues, ScatterHoverCallback, ScatterSeries } from './types';
- export interface ScatterPanelInfo {
- error?: string;
- series: ScatterSeries[];
- builder?: UPlotConfigBuilder;
- }
- /**
- * This is called when options or structure rev changes
- */
- export function prepScatter(
- options: XYChartOptions,
- getData: () => DataFrame[],
- theme: GrafanaTheme2,
- ttip: ScatterHoverCallback
- ): ScatterPanelInfo {
- let series: ScatterSeries[];
- let builder: UPlotConfigBuilder;
- try {
- series = prepSeries(options, getData());
- builder = prepConfig(getData, series, theme, ttip);
- } catch (e) {
- console.log('prepScatter ERROR', e);
- return {
- error: e.message,
- series: [],
- };
- }
- return {
- series,
- builder,
- };
- }
- interface Dims {
- pointColorIndex?: number;
- pointColorFixed?: string;
- pointSizeIndex?: number;
- pointSizeConfig?: ScaleDimensionConfig;
- }
- function getScatterSeries(
- seriesIndex: number,
- frames: DataFrame[],
- frameIndex: number,
- xIndex: number,
- yIndex: number,
- dims: Dims
- ): ScatterSeries {
- const frame = frames[frameIndex];
- const y = frame.fields[yIndex];
- let state = y.state ?? {};
- state.seriesIndex = seriesIndex;
- y.state = state;
- // Color configs
- //----------------
- let seriesColor = dims.pointColorFixed
- ? config.theme2.visualization.getColorByName(dims.pointColorFixed)
- : getFieldSeriesColor(y, config.theme2).color;
- let pointColor: DimensionValues<string> = () => seriesColor;
- const fieldConfig: ScatterFieldConfig = { ...defaultScatterConfig, ...y.config.custom };
- let pointColorMode = fieldColorModeRegistry.get(FieldColorModeId.PaletteClassic);
- if (dims.pointColorIndex) {
- const f = frames[frameIndex].fields[dims.pointColorIndex];
- if (f) {
- const disp =
- f.display ??
- getDisplayProcessor({
- field: f,
- theme: config.theme2,
- });
- pointColorMode = getFieldColorModeForField(y);
- if (pointColorMode.isByValue) {
- const index = dims.pointColorIndex;
- pointColor = (frame: DataFrame) => {
- // Yes we can improve this later
- return frame.fields[index].values.toArray().map((v) => disp(v).color!);
- };
- } else {
- seriesColor = pointColorMode.getCalculator(f, config.theme2)(f.values.get(0), 1);
- pointColor = () => seriesColor;
- }
- }
- }
- // Size configs
- //----------------
- let pointSizeHints = dims.pointSizeConfig;
- let pointSizeFixed = dims.pointSizeConfig?.fixed ?? y.config.custom?.pointSizeConfig?.fixed ?? 5;
- let pointSize: DimensionValues<number> = () => pointSizeFixed;
- if (dims.pointSizeIndex) {
- pointSize = (frame) => {
- const s = getScaledDimensionForField(
- frame.fields[dims.pointSizeIndex!],
- dims.pointSizeConfig!,
- ScaleDimensionMode.Quadratic
- );
- const vals = Array(frame.length);
- for (let i = 0; i < frame.length; i++) {
- vals[i] = s.get(i);
- }
- return vals;
- };
- } else {
- pointSizeHints = {
- fixed: pointSizeFixed,
- min: pointSizeFixed,
- max: pointSizeFixed,
- };
- }
- // Series config
- //----------------
- const name = getFieldDisplayName(y, frame, frames);
- return {
- name,
- frame: (frames) => frames[frameIndex],
- x: (frame) => frame.fields[xIndex],
- y: (frame) => frame.fields[yIndex],
- legend: (frame) => {
- return [
- {
- label: name,
- color: seriesColor, // single color for series?
- getItemKey: () => name,
- yAxis: yIndex, // << but not used
- },
- ];
- },
- line: fieldConfig.line ?? ScatterLineMode.None,
- lineWidth: fieldConfig.lineWidth ?? 2,
- lineStyle: fieldConfig.lineStyle!,
- lineColor: () => seriesColor,
- point: fieldConfig.point!,
- pointSize,
- pointColor,
- pointSymbol: (frame: DataFrame, from?: number) => 'circle', // single field, multiple symbols.... kinda equals multiple series 🤔
- label: VisibilityMode.Never,
- labelValue: () => '',
- hints: {
- pointSize: pointSizeHints!,
- pointColor: {
- mode: pointColorMode,
- },
- },
- };
- }
- function prepSeries(options: XYChartOptions, frames: DataFrame[]): ScatterSeries[] {
- let seriesIndex = 0;
- if (!frames.length) {
- throw 'missing data';
- }
- if (options.mode === 'explicit') {
- if (options.series?.length) {
- for (const series of options.series) {
- if (!series?.x) {
- throw 'Select X dimension';
- }
- if (!series?.y) {
- throw 'Select Y dimension';
- }
- for (let frameIndex = 0; frameIndex < frames.length; frameIndex++) {
- const frame = frames[frameIndex];
- const xIndex = findFieldIndex(frame, series.x);
- if (xIndex != null) {
- // TODO: this should find multiple y fields
- const yIndex = findFieldIndex(frame, series.y);
- if (yIndex == null) {
- throw 'Y must be in the same frame as X';
- }
- const dims: Dims = {
- pointColorFixed: series.pointColor?.fixed,
- pointColorIndex: findFieldIndex(frame, series.pointColor?.field),
- pointSizeConfig: series.pointSize,
- pointSizeIndex: findFieldIndex(frame, series.pointSize?.field),
- };
- return [getScatterSeries(seriesIndex++, frames, frameIndex, xIndex, yIndex, dims)];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Default behavior
- const dims = options.dims ?? {};
- const frameIndex = dims.frame ?? 0;
- const frame = frames[frameIndex];
- const numericIndicies: number[] = [];
- let xIndex = findFieldIndex(frame, dims.x);
- for (let i = 0; i < frame.fields.length; i++) {
- if (isGraphable(frame.fields[i])) {
- if (xIndex == null || i === xIndex) {
- xIndex = i;
- continue;
- }
- if (dims.exclude && dims.exclude.includes(getFieldDisplayName(frame.fields[i], frame, frames))) {
- continue; // skip
- }
- numericIndicies.push(i);
- }
- }
- if (xIndex == null) {
- throw 'Missing X dimension';
- }
- if (!numericIndicies.length) {
- throw 'No Y values';
- }
- return numericIndicies.map((yIndex) => getScatterSeries(seriesIndex++, frames, frameIndex, xIndex!, yIndex, {}));
- }
- interface DrawBubblesOpts {
- each: (u: uPlot, seriesIdx: number, dataIdx: number, lft: number, top: number, wid: number, hgt: number) => void;
- disp: {
- //unit: 3,
- size: {
- values: (u: uPlot, seriesIdx: number) => number[];
- };
- color: {
- values: (u: uPlot, seriesIdx: number) => string[];
- alpha: (u: uPlot, seriesIdx: number) => string[];
- };
- };
- }
- //const prepConfig: UPlotConfigPrepFnXY<XYChartOptions> = ({ frames, series, theme }) => {
- const prepConfig = (
- getData: () => DataFrame[],
- scatterSeries: ScatterSeries[],
- theme: GrafanaTheme2,
- ttip: ScatterHoverCallback
- ) => {
- let qt: Quadtree;
- let hRect: Rect | null;
- function drawBubblesFactory(opts: DrawBubblesOpts) {
- const drawBubbles: uPlot.Series.PathBuilder = (u, seriesIdx, idx0, idx1) => {
- uPlot.orient(
- u,
- seriesIdx,
- (
- series,
- dataX,
- dataY,
- scaleX,
- scaleY,
- valToPosX,
- valToPosY,
- xOff,
- yOff,
- xDim,
- yDim,
- moveTo,
- lineTo,
- rect,
- arc
- ) => {
- const scatterInfo = scatterSeries[seriesIdx - 1];
- let d = u.data[seriesIdx] as unknown as FacetSeries;
- let showLine = scatterInfo.line !== ScatterLineMode.None;
- let showPoints = scatterInfo.point === VisibilityMode.Always;
- if (!showPoints && scatterInfo.point === VisibilityMode.Auto) {
- showPoints = d[0].length < 1000;
- }
- // always show something
- if (!showPoints && !showLine) {
- showLine = true;
- }
- let strokeWidth = 1;
- u.ctx.save();
- u.ctx.rect(u.bbox.left, u.bbox.top, u.bbox.width, u.bbox.height);
- u.ctx.clip();
- u.ctx.fillStyle = (series.fill as any)(); // assumes constant
- u.ctx.strokeStyle = (series.stroke as any)();
- u.ctx.lineWidth = strokeWidth;
- let deg360 = 2 * Math.PI;
- let xKey = scaleX.key!;
- let yKey = scaleY.key!;
- let pointHints = scatterInfo.hints.pointSize;
- const colorByValue = scatterInfo.hints.pointColor.mode.isByValue;
- let maxSize = (pointHints.max ?? pointHints.fixed) * devicePixelRatio;
- // todo: this depends on direction & orientation
- // todo: calc once per redraw, not per path
- let filtLft = u.posToVal(-maxSize / 2, xKey);
- let filtRgt = u.posToVal(u.bbox.width / devicePixelRatio + maxSize / 2, xKey);
- let filtBtm = u.posToVal(u.bbox.height / devicePixelRatio + maxSize / 2, yKey);
- let filtTop = u.posToVal(-maxSize / 2, yKey);
- let sizes = opts.disp.size.values(u, seriesIdx);
- let pointColors = opts.disp.color.values(u, seriesIdx);
- let pointAlpha = opts.disp.color.alpha(u, seriesIdx);
- let linePath: Path2D | null = showLine ? new Path2D() : null;
- for (let i = 0; i < d[0].length; i++) {
- let xVal = d[0][i];
- let yVal = d[1][i];
- let size = sizes[i] * devicePixelRatio;
- if (xVal >= filtLft && xVal <= filtRgt && yVal >= filtBtm && yVal <= filtTop) {
- let cx = valToPosX(xVal, scaleX, xDim, xOff);
- let cy = valToPosY(yVal, scaleY, yDim, yOff);
- if (showLine) {
- linePath!.lineTo(cx, cy);
- }
- if (showPoints) {
- u.ctx.moveTo(cx + size / 2, cy);
- u.ctx.beginPath();
- u.ctx.arc(cx, cy, size / 2, 0, deg360);
- if (colorByValue) {
- u.ctx.fillStyle = pointAlpha[i];
- u.ctx.strokeStyle = pointColors[i];
- }
- u.ctx.fill();
- u.ctx.stroke();
- opts.each(
- u,
- seriesIdx,
- i,
- cx - size / 2 - strokeWidth / 2,
- cy - size / 2 - strokeWidth / 2,
- size + strokeWidth,
- size + strokeWidth
- );
- }
- }
- }
- if (showLine) {
- let frame = scatterInfo.frame(getData());
- u.ctx.strokeStyle = scatterInfo.lineColor(frame);
- u.ctx.lineWidth = scatterInfo.lineWidth * devicePixelRatio;
- const { lineStyle } = scatterInfo;
- if (lineStyle && lineStyle.fill !== 'solid') {
- if (lineStyle.fill === 'dot') {
- u.ctx.lineCap = 'round';
- }
- u.ctx.setLineDash(lineStyle.dash ?? [10, 10]);
- }
- u.ctx.stroke(linePath!);
- }
- u.ctx.restore();
- }
- );
- return null;
- };
- return drawBubbles;
- }
- let drawBubbles = drawBubblesFactory({
- disp: {
- size: {
- //unit: 3, // raw CSS pixels
- values: (u, seriesIdx) => {
- return u.data[seriesIdx][2] as any; // already contains final pixel geometry
- //let [minValue, maxValue] = getSizeMinMax(u);
- //return u.data[seriesIdx][2].map(v => getSize(v, minValue, maxValue));
- },
- },
- color: {
- // string values
- values: (u, seriesIdx) => {
- return u.data[seriesIdx][3] as any;
- },
- alpha: (u, seriesIdx) => {
- return u.data[seriesIdx][4] as any;
- },
- },
- },
- each: (u, seriesIdx, dataIdx, lft, top, wid, hgt) => {
- // we get back raw canvas coords (included axes & padding). translate to the plotting area origin
- lft -= u.bbox.left;
- top -= u.bbox.top;
- qt.add({ x: lft, y: top, w: wid, h: hgt, sidx: seriesIdx, didx: dataIdx });
- },
- });
- const builder = new UPlotConfigBuilder();
- builder.setCursor({
- drag: { setScale: true },
- dataIdx: (u, seriesIdx) => {
- if (seriesIdx === 1) {
- hRect = null;
- let dist = Infinity;
- let cx = u.cursor.left! * devicePixelRatio;
- let cy = u.cursor.top! * devicePixelRatio;
- qt.get(cx, cy, 1, 1, (o) => {
- if (pointWithin(cx, cy, o.x, o.y, o.x + o.w, o.y + o.h)) {
- let ocx = o.x + o.w / 2;
- let ocy = o.y + o.h / 2;
- let dx = ocx - cx;
- let dy = ocy - cy;
- let d = Math.sqrt(dx ** 2 + dy ** 2);
- // test against radius for actual hover
- if (d <= o.w / 2) {
- // only hover bbox with closest distance
- if (d <= dist) {
- dist = d;
- hRect = o;
- }
- }
- }
- });
- }
- return hRect && seriesIdx === hRect.sidx ? hRect.didx : null;
- },
- points: {
- size: (u, seriesIdx) => {
- return hRect && seriesIdx === hRect.sidx ? hRect.w / devicePixelRatio : 0;
- },
- fill: (u, seriesIdx) => 'rgba(255,255,255,0.4)',
- },
- });
- // clip hover points/bubbles to plotting area
- builder.addHook('init', (u, r) => {
- u.over.style.overflow = 'hidden';
- });
- let rect: DOMRect;
- // rect of .u-over (grid area)
- builder.addHook('syncRect', (u, r) => {
- rect = r;
- });
- builder.addHook('setLegend', (u) => {
- // console.log('TTIP???', u.cursor.idxs);
- if (u.cursor.idxs != null) {
- for (let i = 0; i < u.cursor.idxs.length; i++) {
- const sel = u.cursor.idxs[i];
- if (sel != null) {
- ttip({
- scatterIndex: i - 1,
- xIndex: sel,
- pageX: rect.left + u.cursor.left!,
- pageY: rect.top + u.cursor.top!,
- });
- return; // only show the first one
- }
- }
- }
- ttip(undefined);
- });
- builder.addHook('drawClear', (u) => {
- qt = qt || new Quadtree(0, 0, u.bbox.width, u.bbox.height);
- qt.clear();
- // force-clear the path cache to cause drawBars() to rebuild new quadtree
- u.series.forEach((s, i) => {
- if (i > 0) {
- // @ts-ignore
- s._paths = null;
- }
- });
- });
- builder.setMode(2);
- const frames = getData();
- let xField = scatterSeries[0].x(scatterSeries[0].frame(frames));
- builder.addScale({
- scaleKey: 'x',
- isTime: false,
- orientation: ScaleOrientation.Horizontal,
- direction: ScaleDirection.Right,
- range: (u, min, max) => [min, max],
- });
- builder.addAxis({
- scaleKey: 'x',
- placement:
- xField.config.custom?.axisPlacement !== AxisPlacement.Hidden ? AxisPlacement.Bottom : AxisPlacement.Hidden,
- show: xField.config.custom?.axisPlacement !== AxisPlacement.Hidden,
- theme,
- label: xField.config.custom.axisLabel,
- });
- scatterSeries.forEach((s) => {
- let frame = s.frame(frames);
- let field = s.y(frame);
- const lineColor = s.lineColor(frame);
- const pointColor = asSingleValue(frame, s.pointColor) as string;
- //const lineColor = s.lineColor(frame);
- //const lineWidth = s.lineWidth;
- let scaleKey = field.config.unit ?? 'y';
- builder.addScale({
- scaleKey,
- orientation: ScaleOrientation.Vertical,
- direction: ScaleDirection.Up,
- range: (u, min, max) => [min, max],
- });
- if (field.config.custom?.axisPlacement !== AxisPlacement.Hidden) {
- builder.addAxis({
- scaleKey,
- theme,
- placement: field.config.custom?.axisPlacement,
- label: field.config.custom.axisLabel,
- values: (u, splits) => splits.map((s) => field.display!(s).text),
- });
- }
- builder.addSeries({
- facets: [
- {
- scale: 'x',
- auto: true,
- },
- {
- scale: scaleKey,
- auto: true,
- },
- ],
- pathBuilder: drawBubbles, // drawBubbles({disp: {size: {values: () => }}})
- theme,
- scaleKey: '', // facets' scales used (above)
- lineColor: lineColor as string,
- fillColor: alpha(pointColor, 0.5),
- });
- });
- /*
- builder.setPrepData((frames) => {
- let seriesData = lookup.fieldMaps.flatMap((f, i) => {
- let { fields } = frames[i];
- return f.y.map((yIndex, frameSeriesIndex) => {
- let xValues = fields[f.x[frameSeriesIndex]].values.toArray();
- let yValues = fields[f.y[frameSeriesIndex]].values.toArray();
- let sizeValues = f.size![frameSeriesIndex](frames[i]);
- if (!Array.isArray(sizeValues)) {
- sizeValues = Array(xValues.length).fill(sizeValues);
- }
- return [xValues, yValues, sizeValues];
- });
- });
- return [null, ...seriesData];
- });
- */
- return builder;
- };
- /**
- * This is called everytime the data changes
- *
- * from? is this where we would support that? -- need the previous values
- */
- export function prepData(info: ScatterPanelInfo, data: DataFrame[], from?: number): FacetedData {
- if (info.error) {
- return [null];
- }
- return [
- null,
- ...info.series.map((s, idx) => {
- const frame = s.frame(data);
- let colorValues;
- let colorAlphaValues;
- const r = s.pointColor(frame);
- if (Array.isArray(r)) {
- colorValues = r;
- colorAlphaValues = r.map((c) => alpha(c as string, 0.5));
- } else {
- colorValues = Array(frame.length).fill(r);
- colorAlphaValues = Array(frame.length).fill(alpha(r as string, 0.5));
- }
- return [
- s.x(frame).values.toArray(), // X
- s.y(frame).values.toArray(), // Y
- asArray(frame, s.pointSize),
- colorValues,
- colorAlphaValues,
- ];
- }),
- ];
- }
- function asArray<T>(frame: DataFrame, lookup: DimensionValues<T>): T[] {
- const r = lookup(frame);
- if (Array.isArray(r)) {
- return r;
- }
- return Array(frame.length).fill(r);
- }
- function asSingleValue<T>(frame: DataFrame, lookup: DimensionValues<T>): T {
- const r = lookup(frame);
- if (Array.isArray(r)) {
- return r[0];
- }
- return r;
- }