BOPAlgo.msg 3.7 KB

  1. !!!!!!!!!! ----- Messages file for BOPAlgo package --------- !!!!!!!!!
  2. ! Keyword is name of corresponding alert (error or warning) class
  3. ! Special key used to check that messages are loaded; see BOPAlgo_Options.cxx
  5. N/A
  6. .BOPAlgo_AlertBOPIsNotSet
  7. The type of Boolean Operation is not set
  8. .BOPAlgo_AlertBOPNotAllowed
  9. Boolean operation of the given type is not allowed on the given inputs
  10. .BOPAlgo_AlertSolidBuilderFailed
  11. Building Fused solid has failed
  12. .BOPAlgo_AlertTooFewArguments
  13. There are no enough arguments to perform the operation
  14. .BOPAlgo_AlertMultipleArguments
  15. More than one argument is provided
  16. .BOPAlgo_AlertNoFiller
  17. The Pave Filler (the intersection tool) has not been created
  18. .BOPAlgo_AlertIntersectionFailed
  19. The intersection of the arguments has failed
  20. .BOPAlgo_AlertBuilderFailed
  21. Building of the result shape has failed
  22. .BOPAlgo_AlertNullFace
  23. The face given to be split is a null shape
  24. .BOPAlgo_AlertNullInputShapes
  25. No or null input shapes
  26. .BOPAlgo_AlertPostTreatFF
  27. Cannot connect face intersection curves
  28. .BOPAlgo_AlertEmptyShape
  29. Some of the arguments are empty shapes
  30. .BOPAlgo_AlertSelfInterferingShape
  31. Some of the arguments are self-interfering shapes
  32. .BOPAlgo_AlertTooSmallEdge
  33. Some edges are too small and have no valid range
  34. .BOPAlgo_AlertNotSplittableEdge
  35. Some edges are very small and have such a small valid range, that they cannot be split
  36. .BOPAlgo_AlertBadPositioning
  37. The positioning of the shapes leads to creation of the small edges without valid range
  38. .BOPAlgo_AlertShellSplitterFailed
  39. Unable to build loops from the given faces
  40. .BOPAlgo_AlertRemovalOfIBForMDimShapes
  41. Removal of internal boundaries among the multi-dimensional shapes is not supported yet
  42. .BOPAlgo_AlertRemovalOfIBForSolidsFailed
  43. Removal of internal boundaries among Solids has failed
  44. .BOPAlgo_AlertRemovalOfIBForFacesFailed
  45. Removal of internal boundaries among Faces has failed
  46. .BOPAlgo_AlertRemovalOfIBForEdgesFailed
  47. Removal of internal boundaries among Edges has failed
  48. .BOPAlgo_AlertIntersectionOfPairOfShapesFailed
  49. Intersection of pair of shapes has failed
  50. .BOPAlgo_AlertBuildingPCurveFailed
  51. Building 2D curve of edge on face has failed
  52. .BOPAlgo_AlertAcquiredSelfIntersection
  53. Some sub-shapes of some of the argument become connected through other shapes and the argument became self-interfered
  54. .BOPAlgo_AlertUnsupportedType
  55. Unsupported type of input shape
  56. .BOPAlgo_AlertUnableToRemoveTheFeature
  57. Unable to remove the feature
  58. .BOPAlgo_AlertNoFacesToRemove
  59. No faces have been found for removal
  60. .BOPAlgo_AlertRemoveFeaturesFailed
  61. The Feature Removal algorithm has failed
  62. .BOPAlgo_AlertSolidBuilderUnusedFaces
  63. Some of the faces passed to the Solid Builder algorithm have not been classified and not used for solids creation
  64. .BOPAlgo_AlertFaceBuilderUnusedEdges
  65. Some of the edges passed to the Face Builder algorithm have not been classified and not used for faces creation
  66. .BOPAlgo_AlertUnableToOrientTheShape
  67. Unable to orient the shape correctly
  68. .BOPAlgo_AlertUnknownShape
  69. Shape is unknown for operation
  70. .BOPAlgo_AlertNoPeriodicityRequired
  71. No periodicity has been requested for the shape
  72. .BOPAlgo_AlertUnableToTrim
  73. Unable to trim the shape for making it periodic (BOP Common fails)
  74. .BOPAlgo_AlertUnableToMakeIdentical
  75. Unable to make the shape to look identical on opposite sides (Splitter fails)
  76. .BOPAlgo_AlertUnableToRepeat
  77. Unable to repeat the shape (Gluer fails)
  78. .BOPAlgo_AlertMultiDimensionalArguments
  79. Multi-dimensional arguments
  80. .BOPAlgo_AlertUnableToMakePeriodic
  81. Unable to make the shape periodic
  82. .BOPAlgo_AlertUnableToGlue
  83. Unable to glue the shapes
  84. .BOPAlgo_AlertShapeIsNotPeriodic
  85. The shape is not periodic
  86. .BOPAlgo_AlertUnableToMakeClosedEdgeOnFace
  87. Unable to make closed edge on face.