XmlXcaf.xsd 3.4 KB

  1. <schema targetNamespace="http://www.opencascade.org/OCAF/XML/XCAF"
  2. xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
  3. xmlns:ocaf="http://www.opencascade.org/OCAF/XML"
  4. elementFormDefault="qualified">
  5. <import namespace="http://www.opencascade.org/OCAF/XML"
  6. schemaLocation="XmlOcaf.xsd"/>
  7. <annotation>
  8. <documentation xml:lang="en">
  9. Copyright (c) 2001-2014 OPEN CASCADE SAS
  10. This file is part of Open CASCADE Technology software library.
  11. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
  12. the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published
  13. by the Free Software Foundation, with special exception defined in the file
  14. OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt included in OCCT
  15. distribution for complete text of the license and disclaimer of any warranty.
  16. Alternatively, this file may be used under the terms of Open CASCADE
  17. commercial license or contractual agreement.
  18. Open Cascade Application Framework: Definition of attributes from XCAFDoc
  19. This file is included in XmlOcaf.xsd
  20. URL: $(CASROOT)/src/XmlOcafResource/XmlOcaf_XCAFDoc.xsd
  21. </documentation>
  22. </annotation>
  23. <element name="Area" type="ocaf:AbsRealAttributeType"
  24. substitutionGroup="ocaf:AbstractRealAtt"/>
  25. <element name="Volume" type="ocaf:AbsRealAttributeType"
  26. substitutionGroup="ocaf:AbstractRealAtt"/>
  27. <element name="Color" type="ocaf:AbsIntegerAttributeType"
  28. substitutionGroup="ocaf:AbstractIntegerAtt"/>
  29. <element name="Centroid" type="ocaf:AbsList3RealAttributeType"
  30. substitutionGroup="ocaf:AbstractList3RealAtt"/>
  31. <element name="GraphNode" substitutionGroup="ocaf:AbstractAttribute">
  32. <complexType>
  33. <complexContent>
  34. <extension base="ocaf:AbstractAttributeType">
  35. <attribute name="treeid" type="ocaf:GuidType" use="required"/>
  36. <attribute name="children" type="ocaf:ListOfInteger"/>
  37. <attribute name="fathers" type="ocaf:ListOfInteger"/>
  38. </extension>
  39. </complexContent>
  40. </complexType>
  41. </element>
  42. <element name="Location" substitutionGroup="ocaf:AbstractAttribute">
  43. <complexType>
  44. <complexContent>
  45. <extension base="ocaf:AbstractAttributeType">
  46. <sequence>
  47. <element ref="ocaf:location" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>
  48. </sequence>
  49. </extension>
  50. </complexContent>
  51. </complexType>
  52. </element>
  53. <element name="DocumentTool" substitutionGroup="ocaf:AbstractAttribute">
  54. <complexType>
  55. <complexContent>
  56. <extension base="ocaf:AbstractAttributeType">
  57. <sequence>
  58. </sequence>
  59. </extension>
  60. </complexContent>
  61. </complexType>
  62. </element>
  63. <element name="ColorTool" substitutionGroup="ocaf:AbstractAttribute">
  64. <complexType>
  65. <complexContent>
  66. <extension base="ocaf:AbstractAttributeType">
  67. <sequence>
  68. </sequence>
  69. </extension>
  70. </complexContent>
  71. </complexType>
  72. </element>
  73. <element name="ShapeTool" substitutionGroup="ocaf:AbstractAttribute">
  74. <complexType>
  75. <complexContent>
  76. <extension base="ocaf:AbstractAttributeType">
  77. <sequence>
  78. </sequence>
  79. </extension>
  80. </complexContent>
  81. </complexType>
  82. </element>
  83. <element name="LayerTool" substitutionGroup="ocaf:AbstractAttribute">
  84. <complexType>
  85. <complexContent>
  86. <extension base="ocaf:AbstractAttributeType">
  87. <sequence>
  88. </sequence>
  89. </extension>
  90. </complexContent>
  91. </complexType>
  92. </element>
  93. </schema>