""" Unit tests version for adodbapi""" """ adodbapi - A python DB API 2.0 interface to Microsoft ADO Copyright (C) 2002 Henrik Ekelund This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Updates by Vernon Cole """ import unittest import sys import datetime import decimal import copy import random import string try: import win32com.client win32 = True except ImportError: win32 = False # run the configuration module. import adodbapitestconfig as config # will set sys.path to find correct version of adodbapi # in our code below, all our switches are from config.whatever import tryconnection import adodbapi import adodbapi.apibase as api try: import adodbapi.ado_consts as ado_consts except ImportError: #we are doing a shortcut import as a module -- so try: import ado_consts except ImportError: from adodbapi import ado_consts def str2bytes(sval): return sval.encode("latin1") long = int def randomstring(length): return ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_letters) for n in range(32)]) class CommonDBTests(unittest.TestCase): "Self contained super-simple tests in easy syntax, should work on everything between mySQL and Oracle" def setUp(self): self.engine = 'unknown' def getEngine(self): return self.engine def getConnection(self): raise NotImplementedError #"This method must be overriden by a subclass" def getCursor(self): return self.getConnection().cursor() def testConnection(self): crsr=self.getCursor() assert crsr.__class__.__name__ == 'Cursor' def testErrorHandlerInherits(self): if not self.remote: conn=self.getConnection() mycallable=lambda connection,cursor,errorclass,errorvalue: 1 conn.errorhandler=mycallable crsr=conn.cursor() assert crsr.errorhandler==mycallable,"Error handler on crsr should be same as on connection" def testDefaultErrorHandlerConnection(self): if not self.remote: conn=self.getConnection() del conn.messages[:] try: conn.close() conn.commit() #Should not be able to use connection after it is closed except: assert len(conn.messages)==1 assert len(conn.messages[0])==2 assert conn.messages[0][0]==api.ProgrammingError def testOwnErrorHandlerConnection(self): if self.remote: # ToDo: use "skip" return mycallable=lambda connection,cursor,errorclass,errorvalue: 1 #does not raise anything conn=self.getConnection() conn.errorhandler=mycallable conn.close() conn.commit() #Should not be able to use connection after it is closed assert len(conn.messages)==0 conn.errorhandler=None #This should bring back the standard error handler try: conn.close() conn.commit() #Should not be able to use connection after it is closed except: pass #The Standard errorhandler appends error to messages attribute assert len(conn.messages)>0,"Setting errorhandler to none should bring back the standard error handler" def testDefaultErrorHandlerCursor(self): crsr=self.getConnection().cursor() if not self.remote: del crsr.messages[:] try: crsr.execute("SELECT abbtytddrf FROM dasdasd") except: assert len(crsr.messages)==1 assert len(crsr.messages[0])==2 assert crsr.messages[0][0]==api.DatabaseError def testOwnErrorHandlerCursor(self): if self.remote: # ToDo: should be a "skip" return mycallable=lambda connection,cursor,errorclass,errorvalue: 1 #does not raise anything crsr=self.getConnection().cursor() crsr.errorhandler=mycallable crsr.execute("SELECT abbtytddrf FROM dasdasd") assert len(crsr.messages)==0 crsr.errorhandler=None #This should bring back the standard error handler try: crsr.execute("SELECT abbtytddrf FROM dasdasd") except: pass #The Standard errorhandler appends error to messages attribute assert len(crsr.messages)>0,"Setting errorhandler to none should bring back the standard error handler" def testUserDefinedConversions(self): if self.remote: ## Todo: should be a "skip" return try: duplicatingConverter=lambda aStringField: aStringField*2 assert duplicatingConverter('gabba') == 'gabbagabba' self.helpForceDropOnTblTemp() conn=self.getConnection() # the variantConversions attribute should not exist on a normal connection object self.assertRaises(AttributeError, lambda x:conn.variantConversions[x],[2]) if not self.remote: # create a variantConversions attribute on the connection conn.variantConversions = copy.copy(api.variantConversions) crsr=conn.cursor() tabdef = "CREATE TABLE xx_%s (fldData VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, fld2 VARCHAR(20))" % config.tmp crsr.execute(tabdef) crsr.execute("INSERT INTO xx_%s(fldData,fld2) VALUES('gabba','booga')" % config.tmp) crsr.execute("INSERT INTO xx_%s(fldData,fld2) VALUES('hey','yo')" % config.tmp) # change converter for ALL adoStringTypes columns conn.variantConversions[api.adoStringTypes]=duplicatingConverter crsr.execute("SELECT fldData,fld2 FROM xx_%s ORDER BY fldData" % config.tmp) rows=crsr.fetchall() row = rows[0] self.assertEqual(row[0],'gabbagabba') row = rows[1] self.assertEqual(row[0],'heyhey') self.assertEqual(row[1],'yoyo') upcaseConverter=lambda aStringField: aStringField.upper() assert upcaseConverter('upThis') == 'UPTHIS' # now use a single column converter rows.converters[1] = upcaseConverter # convert second column self.assertEqual(row[0],'heyhey') # first will be unchanged self.assertEqual(row[1],'YO') # second will convert to upper case finally: try: del conn.variantConversions #Restore the default except: pass self.helpRollbackTblTemp() def testUserDefinedConversionForExactNumericTypes(self): # variantConversions is a dictionary of conversion functions # held internally in adodbapi.apibase # # !!! this test intentionally alters the value of what should be constant in the module # !!! no new code should use this example, to is only a test to see that the # !!! deprecated way of doing this still works. (use connection.variantConversions) # if not self.remote and sys.version_info < (3,0): ### Py3 need different test oldconverter = adodbapi.variantConversions[ado_consts.adNumeric] #keep old function to restore later # By default decimal and "numbers" are returned as decimals. # Instead, make numbers return as floats try: adodbapi.variantConversions[ado_consts.adNumeric] = adodbapi.cvtFloat self.helpTestDataType("decimal(18,2)",'NUMBER',3.45,compareAlmostEqual=1) self.helpTestDataType("numeric(18,2)",'NUMBER',3.45,compareAlmostEqual=1) # now return strings adodbapi.variantConversions[ado_consts.adNumeric] = adodbapi.cvtString self.helpTestDataType("numeric(18,2)",'NUMBER','3.45') # now a completly weird user defined convertion adodbapi.variantConversions[ado_consts.adNumeric] = lambda x: '!!This function returns a funny unicode string %s!!'%x self.helpTestDataType("numeric(18,2)",'NUMBER','3.45', allowedReturnValues=['!!This function returns a funny unicode string 3.45!!']) finally: # now reset the converter to its original function adodbapi.variantConversions[ado_consts.adNumeric]=oldconverter #Restore the original convertion function def helpTestDataType(self,sqlDataTypeString, DBAPIDataTypeString, pyData, pyDataInputAlternatives=None, compareAlmostEqual=None, allowedReturnValues=None): self.helpForceDropOnTblTemp() conn=self.getConnection() crsr=conn.cursor() tabdef= """ CREATE TABLE xx_%s ( fldId integer NOT NULL, fldData """ % config.tmp + sqlDataTypeString + ")\n" crsr.execute(tabdef) #Test Null values mapped to None crsr.execute("INSERT INTO xx_%s (fldId) VALUES (1)" % config.tmp) crsr.execute("SELECT fldId,fldData FROM xx_%s" % config.tmp) rs=crsr.fetchone() self.assertEqual(rs[1],None) #Null should be mapped to None assert rs[0]==1 #Test description related descTuple=crsr.description[1] assert descTuple[0] in ['fldData','flddata'], 'was "%s" expected "%s"'%(descTuple[0],'fldData') if DBAPIDataTypeString=='STRING': assert descTuple[1] == api.STRING, 'was "%s" expected "%s"'%(descTuple[1],api.STRING.values) elif DBAPIDataTypeString == 'NUMBER': assert descTuple[1] == api.NUMBER, 'was "%s" expected "%s"'%(descTuple[1],api.NUMBER.values) elif DBAPIDataTypeString == 'BINARY': assert descTuple[1] == api.BINARY, 'was "%s" expected "%s"'%(descTuple[1],api.BINARY.values) elif DBAPIDataTypeString == 'DATETIME': assert descTuple[1] == api.DATETIME, 'was "%s" expected "%s"'%(descTuple[1],api.DATETIME.values) elif DBAPIDataTypeString == 'ROWID': assert descTuple[1] == api.ROWID, 'was "%s" expected "%s"'%(descTuple[1],api.ROWID.values) elif DBAPIDataTypeString == 'UUID': assert descTuple[1] == api.OTHER, 'was "%s" expected "%s"'%(descTuple[1],api.OTHER.values) else: raise NotImplementedError #"DBAPIDataTypeString not provided" #Test data binding inputs=[pyData] if pyDataInputAlternatives: inputs.extend(pyDataInputAlternatives) inputs = set(inputs) # removes redundant string==unicode tests fldId=1 for inParam in inputs: fldId+=1 try: crsr.execute("INSERT INTO xx_%s (fldId,fldData) VALUES (?,?)" % config.tmp, (fldId, inParam)) except: if self.remote: for message in crsr.messages: print(message) else: conn.printADOerrors() raise crsr.execute("SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s WHERE ?=fldID" % config.tmp, [fldId]) rs=crsr.fetchone() if allowedReturnValues: allowedTypes = tuple([type(aRV) for aRV in allowedReturnValues]) assert isinstance(rs[0],allowedTypes), \ 'result type "%s" must be one of %s'%(type(rs[0]),allowedTypes) else: assert isinstance(rs[0] ,type(pyData)), \ 'result type "%s" must be instance of %s'%(type(rs[0]),type(pyData)) if compareAlmostEqual and DBAPIDataTypeString == 'DATETIME': iso1=adodbapi.dateconverter.DateObjectToIsoFormatString(rs[0]) iso2=adodbapi.dateconverter.DateObjectToIsoFormatString(pyData) self.assertEqual(iso1, iso2) elif compareAlmostEqual: s = float(pyData) v = float(rs[0]) assert abs(v-s)/s < 0.00001, \ "Values not almost equal recvd=%s, expected=%f" %(rs[0],s) else: if allowedReturnValues: ok=False self.assertTrue(rs[0] in allowedReturnValues, 'Value "%s" not in %s' % (repr(rs[0]), allowedReturnValues)) else: self.assertEqual(rs[0], pyData, 'Values are not equal recvd="%s", expected="%s"' %(rs[0],pyData)) def testDataTypeFloat(self): self.helpTestDataType("real",'NUMBER',3.45,compareAlmostEqual=True) self.helpTestDataType("float",'NUMBER',1.79e37,compareAlmostEqual=True) def testDataTypeDecmal(self): self.helpTestDataType("decimal(18,2)",'NUMBER',3.45, allowedReturnValues=['3.45','3,45',decimal.Decimal('3.45')]) self.helpTestDataType("numeric(18,2)",'NUMBER',3.45, allowedReturnValues=['3.45','3,45',decimal.Decimal('3.45')]) self.helpTestDataType("decimal(20,2)",'NUMBER',444444444444444444, allowedReturnValues=['444444444444444444.00', '444444444444444444,00', decimal.Decimal('444444444444444444')]) if self.getEngine() == 'MSSQL': self.helpTestDataType("uniqueidentifier",'UUID','{71A4F49E-39F3-42B1-A41E-48FF154996E6}', allowedReturnValues=['{71A4F49E-39F3-42B1-A41E-48FF154996E6}']) def testDataTypeMoney(self): #v2.1 Cole -- use decimal for money if self.getEngine() == 'MySQL': self.helpTestDataType("DECIMAL(20,4)",'NUMBER',decimal.Decimal('-922337203685477.5808')) elif self.getEngine() == 'PostgreSQL': self.helpTestDataType("money",'NUMBER',decimal.Decimal('-922337203685477.5808'), compareAlmostEqual=True, allowedReturnValues=[-922337203685477.5808, decimal.Decimal('-922337203685477.5808')]) else: self.helpTestDataType("smallmoney",'NUMBER',decimal.Decimal('214748.02')) self.helpTestDataType("money",'NUMBER',decimal.Decimal('-922337203685477.5808')) def testDataTypeInt(self): if self.getEngine() != 'PostgreSQL': self.helpTestDataType("tinyint",'NUMBER',115) self.helpTestDataType("smallint",'NUMBER',-32768) if self.getEngine() not in ['ACCESS','PostgreSQL']: self.helpTestDataType("bit",'NUMBER',1) #Does not work correctly with access if self.getEngine() in ['MSSQL','PostgreSQL']: self.helpTestDataType("bigint",'NUMBER',3000000000, allowedReturnValues=[3000000000, int(3000000000)]) self.helpTestDataType("int",'NUMBER',2147483647) def testDataTypeChar(self): for sqlDataType in ("char(6)","nchar(6)"): self.helpTestDataType(sqlDataType,'STRING','spam ',allowedReturnValues=['spam','spam','spam ','spam ']) def testDataTypeVarChar(self): if self.getEngine() == 'MySQL': stringKinds = ["varchar(10)","text"] elif self.getEngine() == 'PostgreSQL': stringKinds = ["varchar(10)","text","character varying"] else: stringKinds = ["varchar(10)","nvarchar(10)","text","ntext"] #,"varchar(max)"] for sqlDataType in stringKinds: self.helpTestDataType(sqlDataType,'STRING','spam',['spam']) def testDataTypeDate(self): if self.getEngine() == 'PostgreSQL': dt = "timestamp" else: dt = "datetime" self.helpTestDataType(dt,'DATETIME',adodbapi.Date(2002,10,28), compareAlmostEqual=True) if self.getEngine() not in ['MySQL','PostgreSQL']: self.helpTestDataType("smalldatetime",'DATETIME',adodbapi.Date(2002,10,28), compareAlmostEqual=True) if tag != 'pythontime' and self.getEngine() not in ['MySQL','PostgreSQL']: # fails when using pythonTime self.helpTestDataType(dt,'DATETIME', adodbapi.Timestamp(2002,10,28,12,15,1), compareAlmostEqual=True) def testDataTypeBinary(self): binfld = str2bytes('\x07\x00\xE2\x40*') arv = [binfld, adodbapi.Binary(binfld), bytes(binfld)] if self.getEngine() == 'PostgreSQL': self.helpTestDataType("bytea",'BINARY',adodbapi.Binary(binfld), allowedReturnValues=arv) else: self.helpTestDataType("binary(5)",'BINARY',adodbapi.Binary(binfld), allowedReturnValues=arv) self.helpTestDataType("varbinary(100)",'BINARY',adodbapi.Binary(binfld), allowedReturnValues=arv) if self.getEngine() != 'MySQL': self.helpTestDataType("image",'BINARY',adodbapi.Binary(binfld), allowedReturnValues=arv) def helpRollbackTblTemp(self): self.helpForceDropOnTblTemp() def helpForceDropOnTblTemp(self): conn=self.getConnection() with conn.cursor() as crsr: try: crsr.execute("DROP TABLE xx_%s" % config.tmp) if not conn.autocommit: conn.commit() except: pass def helpCreateAndPopulateTableTemp(self,crsr): tabdef= """ CREATE TABLE xx_%s ( fldData INTEGER ) """ % config.tmp try: #EAFP crsr.execute(tabdef) except api.DatabaseError: # was not dropped before self.helpForceDropOnTblTemp() # so drop it now crsr.execute(tabdef) for i in range(9): # note: this poor SQL code, but a valid test crsr.execute("INSERT INTO xx_%s (fldData) VALUES (%i)" % (config.tmp, i)) # NOTE: building the test table without using parameter substitution def testFetchAll(self): crsr=self.getCursor() self.helpCreateAndPopulateTableTemp(crsr) crsr.execute("SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s" % config.tmp) rs=crsr.fetchall() assert len(rs)==9 #test slice of rows i = 3 for row in rs[3:-2]: #should have rowid 3..6 assert row[0]==i i+=1 self.helpRollbackTblTemp() def testPreparedStatement(self): crsr=self.getCursor() self.helpCreateAndPopulateTableTemp(crsr) crsr.prepare("SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s" % config.tmp) crsr.execute(crsr.command) # remembes the one that was prepared rs=crsr.fetchall() assert len(rs)==9 assert rs[2][0]==2 self.helpRollbackTblTemp() def testWrongPreparedStatement(self): crsr=self.getCursor() self.helpCreateAndPopulateTableTemp(crsr) crsr.prepare("SELECT * FROM nowhere") crsr.execute("SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s" % config.tmp) # should execute this one, not the prepared one rs=crsr.fetchall() assert len(rs)==9 assert rs[2][0]==2 self.helpRollbackTblTemp() def testIterator(self): crsr=self.getCursor() self.helpCreateAndPopulateTableTemp(crsr) crsr.execute("SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s" % config.tmp) for i,row in enumerate(crsr): # using cursor as an iterator, rather than fetchxxx assert row[0]==i self.helpRollbackTblTemp() def testExecuteMany(self): crsr=self.getCursor() self.helpCreateAndPopulateTableTemp(crsr) seq_of_values = [ (111,) , (222,) ] crsr.executemany("INSERT INTO xx_%s (fldData) VALUES (?)" % config.tmp, seq_of_values) if crsr.rowcount==-1: print(self.getEngine()+" Provider does not support rowcount (on .executemany())") else: self.assertEqual( crsr.rowcount,2) crsr.execute("SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s" % config.tmp) rs=crsr.fetchall() assert len(rs)==11 self.helpRollbackTblTemp() def testRowCount(self): crsr=self.getCursor() self.helpCreateAndPopulateTableTemp(crsr) crsr.execute("SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s" % config.tmp) if crsr.rowcount == -1: #print("provider does not support rowcount on select") pass else: self.assertEqual( crsr.rowcount,9) self.helpRollbackTblTemp() def testRowCountNoRecordset(self): crsr=self.getCursor() self.helpCreateAndPopulateTableTemp(crsr) crsr.execute("DELETE FROM xx_%s WHERE fldData >= 5" % config.tmp) if crsr.rowcount==-1: print(self.getEngine()+" Provider does not support rowcount (on DELETE)") else: self.assertEqual( crsr.rowcount,4) self.helpRollbackTblTemp() def testFetchMany(self): crsr=self.getCursor() self.helpCreateAndPopulateTableTemp(crsr) crsr.execute("SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s" % config.tmp) rs=crsr.fetchmany(3) assert len(rs)==3 rs=crsr.fetchmany(5) assert len(rs)==5 rs=crsr.fetchmany(5) assert len(rs)==1 #Asked for five, but there is only one left self.helpRollbackTblTemp() def testFetchManyWithArraySize(self): crsr=self.getCursor() self.helpCreateAndPopulateTableTemp(crsr) crsr.execute("SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s" % config.tmp) rs=crsr.fetchmany() assert len(rs)==1 #arraysize Defaults to one crsr.arraysize=4 rs=crsr.fetchmany() assert len(rs)==4 rs=crsr.fetchmany() assert len(rs)==4 rs=crsr.fetchmany() assert len(rs)==0 self.helpRollbackTblTemp() def testErrorConnect(self): conn = self.getConnection() kw = {} if 'proxy_host' in conn.kwargs: kw['proxy_host'] = conn.kwargs['proxy_host'] conn.close() self.assertRaises(api.DatabaseError, self.db, 'not a valid connect string', kw) def testRowIterator(self): self.helpForceDropOnTblTemp() conn=self.getConnection() crsr=conn.cursor() tabdef= """ CREATE TABLE xx_%s ( fldId integer NOT NULL, fldTwo integer, fldThree integer, fldFour integer) """ % config.tmp crsr.execute(tabdef) inputs = [(2,3,4),(102,103,104)] fldId=1 for inParam in inputs: fldId+=1 try: crsr.execute("INSERT INTO xx_%s (fldId,fldTwo,fldThree,fldFour) VALUES (?,?,?,?)" % config.tmp, (fldId,inParam[0],inParam[1],inParam[2])) except: if self.remote: for message in crsr.messages: print(message) else: conn.printADOerrors() raise crsr.execute("SELECT fldTwo,fldThree,fldFour FROM xx_%s WHERE ?=fldID" % config.tmp, [fldId]) rec = crsr.fetchone() # check that stepping through an emulated row works for j in range(len(inParam)): assert rec[j] == inParam[j], 'returned value:"%s" != test value:"%s"'%(rec[j],inParam[j]) # check that we can get a complete tuple from a row assert tuple(rec) == inParam, 'returned value:"%s" != test value:"%s"'%(repr(rec),repr(inParam)) # test that slices of rows work slice1 = tuple(rec[:-1]) slice2 = tuple(inParam[0:2]) assert slice1 == slice2, 'returned value:"%s" != test value:"%s"'%(repr(slice1),repr(slice2)) # now test named column retrieval assert rec['fldTwo'] == inParam[0] assert rec.fldThree == inParam[1] assert rec.fldFour == inParam[2] # test array operation # note that the fields vv vv vv are out of order crsr.execute("select fldThree,fldFour,fldTwo from xx_%s" % config.tmp) recs = crsr.fetchall() assert recs[1][0] == 103 assert recs[0][1] == 4 assert recs[1]['fldFour'] == 104 assert recs[0,0] == 3 assert recs[0,'fldTwo'] == 2 assert recs[1,2] == 102 for i in range(1): for j in range(2): assert recs[i][j] == recs[i,j] def testFormatParamstyle(self): self.helpForceDropOnTblTemp() conn=self.getConnection() conn.paramstyle = 'format' #test nonstandard use of paramstyle crsr=conn.cursor() tabdef= """ CREATE TABLE xx_%s ( fldId integer NOT NULL, fldData varchar(10), fldConst varchar(30)) """ % config.tmp crsr.execute(tabdef) inputs = ['one','two','three'] fldId=2 for inParam in inputs: fldId+=1 sql = "INSERT INTO xx_" + \ config.tmp + \ " (fldId,fldConst,fldData) VALUES (%s,'thi%s :may cause? trouble', %s)" try: crsr.execute(sql, (fldId,inParam)) except: if self.remote: for message in crsr.messages: print(message) else: conn.printADOerrors() raise crsr.execute("SELECT fldData, fldConst FROM xx_" + config.tmp + " WHERE %s=fldID", [fldId]) rec = crsr.fetchone() self.assertEqual(rec[0], inParam, 'returned value:"%s" != test value:"%s"' % (rec[0],inParam)) self.assertEqual(rec[1], "thi%s :may cause? trouble") # now try an operation with a "%s" as part of a literal sel = "insert into xx_" + config.tmp + " (fldId,fldData) VALUES (%s,'four%sfive')" params = (20,) crsr.execute(sel,params) #test the .query implementation assert '(?,' in crsr.query, 'expected:"%s" in "%s"'%('(?,',crsr.query) #test the .command attribute assert crsr.command == sel, 'expected:"%s" but found "%s"' % (sel, crsr.command) #test the .parameters attribute if not self.remote: # parameter list will be altered in transit self.assertEqual(crsr.parameters, params) #now make sure the data made it crsr.execute("SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s WHERE fldID=20" % config.tmp) rec = crsr.fetchone() self.assertEqual(rec[0], 'four%sfive') def testNamedParamstyle(self): self.helpForceDropOnTblTemp() conn=self.getConnection() crsr=conn.cursor() crsr.paramstyle = 'named' #test nonstandard use of paramstyle tabdef= """ CREATE TABLE xx_%s ( fldId integer NOT NULL, fldData varchar(10)) """ % config.tmp crsr.execute(tabdef) inputs = ['four','five','six'] fldId=10 for inParam in inputs: fldId+=1 try: crsr.execute("INSERT INTO xx_%s (fldId,fldData) VALUES (:Id,:f_Val)" % config.tmp, {"f_Val":inParam,'Id':fldId}) except: if self.remote: for message in crsr.messages: print(message) else: conn.printADOerrors() raise crsr.execute("SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s WHERE fldID=:Id" % config.tmp, {'Id':fldId}) rec = crsr.fetchone() self.assertEqual(rec[0], inParam, 'returned value:"%s" != test value:"%s"'%(rec[0],inParam)) # now a test with a ":" as part of a literal crsr.execute("insert into xx_%s (fldId,fldData) VALUES (:xyz,'six:five')" % config.tmp,{'xyz':30}) crsr.execute("SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s WHERE fldID=30" % config.tmp) rec = crsr.fetchone() self.assertEqual(rec[0], 'six:five') def testPyformatParamstyle(self): self.helpForceDropOnTblTemp() conn=self.getConnection() crsr=conn.cursor() crsr.paramstyle = 'pyformat' #test nonstandard use of paramstyle tabdef= """ CREATE TABLE xx_%s ( fldId integer NOT NULL, fldData varchar(10)) """ % config.tmp crsr.execute(tabdef) inputs = ['four', 'five', 'six'] fldId=10 for inParam in inputs: fldId+=1 try: crsr.execute("INSERT INTO xx_%s (fldId,fldData) VALUES (%%(Id)s,%%(f_Val)s)" % config.tmp, {"f_Val": inParam, 'Id': fldId}) except: if self.remote: for message in crsr.messages: print(message) else: conn.printADOerrors() raise crsr.execute("SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s WHERE fldID=%%(Id)s" % config.tmp, {'Id':fldId}) rec = crsr.fetchone() self.assertEqual(rec[0], inParam, 'returned value:"%s" != test value:"%s"'%(rec[0],inParam)) # now a test with a "%" as part of a literal crsr.execute("insert into xx_%s (fldId,fldData) VALUES (%%(xyz)s,'six%%five')" % config.tmp,{'xyz': 30}) crsr.execute("SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s WHERE fldID=30" % config.tmp) rec = crsr.fetchone() self.assertEqual(rec[0], 'six%five') def testAutomaticParamstyle(self): self.helpForceDropOnTblTemp() conn=self.getConnection() conn.paramstyle = 'dynamic' #test nonstandard use of paramstyle crsr=conn.cursor() tabdef= """ CREATE TABLE xx_%s ( fldId integer NOT NULL, fldData varchar(10), fldConst varchar(30)) """ % config.tmp crsr.execute(tabdef) inputs = ['one', 'two', 'three'] fldId=2 for inParam in inputs: fldId+=1 try: crsr.execute("INSERT INTO xx_" + config.tmp + \ " (fldId,fldConst,fldData) VALUES (?,'thi%s :may cause? troub:1e', ?)", (fldId,inParam)) except: if self.remote: for message in crsr.messages: print(message) else: conn.printADOerrors() raise trouble = 'thi%s :may cause? troub:1e' crsr.execute("SELECT fldData, fldConst FROM xx_" + config.tmp + " WHERE ?=fldID", [fldId]) rec = crsr.fetchone() self.assertEqual(rec[0], inParam, 'returned value:"%s" != test value:"%s"'%(rec[0],inParam)) self.assertEqual(rec[1], trouble) # inputs = [u'four',u'five',u'six'] fldId=10 for inParam in inputs: fldId+=1 try: crsr.execute("INSERT INTO xx_%s (fldId,fldData) VALUES (:Id,:f_Val)" % config.tmp, {"f_Val":inParam,'Id':fldId}) except: if self.remote: for message in crsr.messages: print(message) else: conn.printADOerrors() raise crsr.execute("SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s WHERE :Id=fldID" % config.tmp, {'Id':fldId}) rec = crsr.fetchone() self.assertEqual(rec[0], inParam, 'returned value:"%s" != test value:"%s"'%(rec[0],inParam)) # now a test with a ":" as part of a literal -- and use a prepared query ppdcmd = "insert into xx_%s (fldId,fldData) VALUES (:xyz,'six:five')" % config.tmp crsr.prepare(ppdcmd) crsr.execute(ppdcmd, {'xyz':30}) crsr.execute("SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s WHERE fldID=30" % config.tmp) rec = crsr.fetchone() self.assertEqual(rec[0], 'six:five') def testRollBack(self): conn = self.getConnection() crsr = conn.cursor() assert not crsr.connection.autocommit, 'Unexpected beginning condition' self.helpCreateAndPopulateTableTemp(crsr) crsr.connection.commit() # commit the first bunch crsr.execute("INSERT INTO xx_%s (fldData) VALUES(100)" % config.tmp) selectSql = "SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s WHERE fldData=100" % config.tmp crsr.execute(selectSql) rs = crsr.fetchall() assert len(rs) == 1 self.conn.rollback() crsr.execute(selectSql) assert crsr.fetchone() == None, 'cursor.fetchone should return None if a query retrieves no rows' crsr.execute('SELECT fldData from xx_%s' % config.tmp) rs = crsr.fetchall() assert len(rs) == 9, 'the original records should still be present' self.helpRollbackTblTemp() def testCommit(self): try: con2 = self.getAnotherConnection() except NotImplementedError: return # should be "SKIP" for ACCESS assert not con2.autocommit, 'default should be manual commit' crsr = con2.cursor() self.helpCreateAndPopulateTableTemp(crsr) crsr.execute("INSERT INTO xx_%s (fldData) VALUES(100)" % config.tmp) con2.commit() selectSql = "SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s WHERE fldData=100" % config.tmp crsr.execute(selectSql) rs = crsr.fetchall() assert len(rs) == 1 crsr.close() con2.close() conn = self.getConnection() crsr = self.getCursor() with conn.cursor() as crsr: crsr.execute(selectSql) rs = crsr.fetchall() assert len(rs) == 1 assert rs[0][0] == 100 self.helpRollbackTblTemp() def testAutoRollback(self): try: con2 = self.getAnotherConnection() except NotImplementedError: return # should be "SKIP" for ACCESS assert not con2.autocommit, 'unexpected beginning condition' crsr = con2.cursor() self.helpCreateAndPopulateTableTemp(crsr) crsr.execute("INSERT INTO xx_%s (fldData) VALUES(100)" % config.tmp) selectSql = "SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s WHERE fldData=100" % config.tmp crsr.execute(selectSql) rs = crsr.fetchall() assert len(rs) == 1 crsr.close() con2.close() crsr = self.getCursor() try: crsr.execute(selectSql) # closing the connection should have forced rollback row = crsr.fetchone() except api.DatabaseError: row = None # if the entire table disappeared the rollback was perfect and the test passed assert row == None, 'cursor.fetchone should return None if a query retrieves no rows. Got %s' % repr(row) self.helpRollbackTblTemp() def testAutoCommit(self): try: ac_conn = self.getAnotherConnection({'autocommit': True}) except NotImplementedError: return # should be "SKIP" for ACCESS crsr = ac_conn.cursor() self.helpCreateAndPopulateTableTemp(crsr) crsr.execute("INSERT INTO xx_%s (fldData) VALUES(100)" % config.tmp) crsr.close() with self.getCursor() as crsr: selectSql = 'SELECT fldData from xx_%s' % config.tmp crsr.execute(selectSql) # closing the connection should _not_ have forced rollback rs = crsr.fetchall() assert len(rs) == 10, 'all records should still be present' ac_conn.close() self.helpRollbackTblTemp() def testSwitchedAutoCommit(self): try: ac_conn = self.getAnotherConnection() except NotImplementedError: return # should be "SKIP" for ACCESS ac_conn.autocommit = True crsr = ac_conn.cursor() self.helpCreateAndPopulateTableTemp(crsr) crsr.execute("INSERT INTO xx_%s (fldData) VALUES(100)" % config.tmp) crsr.close() conn = self.getConnection() ac_conn.close() with self.getCursor() as crsr: selectSql = 'SELECT fldData from xx_%s' % config.tmp crsr.execute(selectSql) # closing the connection should _not_ have forced rollback rs = crsr.fetchall() assert len(rs) == 10, 'all records should still be present' self.helpRollbackTblTemp() def testExtendedTypeHandling(self): class XtendString(str): pass class XtendInt(int): pass class XtendFloat(float): pass xs = XtendString(randomstring(30)) xi = XtendInt(random.randint(-100, 500)) xf = XtendFloat(random.random()) self.helpForceDropOnTblTemp() conn = self.getConnection() crsr = conn.cursor() tabdef = """ CREATE TABLE xx_%s ( s VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL, i INTEGER NOT NULL, f REAL NOT NULL)""" % config.tmp crsr.execute(tabdef) crsr.execute("INSERT INTO xx_%s (s, i, f) VALUES (?, ?, ?)" % config.tmp, (xs, xi, xf)) crsr.close() conn = self.getConnection() with self.getCursor() as crsr: selectSql = 'SELECT s, i, f from xx_%s' % config.tmp crsr.execute(selectSql) # closing the connection should _not_ have forced rollback row = crsr.fetchone() self.assertEqual(row.s, xs) self.assertEqual(row.i, xi) self.assertAlmostEqual(row.f, xf) self.helpRollbackTblTemp() class TestADOwithSQLServer(CommonDBTests): def setUp(self): self.conn = config.dbSqlServerconnect(*config.connStrSQLServer[0], **config.connStrSQLServer[1]) self.conn.timeout = 30 # turn timeout back up self.engine = 'MSSQL' self.db = config.dbSqlServerconnect self.remote = config.connStrSQLServer[2] def tearDown(self): try: self.conn.rollback() except: pass try: self.conn.close() except: pass self.conn=None def getConnection(self): return self.conn def getAnotherConnection(self, addkeys=None): keys = dict(config.connStrSQLServer[1]) if addkeys: keys.update(addkeys) return config.dbSqlServerconnect(*config.connStrSQLServer[0], **keys) def testVariableReturningStoredProcedure(self): crsr=self.conn.cursor() spdef= """ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_DeleteMeOnlyForTesting @theInput varchar(50), @theOtherInput varchar(50), @theOutput varchar(100) OUTPUT AS SET @theOutput=@theInput+@theOtherInput """ try: crsr.execute("DROP PROCEDURE sp_DeleteMeOnlyForTesting") self.conn.commit() except: #Make sure it is empty pass crsr.execute(spdef) retvalues=crsr.callproc('sp_DeleteMeOnlyForTesting',('Dodsworth','Anne',' ')) assert retvalues[0]=='Dodsworth', '%s is not "Dodsworth"'%repr(retvalues[0]) assert retvalues[1]=='Anne','%s is not "Anne"'%repr(retvalues[1]) assert retvalues[2]=='DodsworthAnne','%s is not "DodsworthAnne"'%repr(retvalues[2]) self.conn.rollback() def testMultipleSetReturn(self): crsr=self.getCursor() self.helpCreateAndPopulateTableTemp(crsr) spdef= """ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_DeleteMe_OnlyForTesting AS SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s ORDER BY fldData ASC SELECT fldData From xx_%s where fldData = -9999 SELECT fldData FROM xx_%s ORDER BY fldData DESC """ % (config.tmp, config.tmp, config.tmp) try: crsr.execute("DROP PROCEDURE sp_DeleteMe_OnlyForTesting") self.conn.commit() except: #Make sure it is empty pass crsr.execute(spdef) retvalues=crsr.callproc('sp_DeleteMe_OnlyForTesting') row=crsr.fetchone() self.assertEqual(row[0], 0) assert crsr.nextset() == True, 'Operation should succeed' assert not crsr.fetchall(), 'Should be an empty second set' assert crsr.nextset() == True, 'third set should be present' rowdesc=crsr.fetchall() self.assertEqual(rowdesc[0][0],8) assert crsr.nextset() == None,'No more return sets, should return None' self.helpRollbackTblTemp() def testDatetimeProcedureParameter(self): crsr=self.conn.cursor() spdef= """ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_DeleteMeOnlyForTesting @theInput DATETIME, @theOtherInput varchar(50), @theOutput varchar(100) OUTPUT AS SET @theOutput = CONVERT(CHARACTER(20), @theInput, 0) + @theOtherInput """ try: crsr.execute("DROP PROCEDURE sp_DeleteMeOnlyForTesting") self.conn.commit() except: #Make sure it is empty pass crsr.execute(spdef) result = crsr.callproc('sp_DeleteMeOnlyForTesting', [adodbapi.Timestamp(2014,12,25,0,1,0), 'Beep', ' ' * 30]) assert result[2] == 'Dec 25 2014 12:01AM Beep', 'value was="%s"' % result[2] self.conn.rollback() def testIncorrectStoredProcedureParameter(self): crsr=self.conn.cursor() spdef= """ CREATE PROCEDURE sp_DeleteMeOnlyForTesting @theInput DATETIME, @theOtherInput varchar(50), @theOutput varchar(100) OUTPUT AS SET @theOutput = CONVERT(CHARACTER(20), @theInput) + @theOtherInput """ try: crsr.execute("DROP PROCEDURE sp_DeleteMeOnlyForTesting") self.conn.commit() except: #Make sure it is empty pass crsr.execute(spdef) # calling the sproc with a string for the first parameter where a DateTime is expected result = tryconnection.try_operation_with_expected_exception( (api.DataError,api.DatabaseError), crsr.callproc, ['sp_DeleteMeOnlyForTesting'], {'parameters': ['this is wrong', 'Anne', 'not Alice']} ) if result[0]: # the expected exception was raised assert '@theInput' in str(result[1]) or 'DatabaseError' in str(result), \ 'Identifies the wrong erroneous parameter' else: assert result[0], result[1] # incorrect or no exception self.conn.rollback() class TestADOwithAccessDB(CommonDBTests): def setUp(self): self.conn = config.dbAccessconnect(*config.connStrAccess[0], **config.connStrAccess[1]) self.conn.timeout = 30 # turn timeout back up self.engine = 'ACCESS' self.db = config.dbAccessconnect self.remote = config.connStrAccess[2] def tearDown(self): try: self.conn.rollback() except: pass try: self.conn.close() except: pass self.conn=None def getConnection(self): return self.conn def getAnotherConnection(self, addkeys=None): raise NotImplementedError('Jet cannot use a second connection to the database') def testOkConnect(self): c = self.db(*config.connStrAccess[0], **config.connStrAccess[1]) assert c != None c.close() class TestADOwithMySql(CommonDBTests): def setUp(self): self.conn = config.dbMySqlconnect(*config.connStrMySql[0], **config.connStrMySql[1]) self.conn.timeout = 30 # turn timeout back up self.engine = 'MySQL' self.db = config.dbMySqlconnect self.remote = config.connStrMySql[2] def tearDown(self): try: self.conn.rollback() except: pass try: self.conn.close() except: pass self.conn=None def getConnection(self): return self.conn def getAnotherConnection(self, addkeys=None): keys = dict(config.connStrMySql[1]) if addkeys: keys.update(addkeys) return config.dbMySqlconnect(*config.connStrMySql[0], **keys) def testOkConnect(self): c = self.db(*config.connStrMySql[0], **config.connStrMySql[1]) assert c != None # def testStoredProcedure(self): # crsr=self.conn.cursor() # try: # crsr.execute("DROP PROCEDURE DeleteMeOnlyForTesting") # self.conn.commit() # except: #Make sure it is empty # pass # spdef= """ # DELIMITER $$ # CREATE PROCEDURE DeleteMeOnlyForTesting (onein CHAR(10), twoin CHAR(10), OUT theout CHAR(20)) # DETERMINISTIC # BEGIN # SET theout = onein //|| twoin; # /* (SELECT 'a small string' as result; */ # END $$ # """ # # crsr.execute(spdef) # # retvalues=crsr.callproc('DeleteMeOnlyForTesting',('Dodsworth','Anne',' ')) # print 'return value (mysql)=',repr(crsr.returnValue) ### # assert retvalues[0]=='Dodsworth', '%s is not "Dodsworth"'%repr(retvalues[0]) # assert retvalues[1]=='Anne','%s is not "Anne"'%repr(retvalues[1]) # assert retvalues[2]=='DodsworthAnne','%s is not "DodsworthAnne"'%repr(retvalues[2]) # # try: # crsr.execute("DROP PROCEDURE, DeleteMeOnlyForTesting") # self.conn.commit() # except: #Make sure it is empty # pass class TestADOwithPostgres(CommonDBTests): def setUp(self): self.conn = config.dbPostgresConnect(*config.connStrPostgres[0], **config.connStrPostgres[1]) self.conn.timeout = 30 # turn timeout back up self.engine = 'PostgreSQL' self.db = config.dbPostgresConnect self.remote = config.connStrPostgres[2] def tearDown(self): try: self.conn.rollback() except: pass try: self.conn.close() except: pass self.conn=None def getConnection(self): return self.conn def getAnotherConnection(self, addkeys=None): keys = dict(config.connStrPostgres[1]) if addkeys: keys.update(addkeys) return config.dbPostgresConnect(*config.connStrPostgres[0], **keys) def testOkConnect(self): c = self.db(*config.connStrPostgres[0], **config.connStrPostgres[1]) assert c != None # def testStoredProcedure(self): # crsr=self.conn.cursor() # spdef= """ # CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION DeleteMeOnlyForTesting (text, text) # RETURNS text AS $funk$ # BEGIN # RETURN $1 || $2; # END; # $funk$ # LANGUAGE SQL; # """ # # crsr.execute(spdef) # retvalues = crsr.callproc('DeleteMeOnlyForTesting',('Dodsworth','Anne',' ')) # ### print 'return value (pg)=',repr(crsr.returnValue) ### # assert retvalues[0]=='Dodsworth', '%s is not "Dodsworth"'%repr(retvalues[0]) # assert retvalues[1]=='Anne','%s is not "Anne"'%repr(retvalues[1]) # assert retvalues[2]=='Dodsworth Anne','%s is not "Dodsworth Anne"'%repr(retvalues[2]) # self.conn.rollback() # try: # crsr.execute("DROP PROCEDURE, DeleteMeOnlyForTesting") # self.conn.commit() # except: #Make sure it is empty # pass class TimeConverterInterfaceTest(unittest.TestCase): def testIDate(self): assert self.tc.Date(1990,2,2) def testITime(self): assert self.tc.Time(13,2,2) def testITimestamp(self): assert self.tc.Timestamp(1990,2,2,13,2,1) def testIDateObjectFromCOMDate(self): assert self.tc.DateObjectFromCOMDate(37435.7604282) def testICOMDate(self): assert hasattr(self.tc,'COMDate') def testExactDate(self): d=self.tc.Date(1994,11,15) comDate=self.tc.COMDate(d) correct=34653.0 assert comDate == correct,comDate def testExactTimestamp(self): d=self.tc.Timestamp(1994,11,15,12,0,0) comDate=self.tc.COMDate(d) correct=34653.5 self.assertEqual( comDate ,correct) d=self.tc.Timestamp(2003,5,6,14,15,17) comDate=self.tc.COMDate(d) correct=37747.593946759262 self.assertEqual( comDate ,correct) def testIsoFormat(self): d=self.tc.Timestamp(1994,11,15,12,3,10) iso=self.tc.DateObjectToIsoFormatString(d) self.assertEqual(str(iso[:19]) , '1994-11-15 12:03:10') dt=self.tc.Date(2003,5,2) iso=self.tc.DateObjectToIsoFormatString(dt) self.assertEqual(str(iso[:10]), '2003-05-02') if config.doMxDateTimeTest: import mx.DateTime class TestMXDateTimeConverter(TimeConverterInterfaceTest): def setUp(self): self.tc = api.mxDateTimeConverter() def testCOMDate(self): t=mx.DateTime.DateTime(2002,6,28,18,15,2) cmd=self.tc.COMDate(t) assert cmd == t.COMDate() def testDateObjectFromCOMDate(self): cmd=self.tc.DateObjectFromCOMDate(37435.7604282) t=mx.DateTime.DateTime(2002,6,28,18,15,0) t2=mx.DateTime.DateTime(2002,6,28,18,15,2) assert t2>cmd>t def testDate(self): assert mx.DateTime.Date(1980,11,4)==self.tc.Date(1980,11,4) def testTime(self): assert mx.DateTime.Time(13,11,4)==self.tc.Time(13,11,4) def testTimestamp(self): t=mx.DateTime.DateTime(2002,6,28,18,15,1) obj=self.tc.Timestamp(2002,6,28,18,15,1) assert t == obj import time class TestPythonTimeConverter(TimeConverterInterfaceTest): def setUp(self): self.tc=api.pythonTimeConverter() def testCOMDate(self): mk = time.mktime((2002,6,28,18,15,1, 4,31+28+31+30+31+28,-1)) t=time.localtime(mk) # Fri, 28 Jun 2002 18:15:01 +0000 cmd=self.tc.COMDate(t) assert abs(cmd - 37435.7604282) < 1.0/24,"%f more than an hour wrong" % cmd def testDateObjectFromCOMDate(self): cmd=self.tc.DateObjectFromCOMDate(37435.7604282) t1=time.gmtime(time.mktime((2002,6,28,0,14,1, 4,31+28+31+30+31+28,-1))) #there are errors in the implementation of gmtime which we ignore t2=time.gmtime(time.mktime((2002,6,29,12,14,2, 4,31+28+31+30+31+28,-1))) assert t1