import logging import os import shlex import subprocess import time import pytest import pandas._testing as tm from import read_csv @pytest.fixture def tips_file(datapath): """Path to the tips dataset""" return datapath("io", "data", "csv", "tips.csv") @pytest.fixture def jsonl_file(datapath): """Path to a JSONL dataset""" return datapath("io", "parser", "data", "items.jsonl") @pytest.fixture def salaries_table(datapath): """DataFrame with the salaries dataset""" return read_csv(datapath("io", "parser", "data", "salaries.csv"), sep="\t") @pytest.fixture def feather_file(datapath): return datapath("io", "data", "feather", "feather-0_3_1.feather") @pytest.fixture def s3so(worker_id): worker_id = "5" if worker_id == "master" else worker_id.lstrip("gw") return {"client_kwargs": {"endpoint_url": f"{worker_id}/"}} @pytest.fixture(scope="session") def s3_base(worker_id): """ Fixture for mocking S3 interaction. Sets up moto server in separate process """ pytest.importorskip("s3fs") pytest.importorskip("boto3") requests = pytest.importorskip("requests") logging.getLogger("requests").disabled = True with tm.ensure_safe_environment_variables(): # temporary workaround as moto fails for botocore >= 1.11 otherwise, # see & 1952 os.environ.setdefault("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", "foobar_key") os.environ.setdefault("AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY", "foobar_secret") pytest.importorskip("moto", minversion="1.3.14") pytest.importorskip("flask") # server mode needs flask too # Launching moto in server mode, i.e., as a separate process # with an S3 endpoint on localhost worker_id = "5" if worker_id == "master" else worker_id.lstrip("gw") endpoint_port = f"555{worker_id}" endpoint_uri = f"{endpoint_port}/" # pipe to null to avoid logging in terminal proc = subprocess.Popen( shlex.split(f"moto_server s3 -p {endpoint_port}"), stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, ) timeout = 5 while timeout > 0: try: # OK to go once server is accepting connections r = requests.get(endpoint_uri) if r.ok: break except Exception: pass timeout -= 0.1 time.sleep(0.1) yield endpoint_uri proc.terminate() proc.wait() @pytest.fixture() def s3_resource(s3_base, tips_file, jsonl_file, feather_file): """ Sets up S3 bucket with contents The primary bucket name is "pandas-test". The following datasets are loaded. - tips.csv - tips.csv.gz - tips.csv.bz2 - items.jsonl A private bucket "cant_get_it" is also created. The boto3 s3 resource is yielded by the fixture. """ import boto3 import s3fs test_s3_files = [ ("tips#1.csv", tips_file), ("tips.csv", tips_file), ("tips.csv.gz", tips_file + ".gz"), ("tips.csv.bz2", tips_file + ".bz2"), ("items.jsonl", jsonl_file), ("simple_dataset.feather", feather_file), ] def add_tips_files(bucket_name): for s3_key, file_name in test_s3_files: with open(file_name, "rb") as f: cli.put_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=s3_key, Body=f) bucket = "pandas-test" conn = boto3.resource("s3", endpoint_url=s3_base) cli = boto3.client("s3", endpoint_url=s3_base) try: cli.create_bucket(Bucket=bucket) except: # noqa # OK is bucket already exists pass try: cli.create_bucket(Bucket="cant_get_it", ACL="private") except: # noqa # OK is bucket already exists pass timeout = 2 while not cli.list_buckets()["Buckets"] and timeout > 0: time.sleep(0.1) timeout -= 0.1 add_tips_files(bucket) add_tips_files("cant_get_it") s3fs.S3FileSystem.clear_instance_cache() yield conn s3 = s3fs.S3FileSystem(client_kwargs={"endpoint_url": s3_base}) try: s3.rm(bucket, recursive=True) except: # noqa pass try: s3.rm("cant_get_it", recursive=True) except: # noqa pass timeout = 2 while cli.list_buckets()["Buckets"] and timeout > 0: time.sleep(0.1) timeout -= 0.1