grammar Autolev; prog: stat+; stat: varDecl | functionCall | codeCommands | massDecl | inertiaDecl | assignment | settings ; assignment: vec equals expr #vecAssign | ID '[' index ']' equals expr #indexAssign | ID diff? equals expr #regularAssign; equals: ('='|'+='|'-='|':='|'*='|'/='|'^='); index: expr (',' expr)* ; diff: ('\'')+; functionCall: ID '(' (expr (',' expr)*)? ')' | (Mass|Inertia) '(' (ID (',' ID)*)? ')'; varDecl: varType varDecl2 (',' varDecl2)*; varType: Newtonian|Frames|Bodies|Particles|Points|Constants | Specifieds|Imaginary|Variables ('\'')*|MotionVariables ('\'')*; varDecl2: ID ('{' INT ',' INT '}')? (('{' INT ':' INT (',' INT ':' INT)* '}'))? ('{' INT '}')? ('+'|'-')? ('\'')* ('=' expr)?; ranges: ('{' INT ':' INT (',' INT ':' INT)* '}'); massDecl: Mass massDecl2 (',' massDecl2)*; massDecl2: ID '=' expr; inertiaDecl: Inertia ID ('(' ID ')')? (',' expr)+; matrix: '[' expr ((','|';') expr)* ']'; matrixInOutput: (ID (ID '=' (FLOAT|INT)?))|FLOAT|INT; codeCommands: units | inputs | outputs | codegen | commands; settings: ID (EXP|ID|FLOAT|INT)?; units: UnitSystem ID (',' ID)*; inputs: Input inputs2 (',' inputs2)*; id_diff: ID diff?; inputs2: id_diff '=' expr expr?; outputs: Output outputs2 (',' outputs2)*; outputs2: expr expr?; codegen: ID functionCall ('['matrixInOutput (',' matrixInOutput)*']')? ID'.'ID; commands: Save ID'.'ID | Encode ID (',' ID)*; vec: ID ('>')+ | '0>' | '1>>'; expr: expr '^' expr # Exponent | expr ('*'|'/') expr # MulDiv | expr ('+'|'-') expr # AddSub | EXP # exp | '-' expr # negativeOne | FLOAT # float | INT # int | ID('\'')* # id | vec # VectorOrDyadic | ID '['expr (',' expr)* ']' # Indexing | functionCall # function | matrix # matrices | '(' expr ')' # parens | expr '=' expr # idEqualsExpr | expr ':' expr # colon | ID? ranges ('\'')* # rangess ; // These are to take care of the case insensitivity of Autolev. Mass: ('M'|'m')('A'|'a')('S'|'s')('S'|'s'); Inertia: ('I'|'i')('N'|'n')('E'|'e')('R'|'r')('T'|'t')('I'|'i')('A'|'a'); Input: ('I'|'i')('N'|'n')('P'|'p')('U'|'u')('T'|'t')('S'|'s')?; Output: ('O'|'o')('U'|'u')('T'|'t')('P'|'p')('U'|'u')('T'|'t'); Save: ('S'|'s')('A'|'a')('V'|'v')('E'|'e'); UnitSystem: ('U'|'u')('N'|'n')('I'|'i')('T'|'t')('S'|'s')('Y'|'y')('S'|'s')('T'|'t')('E'|'e')('M'|'m'); Encode: ('E'|'e')('N'|'n')('C'|'c')('O'|'o')('D'|'d')('E'|'e'); Newtonian: ('N'|'n')('E'|'e')('W'|'w')('T'|'t')('O'|'o')('N'|'n')('I'|'i')('A'|'a')('N'|'n'); Frames: ('F'|'f')('R'|'r')('A'|'a')('M'|'m')('E'|'e')('S'|'s')?; Bodies: ('B'|'b')('O'|'o')('D'|'d')('I'|'i')('E'|'e')('S'|'s')?; Particles: ('P'|'p')('A'|'a')('R'|'r')('T'|'t')('I'|'i')('C'|'c')('L'|'l')('E'|'e')('S'|'s')?; Points: ('P'|'p')('O'|'o')('I'|'i')('N'|'n')('T'|'t')('S'|'s')?; Constants: ('C'|'c')('O'|'o')('N'|'n')('S'|'s')('T'|'t')('A'|'a')('N'|'n')('T'|'t')('S'|'s')?; Specifieds: ('S'|'s')('P'|'p')('E'|'e')('C'|'c')('I'|'i')('F'|'f')('I'|'i')('E'|'e')('D'|'d')('S'|'s')?; Imaginary: ('I'|'i')('M'|'m')('A'|'a')('G'|'g')('I'|'i')('N'|'n')('A'|'a')('R'|'r')('Y'|'y'); Variables: ('V'|'v')('A'|'a')('R'|'r')('I'|'i')('A'|'a')('B'|'b')('L'|'l')('E'|'e')('S'|'s')?; MotionVariables: ('M'|'m')('O'|'o')('T'|'t')('I'|'i')('O'|'o')('N'|'n')('V'|'v')('A'|'a')('R'|'r')('I'|'i')('A'|'a')('B'|'b')('L'|'l')('E'|'e')('S'|'s')?; fragment DIFF: ('\'')*; fragment DIGIT: [0-9]; INT: [0-9]+ ; // match integers FLOAT: DIGIT+ '.' DIGIT* | '.' DIGIT+; EXP: FLOAT 'E' INT | FLOAT 'E' '-' INT; LINE_COMMENT : '%' .*? '\r'? '\n' -> skip ; ID: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_]*; WS: [ \t\r\n&]+ -> skip ; // toss out whitespace