from fontTools.voltLib.error import VoltLibError from typing import NamedTuple class Pos(NamedTuple): adv: int dx: int dy: int adv_adjust_by: dict dx_adjust_by: dict dy_adjust_by: dict def __str__(self): res = " POS" for attr in ("adv", "dx", "dy"): value = getattr(self, attr) if value is not None: res += f" {attr.upper()} {value}" adjust_by = getattr(self, f"{attr}_adjust_by", {}) for size, adjustment in adjust_by.items(): res += f" ADJUST_BY {adjustment} AT {size}" res += " END_POS" return res class Element(object): def __init__(self, location=None): self.location = location def build(self, builder): pass def __str__(self): raise NotImplementedError class Statement(Element): pass class Expression(Element): pass class VoltFile(Statement): def __init__(self): Statement.__init__(self, location=None) self.statements = [] def build(self, builder): for s in self.statements: def __str__(self): return "\n" + "\n".join(str(s) for s in self.statements) + " END\n" class GlyphDefinition(Statement): def __init__(self, name, gid, gunicode, gtype, components, location=None): Statement.__init__(self, location) = name = gid self.unicode = gunicode self.type = gtype self.components = components def __str__(self): res = f'DEF_GLYPH "{}" ID {}' if self.unicode is not None: if len(self.unicode) > 1: unicodes = ",".join(f"U+{u:04X}" for u in self.unicode) res += f' UNICODEVALUES "{unicodes}"' else: res += f" UNICODE {self.unicode[0]}" if self.type is not None: res += f" TYPE {self.type}" if self.components is not None: res += f" COMPONENTS {self.components}" res += " END_GLYPH" return res class GroupDefinition(Statement): def __init__(self, name, enum, location=None): Statement.__init__(self, location) = name self.enum = enum self.glyphs_ = None def glyphSet(self, groups=None): if groups is not None and in groups: raise VoltLibError( 'Group "%s" contains itself.' % (, self.location ) if self.glyphs_ is None: if groups is None: groups = set({}) else: groups.add( self.glyphs_ = self.enum.glyphSet(groups) return self.glyphs_ def __str__(self): enum = self.enum and str(self.enum) or "" return f'DEF_GROUP "{}"\n{enum}\nEND_GROUP' class GlyphName(Expression): """A single glyph name, such as cedilla.""" def __init__(self, glyph, location=None): Expression.__init__(self, location) self.glyph = glyph def glyphSet(self): return (self.glyph,) def __str__(self): return f' GLYPH "{self.glyph}"' class Enum(Expression): """An enum""" def __init__(self, enum, location=None): Expression.__init__(self, location) self.enum = enum def __iter__(self): for e in self.glyphSet(): yield e def glyphSet(self, groups=None): glyphs = [] for element in self.enum: if isinstance(element, (GroupName, Enum)): glyphs.extend(element.glyphSet(groups)) else: glyphs.extend(element.glyphSet()) return tuple(glyphs) def __str__(self): enum = "".join(str(e) for e in self.enum) return f" ENUM{enum} END_ENUM" class GroupName(Expression): """A glyph group""" def __init__(self, group, parser, location=None): Expression.__init__(self, location) = group self.parser_ = parser def glyphSet(self, groups=None): group = self.parser_.resolve_group( if group is not None: self.glyphs_ = group.glyphSet(groups) return self.glyphs_ else: raise VoltLibError( 'Group "%s" is used but undefined.' % (, self.location ) def __str__(self): return f' GROUP "{}"' class Range(Expression): """A glyph range""" def __init__(self, start, end, parser, location=None): Expression.__init__(self, location) self.start = start self.end = end self.parser = parser def glyphSet(self): return tuple(self.parser.glyph_range(self.start, self.end)) def __str__(self): return f' RANGE "{self.start}" TO "{self.end}"' class ScriptDefinition(Statement): def __init__(self, name, tag, langs, location=None): Statement.__init__(self, location) = name self.tag = tag self.langs = langs def __str__(self): res = "DEF_SCRIPT" if is not None: res += f' NAME "{}"' res += f' TAG "{self.tag}"\n\n' for lang in self.langs: res += f"{lang}" res += "END_SCRIPT" return res class LangSysDefinition(Statement): def __init__(self, name, tag, features, location=None): Statement.__init__(self, location) = name self.tag = tag self.features = features def __str__(self): res = "DEF_LANGSYS" if is not None: res += f' NAME "{}"' res += f' TAG "{self.tag}"\n\n' for feature in self.features: res += f"{feature}" res += "END_LANGSYS\n" return res class FeatureDefinition(Statement): def __init__(self, name, tag, lookups, location=None): Statement.__init__(self, location) = name self.tag = tag self.lookups = lookups def __str__(self): res = f'DEF_FEATURE NAME "{}" TAG "{self.tag}"\n' res += " " + " ".join(f'LOOKUP "{l}"' for l in self.lookups) + "\n" res += "END_FEATURE\n" return res class LookupDefinition(Statement): def __init__( self, name, process_base, process_marks, mark_glyph_set, direction, reversal, comments, context, sub, pos, location=None, ): Statement.__init__(self, location) = name self.process_base = process_base self.process_marks = process_marks self.mark_glyph_set = mark_glyph_set self.direction = direction self.reversal = reversal self.comments = comments self.context = context self.sub = sub self.pos = pos def __str__(self): res = f'DEF_LOOKUP "{}"' res += f' {self.process_base and "PROCESS_BASE" or "SKIP_BASE"}' if self.process_marks: res += " PROCESS_MARKS " if self.mark_glyph_set: res += f'MARK_GLYPH_SET "{self.mark_glyph_set}"' elif isinstance(self.process_marks, str): res += f'"{self.process_marks}"' else: res += "ALL" else: res += " SKIP_MARKS" if self.direction is not None: res += f" DIRECTION {self.direction}" if self.reversal: res += " REVERSAL" if self.comments is not None: comments = self.comments.replace("\n", r"\n") res += f'\nCOMMENTS "{comments}"' if self.context: res += "\n" + "\n".join(str(c) for c in self.context) else: res += "\nIN_CONTEXT\nEND_CONTEXT" if self.sub: res += f"\n{self.sub}" if self.pos: res += f"\n{self.pos}" return res class SubstitutionDefinition(Statement): def __init__(self, mapping, location=None): Statement.__init__(self, location) self.mapping = mapping def __str__(self): res = "AS_SUBSTITUTION\n" for src, dst in self.mapping.items(): src = "".join(str(s) for s in src) dst = "".join(str(d) for d in dst) res += f"SUB{src}\nWITH{dst}\nEND_SUB\n" res += "END_SUBSTITUTION" return res class SubstitutionSingleDefinition(SubstitutionDefinition): pass class SubstitutionMultipleDefinition(SubstitutionDefinition): pass class SubstitutionLigatureDefinition(SubstitutionDefinition): pass class SubstitutionReverseChainingSingleDefinition(SubstitutionDefinition): pass class PositionAttachDefinition(Statement): def __init__(self, coverage, coverage_to, location=None): Statement.__init__(self, location) self.coverage = coverage self.coverage_to = coverage_to def __str__(self): coverage = "".join(str(c) for c in self.coverage) res = f"AS_POSITION\nATTACH{coverage}\nTO" for coverage, anchor in self.coverage_to: coverage = "".join(str(c) for c in coverage) res += f'{coverage} AT ANCHOR "{anchor}"' res += "\nEND_ATTACH\nEND_POSITION" return res class PositionAttachCursiveDefinition(Statement): def __init__(self, coverages_exit, coverages_enter, location=None): Statement.__init__(self, location) self.coverages_exit = coverages_exit self.coverages_enter = coverages_enter def __str__(self): res = "AS_POSITION\nATTACH_CURSIVE" for coverage in self.coverages_exit: coverage = "".join(str(c) for c in coverage) res += f"\nEXIT {coverage}" for coverage in self.coverages_enter: coverage = "".join(str(c) for c in coverage) res += f"\nENTER {coverage}" res += "\nEND_ATTACH\nEND_POSITION" return res class PositionAdjustPairDefinition(Statement): def __init__(self, coverages_1, coverages_2, adjust_pair, location=None): Statement.__init__(self, location) self.coverages_1 = coverages_1 self.coverages_2 = coverages_2 self.adjust_pair = adjust_pair def __str__(self): res = "AS_POSITION\nADJUST_PAIR\n" for coverage in self.coverages_1: coverage = " ".join(str(c) for c in coverage) res += f" FIRST {coverage}" res += "\n" for coverage in self.coverages_2: coverage = " ".join(str(c) for c in coverage) res += f" SECOND {coverage}" res += "\n" for (id_1, id_2), (pos_1, pos_2) in self.adjust_pair.items(): res += f" {id_1} {id_2} BY{pos_1}{pos_2}\n" res += "\nEND_ADJUST\nEND_POSITION" return res class PositionAdjustSingleDefinition(Statement): def __init__(self, adjust_single, location=None): Statement.__init__(self, location) self.adjust_single = adjust_single def __str__(self): res = "AS_POSITION\nADJUST_SINGLE" for coverage, pos in self.adjust_single: coverage = "".join(str(c) for c in coverage) res += f"{coverage} BY{pos}" res += "\nEND_ADJUST\nEND_POSITION" return res class ContextDefinition(Statement): def __init__(self, ex_or_in, left=None, right=None, location=None): Statement.__init__(self, location) self.ex_or_in = ex_or_in self.left = left if left is not None else [] self.right = right if right is not None else [] def __str__(self): res = self.ex_or_in + "\n" for coverage in self.left: coverage = "".join(str(c) for c in coverage) res += f" LEFT{coverage}\n" for coverage in self.right: coverage = "".join(str(c) for c in coverage) res += f" RIGHT{coverage}\n" res += "END_CONTEXT" return res class AnchorDefinition(Statement): def __init__(self, name, gid, glyph_name, component, locked, pos, location=None): Statement.__init__(self, location) = name self.gid = gid self.glyph_name = glyph_name self.component = component self.locked = locked self.pos = pos def __str__(self): locked = self.locked and " LOCKED" or "" return ( f'DEF_ANCHOR "{}"' f" ON {self.gid}" f" GLYPH {self.glyph_name}" f" COMPONENT {self.component}" f"{locked}" f" AT {self.pos} END_ANCHOR" ) class SettingDefinition(Statement): def __init__(self, name, value, location=None): Statement.__init__(self, location) = name self.value = value def __str__(self): if self.value is True: return f"{}" if isinstance(self.value, (tuple, list)): value = " ".join(str(v) for v in self.value) return f"{} {value}" return f"{} {self.value}"