import functools import io from unittest import mock import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib.backend_bases import MouseEvent import matplotlib.colors as mcolors import matplotlib.widgets as widgets import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle from matplotlib.lines import Line2D from matplotlib.testing.decorators import check_figures_equal, image_comparison from matplotlib.testing.widgets import (click_and_drag, do_event, get_ax, mock_event, noop) import numpy as np from numpy.testing import assert_allclose import pytest @pytest.fixture def ax(): return get_ax() def test_save_blitted_widget_as_pdf(): from matplotlib.widgets import CheckButtons, RadioButtons from matplotlib.cbook import _get_running_interactive_framework if _get_running_interactive_framework() not in ['headless', None]: pytest.xfail("Callback exceptions are not raised otherwise.") fig, ax = plt.subplots( nrows=2, ncols=2, figsize=(5, 2), width_ratios=[1, 2] ) default_rb = RadioButtons(ax[0, 0], ['Apples', 'Oranges']) styled_rb = RadioButtons( ax[0, 1], ['Apples', 'Oranges'], label_props={'color': ['red', 'orange'], 'fontsize': [16, 20]}, radio_props={'edgecolor': ['red', 'orange'], 'facecolor': ['mistyrose', 'peachpuff']} ) default_cb = CheckButtons(ax[1, 0], ['Apples', 'Oranges'], actives=[True, True]) styled_cb = CheckButtons( ax[1, 1], ['Apples', 'Oranges'], actives=[True, True], label_props={'color': ['red', 'orange'], 'fontsize': [16, 20]}, frame_props={'edgecolor': ['red', 'orange'], 'facecolor': ['mistyrose', 'peachpuff']}, check_props={'color': ['darkred', 'darkorange']} ) ax[0, 0].set_title('Default') ax[0, 1].set_title('Stylized') # force an Agg render fig.canvas.draw() # force a pdf save with io.BytesIO() as result_after: fig.savefig(result_after, format='pdf') @pytest.mark.parametrize('kwargs', [ dict(), dict(useblit=True, button=1), dict(minspanx=10, minspany=10, spancoords='pixels'), dict(props=dict(fill=True)), ]) def test_rectangle_selector(ax, kwargs): onselect = mock.Mock(spec=noop, return_value=None) tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, **kwargs) do_event(tool, 'press', xdata=100, ydata=100, button=1) do_event(tool, 'onmove', xdata=199, ydata=199, button=1) # purposely drag outside of axis for release do_event(tool, 'release', xdata=250, ydata=250, button=1) if kwargs.get('drawtype', None) not in ['line', 'none']: assert_allclose(tool.geometry, [[100., 100, 199, 199, 100], [100, 199, 199, 100, 100]], err_msg=tool.geometry) onselect.assert_called_once() (epress, erelease), kwargs = onselect.call_args assert epress.xdata == 100 assert epress.ydata == 100 assert erelease.xdata == 199 assert erelease.ydata == 199 assert kwargs == {} @pytest.mark.parametrize('spancoords', ['data', 'pixels']) @pytest.mark.parametrize('minspanx, x1', [[0, 10], [1, 10.5], [1, 11]]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('minspany, y1', [[0, 10], [1, 10.5], [1, 11]]) def test_rectangle_minspan(ax, spancoords, minspanx, x1, minspany, y1): onselect = mock.Mock(spec=noop, return_value=None) x0, y0 = (10, 10) if spancoords == 'pixels': minspanx, minspany = (ax.transData.transform((x1, y1)) - ax.transData.transform((x0, y0))) tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, interactive=True, spancoords=spancoords, minspanx=minspanx, minspany=minspany) # Too small to create a selector click_and_drag(tool, start=(x0, x1), end=(y0, y1)) assert not tool._selection_completed onselect.assert_not_called() click_and_drag(tool, start=(20, 20), end=(30, 30)) assert tool._selection_completed onselect.assert_called_once() # Too small to create a selector. Should clear existing selector, and # trigger onselect because there was a preexisting selector onselect.reset_mock() click_and_drag(tool, start=(x0, y0), end=(x1, y1)) assert not tool._selection_completed onselect.assert_called_once() (epress, erelease), kwargs = onselect.call_args assert epress.xdata == x0 assert epress.ydata == y0 assert erelease.xdata == x1 assert erelease.ydata == y1 assert kwargs == {} def test_deprecation_selector_visible_attribute(ax): tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, lambda *args: None) assert tool.get_visible() with pytest.warns(mpl.MatplotlibDeprecationWarning, match="was deprecated in Matplotlib 3.8"): tool.visible @pytest.mark.parametrize('drag_from_anywhere, new_center', [[True, (60, 75)], [False, (30, 20)]]) def test_rectangle_drag(ax, drag_from_anywhere, new_center): tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect=noop, interactive=True, drag_from_anywhere=drag_from_anywhere) # Create rectangle click_and_drag(tool, start=(0, 10), end=(100, 120)) assert == (50, 65) # Drag inside rectangle, but away from centre handle # # If drag_from_anywhere == True, this will move the rectangle by (10, 10), # giving it a new center of (60, 75) # # If drag_from_anywhere == False, this will create a new rectangle with # center (30, 20) click_and_drag(tool, start=(25, 15), end=(35, 25)) assert == new_center # Check that in both cases, dragging outside the rectangle draws a new # rectangle click_and_drag(tool, start=(175, 185), end=(185, 195)) assert == (180, 190) def test_rectangle_selector_set_props_handle_props(ax): tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect=noop, interactive=True, props=dict(facecolor='b', alpha=0.2), handle_props=dict(alpha=0.5)) # Create rectangle click_and_drag(tool, start=(0, 10), end=(100, 120)) artist = tool._selection_artist assert artist.get_facecolor() == mcolors.to_rgba('b', alpha=0.2) tool.set_props(facecolor='r', alpha=0.3) assert artist.get_facecolor() == mcolors.to_rgba('r', alpha=0.3) for artist in tool._handles_artists: assert artist.get_markeredgecolor() == 'black' assert artist.get_alpha() == 0.5 tool.set_handle_props(markeredgecolor='r', alpha=0.3) for artist in tool._handles_artists: assert artist.get_markeredgecolor() == 'r' assert artist.get_alpha() == 0.3 def test_rectangle_resize(ax): tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect=noop, interactive=True) # Create rectangle click_and_drag(tool, start=(0, 10), end=(100, 120)) assert tool.extents == (0.0, 100.0, 10.0, 120.0) # resize NE handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[3] xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + 10, ydata + 5 click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new)) assert tool.extents == (extents[0], xdata_new, extents[2], ydata_new) # resize E handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + 10, ydata click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new)) assert tool.extents == (extents[0], xdata_new, extents[2], extents[3]) # resize W handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + 15, ydata click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new)) assert tool.extents == (xdata_new, extents[1], extents[2], extents[3]) # resize SW handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2] xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + 20, ydata + 25 click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new)) assert tool.extents == (xdata_new, extents[1], ydata_new, extents[3]) def test_rectangle_add_state(ax): tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect=noop, interactive=True) # Create rectangle click_and_drag(tool, start=(70, 65), end=(125, 130)) with pytest.raises(ValueError): tool.add_state('unsupported_state') with pytest.raises(ValueError): tool.add_state('clear') tool.add_state('move') tool.add_state('square') tool.add_state('center') @pytest.mark.parametrize('add_state', [True, False]) def test_rectangle_resize_center(ax, add_state): tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect=noop, interactive=True) # Create rectangle click_and_drag(tool, start=(70, 65), end=(125, 130)) assert tool.extents == (70.0, 125.0, 65.0, 130.0) if add_state: tool.add_state('center') use_key = None else: use_key = 'control' # resize NE handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[3] xdiff, ydiff = 10, 5 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata + ydiff click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new), key=use_key) assert tool.extents == (extents[0] - xdiff, xdata_new, extents[2] - ydiff, ydata_new) # resize E handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2 xdiff = 10 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new), key=use_key) assert tool.extents == (extents[0] - xdiff, xdata_new, extents[2], extents[3]) # resize E handle negative diff extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2 xdiff = -20 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new), key=use_key) assert tool.extents == (extents[0] - xdiff, xdata_new, extents[2], extents[3]) # resize W handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2 xdiff = 15 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new), key=use_key) assert tool.extents == (xdata_new, extents[1] - xdiff, extents[2], extents[3]) # resize W handle negative diff extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2 xdiff = -25 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new), key=use_key) assert tool.extents == (xdata_new, extents[1] - xdiff, extents[2], extents[3]) # resize SW handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2] xdiff, ydiff = 20, 25 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata + ydiff click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new), key=use_key) assert tool.extents == (xdata_new, extents[1] - xdiff, ydata_new, extents[3] - ydiff) @pytest.mark.parametrize('add_state', [True, False]) def test_rectangle_resize_square(ax, add_state): tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect=noop, interactive=True) # Create rectangle click_and_drag(tool, start=(70, 65), end=(120, 115)) assert tool.extents == (70.0, 120.0, 65.0, 115.0) if add_state: tool.add_state('square') use_key = None else: use_key = 'shift' # resize NE handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[3] xdiff, ydiff = 10, 5 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata + ydiff click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new), key=use_key) assert tool.extents == (extents[0], xdata_new, extents[2], extents[3] + xdiff) # resize E handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2 xdiff = 10 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new), key=use_key) assert tool.extents == (extents[0], xdata_new, extents[2], extents[3] + xdiff) # resize E handle negative diff extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2 xdiff = -20 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new), key=use_key) assert tool.extents == (extents[0], xdata_new, extents[2], extents[3] + xdiff) # resize W handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2 xdiff = 15 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new), key=use_key) assert tool.extents == (xdata_new, extents[1], extents[2], extents[3] - xdiff) # resize W handle negative diff extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2 xdiff = -25 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new), key=use_key) assert tool.extents == (xdata_new, extents[1], extents[2], extents[3] - xdiff) # resize SW handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2] xdiff, ydiff = 20, 25 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata + ydiff click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new), key=use_key) assert tool.extents == (extents[0] + ydiff, extents[1], ydata_new, extents[3]) def test_rectangle_resize_square_center(ax): tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect=noop, interactive=True) # Create rectangle click_and_drag(tool, start=(70, 65), end=(120, 115)) tool.add_state('square') tool.add_state('center') assert_allclose(tool.extents, (70.0, 120.0, 65.0, 115.0)) # resize NE handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[3] xdiff, ydiff = 10, 5 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata + ydiff click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new)) assert_allclose(tool.extents, (extents[0] - xdiff, xdata_new, extents[2] - xdiff, extents[3] + xdiff)) # resize E handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2 xdiff = 10 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new)) assert_allclose(tool.extents, (extents[0] - xdiff, xdata_new, extents[2] - xdiff, extents[3] + xdiff)) # resize E handle negative diff extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2 xdiff = -20 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new)) assert_allclose(tool.extents, (extents[0] - xdiff, xdata_new, extents[2] - xdiff, extents[3] + xdiff)) # resize W handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2 xdiff = 5 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new)) assert_allclose(tool.extents, (xdata_new, extents[1] - xdiff, extents[2] + xdiff, extents[3] - xdiff)) # resize W handle negative diff extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2 xdiff = -25 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new)) assert_allclose(tool.extents, (xdata_new, extents[1] - xdiff, extents[2] + xdiff, extents[3] - xdiff)) # resize SW handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[0], extents[2] xdiff, ydiff = 20, 25 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata + ydiff click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new)) assert_allclose(tool.extents, (extents[0] + ydiff, extents[1] - ydiff, ydata_new, extents[3] - ydiff)) @pytest.mark.parametrize('selector_class', [widgets.RectangleSelector, widgets.EllipseSelector]) def test_rectangle_rotate(ax, selector_class): tool = selector_class(ax, onselect=noop, interactive=True) # Draw rectangle click_and_drag(tool, start=(100, 100), end=(130, 140)) assert tool.extents == (100, 130, 100, 140) assert len(tool._state) == 0 # Rotate anticlockwise using top-right corner do_event(tool, 'on_key_press', key='r') assert tool._state == {'rotate'} assert len(tool._state) == 1 click_and_drag(tool, start=(130, 140), end=(120, 145)) do_event(tool, 'on_key_press', key='r') assert len(tool._state) == 0 # Extents shouldn't change (as shape of rectangle hasn't changed) assert tool.extents == (100, 130, 100, 140) assert_allclose(tool.rotation, 25.56, atol=0.01) tool.rotation = 45 assert tool.rotation == 45 # Corners should move assert_allclose(tool.corners, np.array([[118.53, 139.75, 111.46, 90.25], [95.25, 116.46, 144.75, 123.54]]), atol=0.01) # Scale using top-right corner click_and_drag(tool, start=(110, 145), end=(110, 160)) assert_allclose(tool.extents, (100, 139.75, 100, 151.82), atol=0.01) if selector_class == widgets.RectangleSelector: with pytest.raises(ValueError): tool._selection_artist.rotation_point = 'unvalid_value' def test_rectangle_add_remove_set(ax): tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect=noop, interactive=True) # Draw rectangle click_and_drag(tool, start=(100, 100), end=(130, 140)) assert tool.extents == (100, 130, 100, 140) assert len(tool._state) == 0 for state in ['rotate', 'square', 'center']: tool.add_state(state) assert len(tool._state) == 1 tool.remove_state(state) assert len(tool._state) == 0 @pytest.mark.parametrize('use_data_coordinates', [False, True]) def test_rectangle_resize_square_center_aspect(ax, use_data_coordinates): ax.set_aspect(0.8) tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect=noop, interactive=True, use_data_coordinates=use_data_coordinates) # Create rectangle click_and_drag(tool, start=(70, 65), end=(120, 115)) assert tool.extents == (70.0, 120.0, 65.0, 115.0) tool.add_state('square') tool.add_state('center') if use_data_coordinates: # resize E handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata, width = extents[1], extents[3], extents[1] - extents[0] xdiff, ycenter = 10, extents[2] + (extents[3] - extents[2]) / 2 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata ychange = width / 2 + xdiff click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new)) assert_allclose(tool.extents, [extents[0] - xdiff, xdata_new, ycenter - ychange, ycenter + ychange]) else: # resize E handle extents = tool.extents xdata, ydata = extents[1], extents[3] xdiff = 10 xdata_new, ydata_new = xdata + xdiff, ydata ychange = xdiff * 1 / tool._aspect_ratio_correction click_and_drag(tool, start=(xdata, ydata), end=(xdata_new, ydata_new)) assert_allclose(tool.extents, [extents[0] - xdiff, xdata_new, 46.25, 133.75]) def test_ellipse(ax): """For ellipse, test out the key modifiers""" tool = widgets.EllipseSelector(ax, onselect=noop, grab_range=10, interactive=True) tool.extents = (100, 150, 100, 150) # drag the rectangle click_and_drag(tool, start=(125, 125), end=(145, 145)) assert tool.extents == (120, 170, 120, 170) # create from center click_and_drag(tool, start=(100, 100), end=(125, 125), key='control') assert tool.extents == (75, 125, 75, 125) # create a square click_and_drag(tool, start=(10, 10), end=(35, 30), key='shift') extents = [int(e) for e in tool.extents] assert extents == [10, 35, 10, 35] # create a square from center click_and_drag(tool, start=(100, 100), end=(125, 130), key='ctrl+shift') extents = [int(e) for e in tool.extents] assert extents == [70, 130, 70, 130] assert tool.geometry.shape == (2, 73) assert_allclose(tool.geometry[:, 0], [70., 100]) def test_rectangle_handles(ax): tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect=noop, grab_range=10, interactive=True, handle_props={'markerfacecolor': 'r', 'markeredgecolor': 'b'}) tool.extents = (100, 150, 100, 150) assert_allclose(tool.corners, ((100, 150, 150, 100), (100, 100, 150, 150))) assert tool.extents == (100, 150, 100, 150) assert_allclose(tool.edge_centers, ((100, 125.0, 150, 125.0), (125.0, 100, 125.0, 150))) assert tool.extents == (100, 150, 100, 150) # grab a corner and move it click_and_drag(tool, start=(100, 100), end=(120, 120)) assert tool.extents == (120, 150, 120, 150) # grab the center and move it click_and_drag(tool, start=(132, 132), end=(120, 120)) assert tool.extents == (108, 138, 108, 138) # create a new rectangle click_and_drag(tool, start=(10, 10), end=(100, 100)) assert tool.extents == (10, 100, 10, 100) # Check that marker_props worked. assert mcolors.same_color( tool._corner_handles.artists[0].get_markerfacecolor(), 'r') assert mcolors.same_color( tool._corner_handles.artists[0].get_markeredgecolor(), 'b') @pytest.mark.parametrize('interactive', [True, False]) def test_rectangle_selector_onselect(ax, interactive): # check when press and release events take place at the same position onselect = mock.Mock(spec=noop, return_value=None) tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, interactive=interactive) # move outside of axis click_and_drag(tool, start=(100, 110), end=(150, 120)) onselect.assert_called_once() assert tool.extents == (100.0, 150.0, 110.0, 120.0) onselect.reset_mock() click_and_drag(tool, start=(10, 100), end=(10, 100)) onselect.assert_called_once() @pytest.mark.parametrize('ignore_event_outside', [True, False]) def test_rectangle_selector_ignore_outside(ax, ignore_event_outside): onselect = mock.Mock(spec=noop, return_value=None) tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect, ignore_event_outside=ignore_event_outside) click_and_drag(tool, start=(100, 110), end=(150, 120)) onselect.assert_called_once() assert tool.extents == (100.0, 150.0, 110.0, 120.0) onselect.reset_mock() # Trigger event outside of span click_and_drag(tool, start=(150, 150), end=(160, 160)) if ignore_event_outside: # event have been ignored and span haven't changed. onselect.assert_not_called() assert tool.extents == (100.0, 150.0, 110.0, 120.0) else: # A new shape is created onselect.assert_called_once() assert tool.extents == (150.0, 160.0, 150.0, 160.0) @pytest.mark.parametrize('orientation, onmove_callback, kwargs', [ ('horizontal', False, dict(minspan=10, useblit=True)), ('vertical', True, dict(button=1)), ('horizontal', False, dict(props=dict(fill=True))), ('horizontal', False, dict(interactive=True)), ]) def test_span_selector(ax, orientation, onmove_callback, kwargs): onselect = mock.Mock(spec=noop, return_value=None) onmove = mock.Mock(spec=noop, return_value=None) if onmove_callback: kwargs['onmove_callback'] = onmove # While at it, also test that span selectors work in the presence of twin axes on # top of the axes that contain the selector. Note that we need to unforce the axes # aspect here, otherwise the twin axes forces the original axes' limits (to respect # aspect=1) which makes some of the values below go out of bounds. ax.set_aspect("auto") tax = ax.twinx() tool = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, onselect, orientation, **kwargs) do_event(tool, 'press', xdata=100, ydata=100, button=1) # move outside of axis do_event(tool, 'onmove', xdata=199, ydata=199, button=1) do_event(tool, 'release', xdata=250, ydata=250, button=1) onselect.assert_called_once_with(100, 199) if onmove_callback: onmove.assert_called_once_with(100, 199) @pytest.mark.parametrize('interactive', [True, False]) def test_span_selector_onselect(ax, interactive): onselect = mock.Mock(spec=noop, return_value=None) tool = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, onselect, 'horizontal', interactive=interactive) # move outside of axis click_and_drag(tool, start=(100, 100), end=(150, 100)) onselect.assert_called_once() assert tool.extents == (100, 150) onselect.reset_mock() click_and_drag(tool, start=(10, 100), end=(10, 100)) onselect.assert_called_once() @pytest.mark.parametrize('ignore_event_outside', [True, False]) def test_span_selector_ignore_outside(ax, ignore_event_outside): onselect = mock.Mock(spec=noop, return_value=None) onmove = mock.Mock(spec=noop, return_value=None) tool = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, onselect, 'horizontal', onmove_callback=onmove, ignore_event_outside=ignore_event_outside) click_and_drag(tool, start=(100, 100), end=(125, 125)) onselect.assert_called_once() onmove.assert_called_once() assert tool.extents == (100, 125) onselect.reset_mock() onmove.reset_mock() # Trigger event outside of span click_and_drag(tool, start=(150, 150), end=(160, 160)) if ignore_event_outside: # event have been ignored and span haven't changed. onselect.assert_not_called() onmove.assert_not_called() assert tool.extents == (100, 125) else: # A new shape is created onselect.assert_called_once() onmove.assert_called_once() assert tool.extents == (150, 160) @pytest.mark.parametrize('drag_from_anywhere', [True, False]) def test_span_selector_drag(ax, drag_from_anywhere): # Create span tool = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, onselect=noop, direction='horizontal', interactive=True, drag_from_anywhere=drag_from_anywhere) click_and_drag(tool, start=(10, 10), end=(100, 120)) assert tool.extents == (10, 100) # Drag inside span # # If drag_from_anywhere == True, this will move the span by 10, # giving new value extents = 20, 110 # # If drag_from_anywhere == False, this will create a new span with # value extents = 25, 35 click_and_drag(tool, start=(25, 15), end=(35, 25)) if drag_from_anywhere: assert tool.extents == (20, 110) else: assert tool.extents == (25, 35) # Check that in both cases, dragging outside the span draws a new span click_and_drag(tool, start=(175, 185), end=(185, 195)) assert tool.extents == (175, 185) def test_span_selector_direction(ax): tool = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, onselect=noop, direction='horizontal', interactive=True) assert tool.direction == 'horizontal' assert tool._edge_handles.direction == 'horizontal' with pytest.raises(ValueError): tool = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, onselect=noop, direction='invalid_direction') tool.direction = 'vertical' assert tool.direction == 'vertical' assert tool._edge_handles.direction == 'vertical' with pytest.raises(ValueError): tool.direction = 'invalid_string' def test_span_selector_set_props_handle_props(ax): tool = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, onselect=noop, direction='horizontal', interactive=True, props=dict(facecolor='b', alpha=0.2), handle_props=dict(alpha=0.5)) # Create rectangle click_and_drag(tool, start=(0, 10), end=(100, 120)) artist = tool._selection_artist assert artist.get_facecolor() == mcolors.to_rgba('b', alpha=0.2) tool.set_props(facecolor='r', alpha=0.3) assert artist.get_facecolor() == mcolors.to_rgba('r', alpha=0.3) for artist in tool._handles_artists: assert artist.get_color() == 'b' assert artist.get_alpha() == 0.5 tool.set_handle_props(color='r', alpha=0.3) for artist in tool._handles_artists: assert artist.get_color() == 'r' assert artist.get_alpha() == 0.3 @pytest.mark.parametrize('selector', ['span', 'rectangle']) def test_selector_clear(ax, selector): kwargs = dict(ax=ax, onselect=noop, interactive=True) if selector == 'span': Selector = widgets.SpanSelector kwargs['direction'] = 'horizontal' else: Selector = widgets.RectangleSelector tool = Selector(**kwargs) click_and_drag(tool, start=(10, 10), end=(100, 120)) # press-release event outside the selector to clear the selector click_and_drag(tool, start=(130, 130), end=(130, 130)) assert not tool._selection_completed kwargs['ignore_event_outside'] = True tool = Selector(**kwargs) assert tool.ignore_event_outside click_and_drag(tool, start=(10, 10), end=(100, 120)) # press-release event outside the selector ignored click_and_drag(tool, start=(130, 130), end=(130, 130)) assert tool._selection_completed do_event(tool, 'on_key_press', key='escape') assert not tool._selection_completed @pytest.mark.parametrize('selector', ['span', 'rectangle']) def test_selector_clear_method(ax, selector): if selector == 'span': tool = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, onselect=noop, direction='horizontal', interactive=True, ignore_event_outside=True) else: tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax, onselect=noop, interactive=True) click_and_drag(tool, start=(10, 10), end=(100, 120)) assert tool._selection_completed assert tool.get_visible() if selector == 'span': assert tool.extents == (10, 100) tool.clear() assert not tool._selection_completed assert not tool.get_visible() # Do another cycle of events to make sure we can click_and_drag(tool, start=(10, 10), end=(50, 120)) assert tool._selection_completed assert tool.get_visible() if selector == 'span': assert tool.extents == (10, 50) def test_span_selector_add_state(ax): tool = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, noop, 'horizontal', interactive=True) with pytest.raises(ValueError): tool.add_state('unsupported_state') with pytest.raises(ValueError): tool.add_state('center') with pytest.raises(ValueError): tool.add_state('square') tool.add_state('move') def test_tool_line_handle(ax): positions = [20, 30, 50] tool_line_handle = widgets.ToolLineHandles(ax, positions, 'horizontal', useblit=False) for artist in tool_line_handle.artists: assert not artist.get_animated() assert not artist.get_visible() tool_line_handle.set_visible(True) tool_line_handle.set_animated(True) for artist in tool_line_handle.artists: assert artist.get_animated() assert artist.get_visible() assert tool_line_handle.positions == positions @pytest.mark.parametrize('direction', ("horizontal", "vertical")) def test_span_selector_bound(direction): fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) ax.plot([10, 20], [10, 30]) ax.figure.canvas.draw() x_bound = ax.get_xbound() y_bound = ax.get_ybound() tool = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, print, direction, interactive=True) assert ax.get_xbound() == x_bound assert ax.get_ybound() == y_bound bound = x_bound if direction == 'horizontal' else y_bound assert tool._edge_handles.positions == list(bound) press_data = (10.5, 11.5) move_data = (11, 13) # Updating selector is done in onmove release_data = move_data click_and_drag(tool, start=press_data, end=move_data) assert ax.get_xbound() == x_bound assert ax.get_ybound() == y_bound index = 0 if direction == 'horizontal' else 1 handle_positions = [press_data[index], release_data[index]] assert tool._edge_handles.positions == handle_positions @pytest.mark.backend('QtAgg', skip_on_importerror=True) def test_span_selector_animated_artists_callback(): """Check that the animated artists changed in callbacks are updated.""" x = np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100) values = np.sin(x) fig, ax = plt.subplots() ln, = ax.plot(x, values, animated=True) ln2, = ax.plot([], animated=True) # spin the event loop to let the backend process any pending operations # before drawing artists # See blitting tutorial plt.pause(0.1) ax.draw_artist(ln) fig.canvas.blit(fig.bbox) def mean(vmin, vmax): # Return mean of values in x between *vmin* and *vmax* indmin, indmax = np.searchsorted(x, (vmin, vmax)) v = values[indmin:indmax].mean() ln2.set_data(x, np.full_like(x, v)) span = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, mean, direction='horizontal', onmove_callback=mean, interactive=True, drag_from_anywhere=True, useblit=True) # Add span selector and check that the line is draw after it was updated # by the callback press_data = [1, 2] move_data = [2, 2] do_event(span, 'press', xdata=press_data[0], ydata=press_data[1], button=1) do_event(span, 'onmove', xdata=move_data[0], ydata=move_data[1], button=1) assert span._get_animated_artists() == (ln, ln2) assert ln.stale is False assert ln2.stale assert_allclose(ln2.get_ydata(), 0.9547335049088455) span.update() assert ln2.stale is False # Change span selector and check that the line is drawn/updated after its # value was updated by the callback press_data = [4, 0] move_data = [5, 2] release_data = [5, 2] do_event(span, 'press', xdata=press_data[0], ydata=press_data[1], button=1) do_event(span, 'onmove', xdata=move_data[0], ydata=move_data[1], button=1) assert ln.stale is False assert ln2.stale assert_allclose(ln2.get_ydata(), -0.9424150707548072) do_event(span, 'release', xdata=release_data[0], ydata=release_data[1], button=1) assert ln2.stale is False def test_snapping_values_span_selector(ax): def onselect(*args): pass tool = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, onselect, direction='horizontal',) snap_function = tool._snap snap_values = np.linspace(0, 5, 11) values = np.array([-0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.9, 4.76, 5.0, 5.5]) expect = np.array([00.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 5.00, 5.0, 5.0]) values = snap_function(values, snap_values) assert_allclose(values, expect) def test_span_selector_snap(ax): def onselect(vmin, vmax): ax._got_onselect = True snap_values = np.arange(50) * 4 tool = widgets.SpanSelector(ax, onselect, direction='horizontal', snap_values=snap_values) tool.extents = (17, 35) assert tool.extents == (16, 36) tool.snap_values = None assert tool.snap_values is None tool.extents = (17, 35) assert tool.extents == (17, 35) @pytest.mark.parametrize('kwargs', [ dict(), dict(useblit=False, props=dict(color='red')), dict(useblit=True, button=1), ]) def test_lasso_selector(ax, kwargs): onselect = mock.Mock(spec=noop, return_value=None) tool = widgets.LassoSelector(ax, onselect, **kwargs) do_event(tool, 'press', xdata=100, ydata=100, button=1) do_event(tool, 'onmove', xdata=125, ydata=125, button=1) do_event(tool, 'release', xdata=150, ydata=150, button=1) onselect.assert_called_once_with([(100, 100), (125, 125), (150, 150)]) def test_lasso_selector_set_props(ax): onselect = mock.Mock(spec=noop, return_value=None) tool = widgets.LassoSelector(ax, onselect, props=dict(color='b', alpha=0.2)) artist = tool._selection_artist assert mcolors.same_color(artist.get_color(), 'b') assert artist.get_alpha() == 0.2 tool.set_props(color='r', alpha=0.3) assert mcolors.same_color(artist.get_color(), 'r') assert artist.get_alpha() == 0.3 def test_CheckButtons(ax): check = widgets.CheckButtons(ax, ('a', 'b', 'c'), (True, False, True)) assert check.get_status() == [True, False, True] check.set_active(0) assert check.get_status() == [False, False, True] cid = check.on_clicked(lambda: None) check.disconnect(cid) @pytest.mark.parametrize("toolbar", ["none", "toolbar2", "toolmanager"]) def test_TextBox(ax, toolbar): # Avoid "toolmanager is provisional" warning. plt.rcParams._set("toolbar", toolbar) submit_event = mock.Mock(spec=noop, return_value=None) text_change_event = mock.Mock(spec=noop, return_value=None) tool = widgets.TextBox(ax, '') tool.on_submit(submit_event) tool.on_text_change(text_change_event) assert tool.text == '' do_event(tool, '_click') tool.set_val('x**2') assert tool.text == 'x**2' assert text_change_event.call_count == 1 tool.begin_typing() tool.stop_typing() assert submit_event.call_count == 2 do_event(tool, '_click', xdata=.5, ydata=.5) # Ensure the click is in the axes. do_event(tool, '_keypress', key='+') do_event(tool, '_keypress', key='5') assert text_change_event.call_count == 3 @image_comparison(['check_radio_buttons.png'], style='mpl20', remove_text=True) def test_check_radio_buttons_image(): ax = get_ax() fig = ax.figure fig.subplots_adjust(left=0.3) rax1 = fig.add_axes((0.05, 0.7, 0.2, 0.15)) rb1 = widgets.RadioButtons(rax1, ('Radio 1', 'Radio 2', 'Radio 3')) with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning, match='The circles attribute was deprecated'): rb1.circles # Trigger the old-style elliptic radiobuttons. rax2 = fig.add_axes((0.05, 0.5, 0.2, 0.15)) cb1 = widgets.CheckButtons(rax2, ('Check 1', 'Check 2', 'Check 3'), (False, True, True)) with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning, match='The rectangles attribute was deprecated'): cb1.rectangles # Trigger old-style Rectangle check boxes rax3 = fig.add_axes((0.05, 0.3, 0.2, 0.15)) rb3 = widgets.RadioButtons( rax3, ('Radio 1', 'Radio 2', 'Radio 3'), label_props={'fontsize': [8, 12, 16], 'color': ['red', 'green', 'blue']}, radio_props={'edgecolor': ['red', 'green', 'blue'], 'facecolor': ['mistyrose', 'palegreen', 'lightblue']}) rax4 = fig.add_axes((0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.15)) cb4 = widgets.CheckButtons( rax4, ('Check 1', 'Check 2', 'Check 3'), (False, True, True), label_props={'fontsize': [8, 12, 16], 'color': ['red', 'green', 'blue']}, frame_props={'edgecolor': ['red', 'green', 'blue'], 'facecolor': ['mistyrose', 'palegreen', 'lightblue']}, check_props={'color': ['red', 'green', 'blue']}) @check_figures_equal(extensions=["png"]) def test_radio_buttons(fig_test, fig_ref): widgets.RadioButtons(fig_test.subplots(), ["tea", "coffee"]) ax = fig_ref.add_subplot(xticks=[], yticks=[]) ax.scatter([.15, .15], [2/3, 1/3], transform=ax.transAxes, s=(plt.rcParams["font.size"] / 2) ** 2, c=["C0", "none"]) ax.text(.25, 2/3, "tea", transform=ax.transAxes, va="center") ax.text(.25, 1/3, "coffee", transform=ax.transAxes, va="center") @check_figures_equal(extensions=['png']) def test_radio_buttons_props(fig_test, fig_ref): label_props = {'color': ['red'], 'fontsize': [24]} radio_props = {'facecolor': 'green', 'edgecolor': 'blue', 'linewidth': 2} widgets.RadioButtons(fig_ref.subplots(), ['tea', 'coffee'], label_props=label_props, radio_props=radio_props) cb = widgets.RadioButtons(fig_test.subplots(), ['tea', 'coffee']) cb.set_label_props(label_props) # Setting the label size automatically increases default marker size, so we # need to do that here as well. cb.set_radio_props({**radio_props, 's': (24 / 2)**2}) def test_radio_button_active_conflict(ax): with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=r'Both the \*activecolor\* parameter'): rb = widgets.RadioButtons(ax, ['tea', 'coffee'], activecolor='red', radio_props={'facecolor': 'green'}) # *radio_props*' facecolor wins over *activecolor* assert mcolors.same_color(rb._buttons.get_facecolor(), ['green', 'none']) @check_figures_equal(extensions=['png']) def test_radio_buttons_activecolor_change(fig_test, fig_ref): widgets.RadioButtons(fig_ref.subplots(), ['tea', 'coffee'], activecolor='green') # Test property setter. cb = widgets.RadioButtons(fig_test.subplots(), ['tea', 'coffee'], activecolor='red') cb.activecolor = 'green' @check_figures_equal(extensions=["png"]) def test_check_buttons(fig_test, fig_ref): widgets.CheckButtons(fig_test.subplots(), ["tea", "coffee"], [True, True]) ax = fig_ref.add_subplot(xticks=[], yticks=[]) ax.scatter([.15, .15], [2/3, 1/3], marker='s', transform=ax.transAxes, s=(plt.rcParams["font.size"] / 2) ** 2, c=["none", "none"]) ax.scatter([.15, .15], [2/3, 1/3], marker='x', transform=ax.transAxes, s=(plt.rcParams["font.size"] / 2) ** 2, c=["k", "k"]) ax.text(.25, 2/3, "tea", transform=ax.transAxes, va="center") ax.text(.25, 1/3, "coffee", transform=ax.transAxes, va="center") @check_figures_equal(extensions=['png']) def test_check_button_props(fig_test, fig_ref): label_props = {'color': ['red'], 'fontsize': [24]} frame_props = {'facecolor': 'green', 'edgecolor': 'blue', 'linewidth': 2} check_props = {'facecolor': 'red', 'linewidth': 2} widgets.CheckButtons(fig_ref.subplots(), ['tea', 'coffee'], [True, True], label_props=label_props, frame_props=frame_props, check_props=check_props) cb = widgets.CheckButtons(fig_test.subplots(), ['tea', 'coffee'], [True, True]) cb.set_label_props(label_props) # Setting the label size automatically increases default marker size, so we # need to do that here as well. cb.set_frame_props({**frame_props, 's': (24 / 2)**2}) # FIXME: Axes.scatter promotes facecolor to edgecolor on unfilled markers, # but Collection.update doesn't do that (it forgot the marker already). # This means we cannot pass facecolor to both setters directly. check_props['edgecolor'] = check_props.pop('facecolor') cb.set_check_props({**check_props, 's': (24 / 2)**2}) @check_figures_equal(extensions=["png"]) def test_check_buttons_rectangles(fig_test, fig_ref): # Test should be removed once .rectangles is removed cb = widgets.CheckButtons(fig_test.subplots(), ["", ""], [False, False]) with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning, match='The rectangles attribute was deprecated'): cb.rectangles ax = fig_ref.add_subplot(xticks=[], yticks=[]) ys = [2/3, 1/3] dy = 1/3 w, h = dy / 2, dy / 2 rectangles = [ Rectangle(xy=(0.05, ys[i] - h / 2), width=w, height=h, edgecolor="black", facecolor="none", transform=ax.transAxes ) for i, y in enumerate(ys) ] for rectangle in rectangles: ax.add_patch(rectangle) @check_figures_equal(extensions=["png"]) def test_check_buttons_lines(fig_test, fig_ref): # Test should be removed once .lines is removed cb = widgets.CheckButtons(fig_test.subplots(), ["", ""], [True, True]) with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning, match='The lines attribute was deprecated'): cb.lines for rectangle in cb._rectangles: rectangle.set_visible(False) ax = fig_ref.add_subplot(xticks=[], yticks=[]) ys = [2/3, 1/3] dy = 1/3 w, h = dy / 2, dy / 2 lineparams = {'color': 'k', 'linewidth': 1.25, 'transform': ax.transAxes, 'solid_capstyle': 'butt'} for i, y in enumerate(ys): x, y = 0.05, y - h / 2 l1 = Line2D([x, x + w], [y + h, y], **lineparams) l2 = Line2D([x, x + w], [y, y + h], **lineparams) l1.set_visible(True) l2.set_visible(True) ax.add_line(l1) ax.add_line(l2) def test_slider_slidermin_slidermax_invalid(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() # test min/max with floats with pytest.raises(ValueError): widgets.Slider(ax=ax, label='', valmin=0.0, valmax=24.0, slidermin=10.0) with pytest.raises(ValueError): widgets.Slider(ax=ax, label='', valmin=0.0, valmax=24.0, slidermax=10.0) def test_slider_slidermin_slidermax(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() slider_ = widgets.Slider(ax=ax, label='', valmin=0.0, valmax=24.0, valinit=5.0) slider = widgets.Slider(ax=ax, label='', valmin=0.0, valmax=24.0, valinit=1.0, slidermin=slider_) assert slider.val == slider_.val slider = widgets.Slider(ax=ax, label='', valmin=0.0, valmax=24.0, valinit=10.0, slidermax=slider_) assert slider.val == slider_.val def test_slider_valmin_valmax(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() slider = widgets.Slider(ax=ax, label='', valmin=0.0, valmax=24.0, valinit=-10.0) assert slider.val == slider.valmin slider = widgets.Slider(ax=ax, label='', valmin=0.0, valmax=24.0, valinit=25.0) assert slider.val == slider.valmax def test_slider_valstep_snapping(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() slider = widgets.Slider(ax=ax, label='', valmin=0.0, valmax=24.0, valinit=11.4, valstep=1) assert slider.val == 11 slider = widgets.Slider(ax=ax, label='', valmin=0.0, valmax=24.0, valinit=11.4, valstep=[0, 1, 5.5, 19.7]) assert slider.val == 5.5 def test_slider_horizontal_vertical(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() slider = widgets.Slider(ax=ax, label='', valmin=0, valmax=24, valinit=12, orientation='horizontal') slider.set_val(10) assert slider.val == 10 # check the dimension of the slider patch in axes units box = slider.poly.get_extents().transformed(ax.transAxes.inverted()) assert_allclose(box.bounds, [0, .25, 10/24, .5]) fig, ax = plt.subplots() slider = widgets.Slider(ax=ax, label='', valmin=0, valmax=24, valinit=12, orientation='vertical') slider.set_val(10) assert slider.val == 10 # check the dimension of the slider patch in axes units box = slider.poly.get_extents().transformed(ax.transAxes.inverted()) assert_allclose(box.bounds, [.25, 0, .5, 10/24]) def test_slider_reset(): fig, ax = plt.subplots() slider = widgets.Slider(ax=ax, label='', valmin=0, valmax=1, valinit=.5) slider.set_val(0.75) slider.reset() assert slider.val == 0.5 @pytest.mark.parametrize("orientation", ["horizontal", "vertical"]) def test_range_slider(orientation): if orientation == "vertical": idx = [1, 0, 3, 2] else: idx = [0, 1, 2, 3] fig, ax = plt.subplots() slider = widgets.RangeSlider( ax=ax, label="", valmin=0.0, valmax=1.0, orientation=orientation, valinit=[0.1, 0.34] ) box = slider.poly.get_extents().transformed(ax.transAxes.inverted()) assert_allclose(box.get_points().flatten()[idx], [0.1, 0.25, 0.34, 0.75]) # Check initial value is set correctly assert_allclose(slider.val, (0.1, 0.34)) def handle_positions(slider): if orientation == "vertical": return [h.get_ydata()[0] for h in slider._handles] else: return [h.get_xdata()[0] for h in slider._handles] slider.set_val((0.4, 0.6)) assert_allclose(slider.val, (0.4, 0.6)) assert_allclose(handle_positions(slider), (0.4, 0.6)) box = slider.poly.get_extents().transformed(ax.transAxes.inverted()) assert_allclose(box.get_points().flatten()[idx], [0.4, .25, 0.6, .75]) slider.set_val((0.2, 0.1)) assert_allclose(slider.val, (0.1, 0.2)) assert_allclose(handle_positions(slider), (0.1, 0.2)) slider.set_val((-1, 10)) assert_allclose(slider.val, (0, 1)) assert_allclose(handle_positions(slider), (0, 1)) slider.reset() assert_allclose(slider.val, (0.1, 0.34)) assert_allclose(handle_positions(slider), (0.1, 0.34)) @pytest.mark.parametrize("orientation", ["horizontal", "vertical"]) def test_range_slider_same_init_values(orientation): if orientation == "vertical": idx = [1, 0, 3, 2] else: idx = [0, 1, 2, 3] fig, ax = plt.subplots() slider = widgets.RangeSlider( ax=ax, label="", valmin=0.0, valmax=1.0, orientation=orientation, valinit=[0, 0] ) box = slider.poly.get_extents().transformed(ax.transAxes.inverted()) assert_allclose(box.get_points().flatten()[idx], [0, 0.25, 0, 0.75]) def check_polygon_selector(event_sequence, expected_result, selections_count, **kwargs): """ Helper function to test Polygon Selector. Parameters ---------- event_sequence : list of tuples (etype, dict()) A sequence of events to perform. The sequence is a list of tuples where the first element of the tuple is an etype (e.g., 'onmove', 'press', etc.), and the second element of the tuple is a dictionary of the arguments for the event (e.g., xdata=5, key='shift', etc.). expected_result : list of vertices (xdata, ydata) The list of vertices that are expected to result from the event sequence. selections_count : int Wait for the tool to call its `onselect` function `selections_count` times, before comparing the result to the `expected_result` **kwargs Keyword arguments are passed to PolygonSelector. """ ax = get_ax() onselect = mock.Mock(spec=noop, return_value=None) tool = widgets.PolygonSelector(ax, onselect, **kwargs) for (etype, event_args) in event_sequence: do_event(tool, etype, **event_args) assert onselect.call_count == selections_count assert onselect.call_args == ((expected_result, ), {}) def polygon_place_vertex(xdata, ydata): return [('onmove', dict(xdata=xdata, ydata=ydata)), ('press', dict(xdata=xdata, ydata=ydata)), ('release', dict(xdata=xdata, ydata=ydata))] def polygon_remove_vertex(xdata, ydata): return [('onmove', dict(xdata=xdata, ydata=ydata)), ('press', dict(xdata=xdata, ydata=ydata, button=3)), ('release', dict(xdata=xdata, ydata=ydata, button=3))] @pytest.mark.parametrize('draw_bounding_box', [False, True]) def test_polygon_selector(draw_bounding_box): check_selector = functools.partial( check_polygon_selector, draw_bounding_box=draw_bounding_box) # Simple polygon expected_result = [(50, 50), (150, 50), (50, 150)] event_sequence = [ *polygon_place_vertex(50, 50), *polygon_place_vertex(150, 50), *polygon_place_vertex(50, 150), *polygon_place_vertex(50, 50), ] check_selector(event_sequence, expected_result, 1) # Move first vertex before completing the polygon. expected_result = [(75, 50), (150, 50), (50, 150)] event_sequence = [ *polygon_place_vertex(50, 50), *polygon_place_vertex(150, 50), ('on_key_press', dict(key='control')), ('onmove', dict(xdata=50, ydata=50)), ('press', dict(xdata=50, ydata=50)), ('onmove', dict(xdata=75, ydata=50)), ('release', dict(xdata=75, ydata=50)), ('on_key_release', dict(key='control')), *polygon_place_vertex(50, 150), *polygon_place_vertex(75, 50), ] check_selector(event_sequence, expected_result, 1) # Move first two vertices at once before completing the polygon. expected_result = [(50, 75), (150, 75), (50, 150)] event_sequence = [ *polygon_place_vertex(50, 50), *polygon_place_vertex(150, 50), ('on_key_press', dict(key='shift')), ('onmove', dict(xdata=100, ydata=100)), ('press', dict(xdata=100, ydata=100)), ('onmove', dict(xdata=100, ydata=125)), ('release', dict(xdata=100, ydata=125)), ('on_key_release', dict(key='shift')), *polygon_place_vertex(50, 150), *polygon_place_vertex(50, 75), ] check_selector(event_sequence, expected_result, 1) # Move first vertex after completing the polygon. expected_result = [(75, 50), (150, 50), (50, 150)] event_sequence = [ *polygon_place_vertex(50, 50), *polygon_place_vertex(150, 50), *polygon_place_vertex(50, 150), *polygon_place_vertex(50, 50), ('onmove', dict(xdata=50, ydata=50)), ('press', dict(xdata=50, ydata=50)), ('onmove', dict(xdata=75, ydata=50)), ('release', dict(xdata=75, ydata=50)), ] check_selector(event_sequence, expected_result, 2) # Move all vertices after completing the polygon. expected_result = [(75, 75), (175, 75), (75, 175)] event_sequence = [ *polygon_place_vertex(50, 50), *polygon_place_vertex(150, 50), *polygon_place_vertex(50, 150), *polygon_place_vertex(50, 50), ('on_key_press', dict(key='shift')), ('onmove', dict(xdata=100, ydata=100)), ('press', dict(xdata=100, ydata=100)), ('onmove', dict(xdata=125, ydata=125)), ('release', dict(xdata=125, ydata=125)), ('on_key_release', dict(key='shift')), ] check_selector(event_sequence, expected_result, 2) # Try to move a vertex and move all before placing any vertices. expected_result = [(50, 50), (150, 50), (50, 150)] event_sequence = [ ('on_key_press', dict(key='control')), ('onmove', dict(xdata=100, ydata=100)), ('press', dict(xdata=100, ydata=100)), ('onmove', dict(xdata=125, ydata=125)), ('release', dict(xdata=125, ydata=125)), ('on_key_release', dict(key='control')), ('on_key_press', dict(key='shift')), ('onmove', dict(xdata=100, ydata=100)), ('press', dict(xdata=100, ydata=100)), ('onmove', dict(xdata=125, ydata=125)), ('release', dict(xdata=125, ydata=125)), ('on_key_release', dict(key='shift')), *polygon_place_vertex(50, 50), *polygon_place_vertex(150, 50), *polygon_place_vertex(50, 150), *polygon_place_vertex(50, 50), ] check_selector(event_sequence, expected_result, 1) # Try to place vertex out-of-bounds, then reset, and start a new polygon. expected_result = [(50, 50), (150, 50), (50, 150)] event_sequence = [ *polygon_place_vertex(50, 50), *polygon_place_vertex(250, 50), ('on_key_press', dict(key='escape')), ('on_key_release', dict(key='escape')), *polygon_place_vertex(50, 50), *polygon_place_vertex(150, 50), *polygon_place_vertex(50, 150), *polygon_place_vertex(50, 50), ] check_selector(event_sequence, expected_result, 1) @pytest.mark.parametrize('draw_bounding_box', [False, True]) def test_polygon_selector_set_props_handle_props(ax, draw_bounding_box): tool = widgets.PolygonSelector(ax, onselect=noop, props=dict(color='b', alpha=0.2), handle_props=dict(alpha=0.5), draw_bounding_box=draw_bounding_box) event_sequence = [ *polygon_place_vertex(50, 50), *polygon_place_vertex(150, 50), *polygon_place_vertex(50, 150), *polygon_place_vertex(50, 50), ] for (etype, event_args) in event_sequence: do_event(tool, etype, **event_args) artist = tool._selection_artist assert artist.get_color() == 'b' assert artist.get_alpha() == 0.2 tool.set_props(color='r', alpha=0.3) assert artist.get_color() == 'r' assert artist.get_alpha() == 0.3 for artist in tool._handles_artists: assert artist.get_color() == 'b' assert artist.get_alpha() == 0.5 tool.set_handle_props(color='r', alpha=0.3) for artist in tool._handles_artists: assert artist.get_color() == 'r' assert artist.get_alpha() == 0.3 @check_figures_equal() def test_rect_visibility(fig_test, fig_ref): # Check that requesting an invisible selector makes it invisible ax_test = fig_test.subplots() _ = fig_ref.subplots() tool = widgets.RectangleSelector(ax_test, onselect=noop, props={'visible': False}) tool.extents = (0.2, 0.8, 0.3, 0.7) # Change the order that the extra point is inserted in @pytest.mark.parametrize('idx', [1, 2, 3]) @pytest.mark.parametrize('draw_bounding_box', [False, True]) def test_polygon_selector_remove(idx, draw_bounding_box): verts = [(50, 50), (150, 50), (50, 150)] event_sequence = [polygon_place_vertex(*verts[0]), polygon_place_vertex(*verts[1]), polygon_place_vertex(*verts[2]), # Finish the polygon polygon_place_vertex(*verts[0])] # Add an extra point event_sequence.insert(idx, polygon_place_vertex(200, 200)) # Remove the extra point event_sequence.append(polygon_remove_vertex(200, 200)) # Flatten list of lists event_sequence = sum(event_sequence, []) check_polygon_selector(event_sequence, verts, 2, draw_bounding_box=draw_bounding_box) @pytest.mark.parametrize('draw_bounding_box', [False, True]) def test_polygon_selector_remove_first_point(draw_bounding_box): verts = [(50, 50), (150, 50), (50, 150)] event_sequence = [ *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[0]), *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[1]), *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[2]), *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[0]), *polygon_remove_vertex(*verts[0]), ] check_polygon_selector(event_sequence, verts[1:], 2, draw_bounding_box=draw_bounding_box) @pytest.mark.parametrize('draw_bounding_box', [False, True]) def test_polygon_selector_redraw(ax, draw_bounding_box): verts = [(50, 50), (150, 50), (50, 150)] event_sequence = [ *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[0]), *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[1]), *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[2]), *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[0]), # Polygon completed, now remove first two verts. *polygon_remove_vertex(*verts[1]), *polygon_remove_vertex(*verts[2]), # At this point the tool should be reset so we can add more vertices. *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[1]), ] tool = widgets.PolygonSelector(ax, onselect=noop, draw_bounding_box=draw_bounding_box) for (etype, event_args) in event_sequence: do_event(tool, etype, **event_args) # After removing two verts, only one remains, and the # selector should be automatically resete assert tool.verts == verts[0:2] @pytest.mark.parametrize('draw_bounding_box', [False, True]) @check_figures_equal(extensions=['png']) def test_polygon_selector_verts_setter(fig_test, fig_ref, draw_bounding_box): verts = [(0.1, 0.4), (0.5, 0.9), (0.3, 0.2)] ax_test = fig_test.add_subplot() tool_test = widgets.PolygonSelector( ax_test, onselect=noop, draw_bounding_box=draw_bounding_box) tool_test.verts = verts assert tool_test.verts == verts ax_ref = fig_ref.add_subplot() tool_ref = widgets.PolygonSelector( ax_ref, onselect=noop, draw_bounding_box=draw_bounding_box) event_sequence = [ *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[0]), *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[1]), *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[2]), *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[0]), ] for (etype, event_args) in event_sequence: do_event(tool_ref, etype, **event_args) def test_polygon_selector_box(ax): # Create a diamond (adjusting axes lims s.t. the diamond lies within axes limits). ax.set(xlim=(-10, 50), ylim=(-10, 50)) verts = [(20, 0), (0, 20), (20, 40), (40, 20)] event_sequence = [ *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[0]), *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[1]), *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[2]), *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[3]), *polygon_place_vertex(*verts[0]), ] # Create selector tool = widgets.PolygonSelector(ax, onselect=noop, draw_bounding_box=True) for (etype, event_args) in event_sequence: do_event(tool, etype, **event_args) # In order to trigger the correct callbacks, trigger events on the canvas # instead of the individual tools t = ax.transData canvas = ax.figure.canvas # Scale to half size using the top right corner of the bounding box MouseEvent( "button_press_event", canvas, *t.transform((40, 40)), 1)._process() MouseEvent( "motion_notify_event", canvas, *t.transform((20, 20)))._process() MouseEvent( "button_release_event", canvas, *t.transform((20, 20)), 1)._process() np.testing.assert_allclose( tool.verts, [(10, 0), (0, 10), (10, 20), (20, 10)]) # Move using the center of the bounding box MouseEvent( "button_press_event", canvas, *t.transform((10, 10)), 1)._process() MouseEvent( "motion_notify_event", canvas, *t.transform((30, 30)))._process() MouseEvent( "button_release_event", canvas, *t.transform((30, 30)), 1)._process() np.testing.assert_allclose( tool.verts, [(30, 20), (20, 30), (30, 40), (40, 30)]) # Remove a point from the polygon and check that the box extents update np.testing.assert_allclose( tool._box.extents, (20.0, 40.0, 20.0, 40.0)) MouseEvent( "button_press_event", canvas, *t.transform((30, 20)), 3)._process() MouseEvent( "button_release_event", canvas, *t.transform((30, 20)), 3)._process() np.testing.assert_allclose( tool.verts, [(20, 30), (30, 40), (40, 30)]) np.testing.assert_allclose( tool._box.extents, (20.0, 40.0, 30.0, 40.0)) def test_polygon_selector_clear_method(ax): onselect = mock.Mock(spec=noop, return_value=None) tool = widgets.PolygonSelector(ax, onselect) for result in ([(50, 50), (150, 50), (50, 150), (50, 50)], [(50, 50), (100, 50), (50, 150), (50, 50)]): for x, y in result: for etype, event_args in polygon_place_vertex(x, y): do_event(tool, etype, **event_args) artist = tool._selection_artist assert tool._selection_completed assert tool.get_visible() assert artist.get_visible() np.testing.assert_equal(artist.get_xydata(), result) assert onselect.call_args == ((result[:-1],), {}) tool.clear() assert not tool._selection_completed np.testing.assert_equal(artist.get_xydata(), [(0, 0)]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("horizOn", [False, True]) @pytest.mark.parametrize("vertOn", [False, True]) def test_MultiCursor(horizOn, vertOn): (ax1, ax3) = plt.figure().subplots(2, sharex=True) ax2 = plt.figure().subplots() # useblit=false to avoid having to draw the figure to cache the renderer multi = widgets.MultiCursor( None, (ax1, ax2), useblit=False, horizOn=horizOn, vertOn=vertOn ) # Only two of the axes should have a line drawn on them. assert len(multi.vlines) == 2 assert len(multi.hlines) == 2 # mock a motion_notify_event # Can't use `do_event` as that helper requires the widget # to have a single .ax attribute. event = mock_event(ax1, xdata=.5, ydata=.25) multi.onmove(event) # force a draw + draw event to exercise clear ax1.figure.canvas.draw() # the lines in the first two ax should both move for l in multi.vlines: assert l.get_xdata() == (.5, .5) for l in multi.hlines: assert l.get_ydata() == (.25, .25) # The relevant lines get turned on after move. assert len([line for line in multi.vlines if line.get_visible()]) == ( 2 if vertOn else 0) assert len([line for line in multi.hlines if line.get_visible()]) == ( 2 if horizOn else 0) # After toggling settings, the opposite lines should be visible after move. multi.horizOn = not multi.horizOn multi.vertOn = not multi.vertOn event = mock_event(ax1, xdata=.5, ydata=.25) multi.onmove(event) assert len([line for line in multi.vlines if line.get_visible()]) == ( 0 if vertOn else 2) assert len([line for line in multi.hlines if line.get_visible()]) == ( 0 if horizOn else 2) # test a move event in an Axes not part of the MultiCursor # the lines in ax1 and ax2 should not have moved. event = mock_event(ax3, xdata=.75, ydata=.75) multi.onmove(event) for l in multi.vlines: assert l.get_xdata() == (.5, .5) for l in multi.hlines: assert l.get_ydata() == (.25, .25)