# A CMake find module for the OpenSlide microscopy file reader library. # # http://openslide.org # # Once done, this module will define # OPENSLIDE_FOUND - system has OpenSlide # OPENSLIDE_INCLUDE_DIRS - the OpenSlide include directory # OPENSLIDE_LIBRARIES - link to these to use OpenSlide # OpenSlide::OpenSlide - imported target # Look for the header. find_path(OPENSLIDE_INCLUDE_DIR NAMES openslide/openslide.h PATHS /usr/local/include /usr/include) mark_as_advanced( OPENSLIDE_INCLUDE_DIR ) # Look for the library. find_library( OPENSLIDE_LIBRARY NAMES openslide ) mark_as_advanced( OPENSLIDE_LIBRARY ) # Handle the QUIETLY and REQUIRED arguments and set OPENSLIDE_FOUND true if all # the listed variables are TRUE. find_package( PackageHandleStandardArgs ) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(OpenSlide DEFAULT_MSG OPENSLIDE_LIBRARY OPENSLIDE_INCLUDE_DIR ) if( OPENSLIDE_FOUND ) set( OPENSLIDE_LIBRARIES ${OPENSLIDE_LIBRARY} ) set( OPENSLIDE_INCLUDE_DIRS ${OPENSLIDE_INCLUDE_DIR} ) add_library(OpenSlide::OpenSlide UNKNOWN IMPORTED) set_target_properties(OpenSlide::OpenSlide PROPERTIES IMPORTED_LOCATION "${OPENSLIDE_LIBRARY}" INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${OPENSLIDE_INCLUDE_DIR}") endif()