#pragma once /* * TECIO.h: Copyright (C) 1988-2014 Tecplot, Inc. */ #if defined TECIOMPI #include "mpi.h" #endif #include "StandardIntegralTypes.h" #define INTEGER8 int64_t #define INTEGER4 int32_t #define INTEGER2 int16_t #if defined _WIN32 # if !defined MSWIN # define MSWIN # endif #endif #include "tecio_Exports.h" #if !defined STDCALL # if defined MSWIN # define STDCALL __stdcall # else # define STDCALL # endif #endif #if !defined EXTERNC # if defined __cplusplus # define EXTERNC extern "C" # else # define EXTERNC # endif #endif #if !defined _GLOBAL_H enum FieldDataType_e { FieldDataType_Float = 1, FieldDataType_Double, FieldDataType_Int32, FieldDataType_Int16, FieldDataType_Byte, }; enum GeomType_e { GeomType_LineSegs = 0, GeomType_Rectangle = 1, GeomType_Square = 2, GeomType_Circle = 3, GeomType_Ellipse = 4, GeomType_LineSegs3D = 5 }; enum CoordSys_e { CoordSys_Grid = 0, CoordSys_Frame = 1, CoordSys_Grid3D = 6 }; #endif int32_t const FILEFORMAT_PLT = 0; int32_t const FILEFORMAT_SZL = 1; int32_t const FILETYPE_FULL = 0; int32_t const FILETYPE_GRID = 1; int32_t const FILETYPE_SOLUTION = 2; // Use these for Tecio; they are different from the ZoneType enum for add-ons in GLOBAL.h. int32_t const ZONETYPE_ORDERED = 0; int32_t const ZONETYPE_FELINESEG = 1; int32_t const ZONETYPE_FETRIANGLE = 2; int32_t const ZONETYPE_FEQUADRILATERAL = 3; int32_t const ZONETYPE_FETETRAHEDRON = 4; int32_t const ZONETYPE_FEBRICK = 5; int32_t const ZONETYPE_FEPOLYGON = 6; int32_t const ZONETYPE_FEPOLYHEDRON = 7; /** * New TecIO output routines support 64-bit output, all var types except bit, and out-of-order data output. * SZL output only (may support plt in the future), and no polyhedral support yet. */ EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecFileWriterOpen( char const* fileName, char const* dataSetTitle, char const* variableList, int32_t fileFormat, int32_t fileType, int32_t defaultVarType, void* gridFileHandle, void** fileHandle); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecFileSetDiagnosticsLevel( void* fileHandle, int32_t level); #if defined TECIOMPI EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecMPIInitialize( void* fileHandle, MPI_Comm communicator, int32_t mainRank); #endif EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneCreateIJK( void* fileHandle, char const* zoneTitle, int64_t imax, int64_t jmax, int64_t kmax, int32_t const* varTypes, int32_t const* shareVarFromZone, int32_t const* valueLocations, int32_t const* passiveVarList, int32_t shareFaceNeighborsFromZone, int64_t numFaceConnections, int32_t faceNeighborMode, int32_t* zone); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneCreateFE( void* fileHandle, char const* zoneTitle, int32_t zoneType, int64_t numNodes, int64_t numCells, int32_t const* varTypes, int32_t const* shareVarFromZone, int32_t const* valueLocations, int32_t const* passiveVarList, int32_t shareConnectivityFromZone, int64_t numFaceConnections, int32_t faceNeighborMode, int32_t* zone); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneCreatePoly( void* fileHandle, char const* zoneTitle, int32_t zoneType, int64_t numNodes, int64_t numFaces, int64_t numCells, int64_t totalNumFaceNodes, int32_t const* varTypes, int32_t const* shareVarFromZone, int32_t const* valueLocations, int32_t const* passiveVarList, int32_t shareConnectivityFromZone, int64_t numConnectedBoundaryFaces, int64_t totalNumBoundaryConnections, int32_t* zone); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneSetUnsteadyOptions( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, double solutionTime, int32_t strandID); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneSetParentZone( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t parentZone); #if defined TECIOMPI EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneMapPartitionsToMPIRanks( void* fileHandle, int32_t& zone, // Number may change due to communication with the main output rank int32_t numPartitions, int32_t const* mpiRanksForPartitions); #endif EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecFEPartitionCreate32( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t partition, int64_t numNodes, int64_t numCells, int64_t numGhostNodes, int32_t const* ghostNodes, int32_t const* neighborPartitions, int32_t const* neighborPartitionNodes, int64_t numGhostCells, int32_t const* ghostCells); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecFEPartitionCreate64( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t partition, int64_t numNodes, int64_t numCells, int64_t numGhostNodes, int64_t const* ghostNodes, int32_t const* neighborPartitions, int64_t const* neighborPartitionNodes, int64_t numGhostCells, int64_t const* ghostCells); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecIJKPartitionCreate( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t partition, int64_t imin, int64_t jmin, int64_t kmin, int64_t imax, int64_t jmax, int64_t kmax); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneVarWriteDoubleValues( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t var, int32_t partition, int64_t count, double const* values); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneVarWriteFloatValues( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t var, int32_t partition, int64_t count, float const* values); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneVarWriteInt32Values( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t var, int32_t partition, int64_t count, int32_t const* values); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneVarWriteInt16Values( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t var, int32_t partition, int64_t count, int16_t const* values); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneVarWriteUInt8Values( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t var, int32_t partition, int64_t count, uint8_t const* values); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneNodeMapWrite32( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t partition, int32_t nodesAreOneBased, int64_t count, int32_t const* nodes); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneNodeMapWrite64( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t partition, int32_t nodeAreOneBased, int64_t count, int64_t const* nodes); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneFaceNbrWriteConnections32( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t const* faceNeighbors); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneFaceNbrWriteConnections64( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int64_t const* faceNeighbors); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneWritePolyFaces32( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t partition, int32_t numFaces, int32_t const* faceNodeCounts, int32_t const* faceNodes, int32_t const* faceLeftElems, int32_t const* faceRightElems, int32_t isOneBased); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneWritePolyFaces64( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t partition, int64_t numFaces, int32_t const* faceNodeCounts, int64_t const* faceNodes, int64_t const* faceLeftElems, int64_t const* faceRightElems, int32_t isOneBased); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneWritePolyBoundaryConnections32( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t partition, int32_t numBoundaryFaces, int32_t const* faceBoundaryConnectionCounts, int32_t const* faceBoundaryConnectionElems, int32_t const* faceBoundaryConnectionZones, int32_t isOneBased); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneWritePolyBoundaryConnections64( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t partition, int64_t numBoundaryFaces, int32_t const* faceBoundaryConnectionCounts, int64_t const* faceBoundaryConnectionElems, int32_t const* faceBoundaryConnectionZones, int32_t isOneBased); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecDataSetAddAuxData( void* fileHandle, char const* name, char const* value); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecVarAddAuxData( void* fileHandle, int32_t var, char const* name, char const* value); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneAddAuxData( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, char const* name, char const* value); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeom2DLineSegmentsBegin( void* fileHandle, double xOrigin, double yOrigin, int32_t numPoints, double const* relativeX, double const* relativeY, int32_t posCoordMode); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeom2DMultiLineSegmentsBegin( void* fileHandle, double xOrigin, double yOrigin, int32_t numSegments, int32_t const* numSegmentPoints, double const* relativeX, double const* relativeY, int32_t posCoordMode); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeom3DLineSegmentsBegin( void* fileHandle, double xOrigin, double yOrigin, double zOrigin, int32_t numPoints, double const* relativeX, double const* relativeY, double const* relativeZ); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeom3DMultiLineSegmentsBegin( void* fileHandle, double xOrigin, double yOrigin, double zOrigin, int32_t numSegments, int32_t const* numSegmentPoints, double const* relativeX, double const* relativeY, double const* relativeZ); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomCircleBegin( void* fileHandle, double xCenter, double yCenter, double radius, int32_t posCoordMode); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomEllipseBegin( void* fileHandle, double xCenter, double yCenter, double width, double height, int32_t posCoordMode); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomRectangleBegin( void* fileHandle, double xMin, double yMin, double xMax, double yMax, int32_t posCoordMode); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomSquareBegin( void* fileHandle, double xMin, double yMin, double size, int32_t posCoordMode); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomArrowheadSetInfo( void* fileHandle, double angle, int32_t attachment, double size, int32_t style); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomEllipseSetNumPoints( void* fileHandle, int32_t numEllipsePoints); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomSetClipping( void* fileHandle, int32_t clipping); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomSetLineInfo( void* fileHandle, int32_t linePattern, double patternLength, double thickness, int32_t color); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomSetMacroFunctionCmd( void* fileHandle, char const* macroFunctionCmd); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomSetScope( void* fileHandle, int32_t scope); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomAttachToZone( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomFill( void* fileHandle, int32_t fillColor); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomEnd( void* fileHandle); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecCustomLabelsAddSet( void* fileHandle, char const* labels); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecText2DBegin( void* fileHandle, char const* string, double x, double y, int32_t posCoordMode, double height, int32_t sizeUnits); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecText3DBegin( void* fileHandle, char const* string, double x, double y, double z, double height, int32_t sizeUnits); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextAttachToZone( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextBoxSetInfo( void* fileHandle, int32_t boxType, int32_t lineColor, int32_t fillColor, double lineThickness, double margin); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextSetAnchor( void* fileHandle, int32_t anchor); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextSetAngle( void* fileHandle, double angle); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextSetClipping( void* fileHandle, int32_t clipping); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextSetColor( void* fileHandle, int32_t color); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextSetTypeface( void* fileHandle, char const* family, int32_t isBold, int32_t isItalic); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextSetLineSpacing( void* fileHandle, double lineSpacing); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextSetMacroFunctionCmd( void* fileHandle, char const* macroFunctionCmd); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextSetScope( void* fileHandle, int32_t scope); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextEnd( void* fileHandle); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecUserRecAdd( void* fileHandle, char const* userRec); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecFileWriterFlush( void* fileHandle, int32_t numZonesToRetain, int32_t const* zonesToRetain); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecFileWriterClose( void** fileHandle); /** * SZL file reading routines */ EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecCustomLabelsGetNumSets( void* fileHandle, int32_t* numSets); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecCustomLabelsGetSet( void* fileHandle, int32_t whichSet, char** labelSet); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecDataSetAuxDataGetItem( void* fileHandle, int32_t whichItem, char** name, char** value); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecDataSetAuxDataGetNumItems( void* fileHandle, int32_t* numItems); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecDataSetGetNumVars( void* fileHandle, int32_t* numVars); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecDataSetGetNumZones( void* fileHandle, int32_t* numZones); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecDataSetGetTitle( void* fileHandle, char** title); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecFileGetType( void* fileHandle, int32_t* fileType); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecFileReaderClose( void** fileHandle); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecFileReaderOpen( char const* fileName, void** fileHandle); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomArrowheadGetAngle( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, double* angle); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomArrowheadGetAttach( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, int32_t* attachment); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomArrowheadGetSize( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, double* arrowheadSize); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomArrowheadGetStyle( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, int32_t* arrowheadStyle); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomCircleGetRadius( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, double* radius); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomEllipseGetNumPoints( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, int32_t* numEllipsePoints); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomEllipseGetSize( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, double* horizontalAxis, double* verticalAxis); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomGetAnchorPos( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, double* x, double* y, double* z); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomGetClipping( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, int32_t* clipping); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomGetColor( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, int32_t* color); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomGetCoordMode( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, int32_t* coordMode); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomGetFillColor( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, int32_t* fillColor); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomGetLinePattern( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, int32_t* linePattern); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomGetLineThickness( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, double* lineThickness); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomGetMacroFunctionCmd( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, char** macroFunctionCmd); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomGetNumGeoms( void* fileHandle, int32_t* numGeoms); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomGetPatternLength( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, double* patternLength); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomGetScope( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, int32_t* scope); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomGetType( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, int32_t* type); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomGetZone( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, int32_t* zone); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomIsAttached( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, int32_t* isAttached); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomIsFilled( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, int32_t* isFilled); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomLineGetPoint( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, int32_t segment, int32_t index, double* x, double* y, double* z); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomLineGetSegmentCount( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, int32_t* segmentCount); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomLineSegmentGetPointCount( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, int32_t segment, int32_t* pointCount); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomRectangleGetSize( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, double* width, double* height); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecGeomSquareGetSize( void* fileHandle, int32_t geom, double* size); EXTERNC tecio_API void tecStringFree( char** string); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecStringLength( char const* string); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextBoxGetColor( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, int32_t* boxColor); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextBoxGetFillColor( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, int32_t* boxFillColor); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextBoxGetLineThickness( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, double* boxLineThickness); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextBoxGetMargin( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, double* boxMargin); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextBoxGetType( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, int32_t* boxType); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextGetAnchor( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, int32_t* anchor); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextGetAnchorPos( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, double* x, double* y, double* z); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextGetAngle( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, double* angle); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextGetClipping( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, int32_t* clipping); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextGetColor( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, int32_t* color); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextGetCoordMode( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, int32_t* coordMode); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextGetHeight( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, double* height); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextGetLineSpacing( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, double* lineSpacing); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextGetMacroFunctionCmd( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, char** macroFunctionCmd); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextGetNumTexts( void* fileHandle, int32_t* numTexts); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextGetScope( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, int32_t* scope); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextGetSizeUnits( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, int32_t* sizeUnits); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextGetString( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, char** string); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextGetTypeface( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, char** typeface); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextGetZone( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, int32_t* zone); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextIsAttached( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, int32_t* isAttached); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextIsBold( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, int32_t* isBold); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecTextIsItalic( void* fileHandle, int32_t text, int32_t* isItalic); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecVarAuxDataGetItem( void* fileHandle, int32_t var, int32_t whichItem, char** name, char** value); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecVarAuxDataGetNumItems( void* fileHandle, int32_t var, int32_t* numItems); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecVarGetName( void* fileHandle, int32_t var, char** name); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecVarIsEnabled( void* fileHandle, int32_t var, int32_t* isEnabled); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneAuxDataGetItem( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t whichItem, char** name, char** value); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneAuxDataGetNumItems( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t* numItems); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneConnectivityGetSharedZone( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t* sharedZone); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneFaceNbrGetConnections( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t* connections); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneFaceNbrGetConnections64( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int64_t* connections); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneFaceNbrGetMode( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t* mode); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneFaceNbrGetNumConnections( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int64_t* numConnections); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneFaceNbrGetNumValues( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int64_t* numValues); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneFaceNbrsAre64Bit( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t* are64Bit); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneGetIJK( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int64_t* iMax, int64_t* jMax, int64_t* kMax); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneGetParentZone( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t* parentZone); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneGetSolutionTime( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, double* solutionTime); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneGetStrandID( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t* strandID); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneGetTitle( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, char** title); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneGetType( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t* type); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneIsEnabled( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t* isEnabled); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneNodeMapGet( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int64_t startCell, int64_t numCells, int32_t* nodeMap); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneNodeMapGet64( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int64_t startCell, int64_t numCells, int64_t* nodeMap); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneNodeMapGetNumValues( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int64_t numCells, int64_t* numValues); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneNodeMapIs64Bit( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t* is64Bit); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZonePolyGetBoundaryConnectionCounts( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int64_t startConnection, int64_t numConnections, int32_t* connectionCounts); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZonePolyGetBoundaryConnections( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int64_t startConnection, int64_t numConnections, int32_t* connectedElements, int32_t* connectedZones); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZonePolyGetFaceElems( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int64_t startFace, int64_t numFaces, int32_t* leftElems, int32_t* rightElems); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZonePolyGetFaceNodeCounts( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int64_t startFace, int64_t numFaces, int32_t* nodeCounts); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZonePolyGetFaceNodes( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int64_t startFace, int64_t numFaces, int32_t* faceNodes); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZonePolyGetNumConnectedBoundaryFaces( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int64_t* numFaces); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZonePolyGetTotalNumFaceNodes( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int64_t* numNodes); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZonePolyGetTotalNumBoundaryConnections( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int64_t* numConnections); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneVarGetDoubleValues( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t var, int64_t startIndex, int64_t numValues, double* values); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneVarGetFloatValues( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t var, int64_t startIndex, int64_t numValues, float* values); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneVarGetInt16Values( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t var, int64_t startIndex, int64_t numValues, int16_t* values); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneVarGetInt32Values( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t var, int64_t startIndex, int64_t numValues, int32_t* values); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneVarGetNumValues( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t var, int64_t* numValues); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneVarGetSharedZone( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t var, int32_t* sharedZone); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneVarGetType( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t var, int32_t* type); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneVarGetUInt8Values( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t var, int64_t startIndex, int64_t numValues, uint8_t* values); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneVarGetValueLocation( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t var, int32_t* location); EXTERNC tecio_API int32_t tecZoneVarIsPassive( void* fileHandle, int32_t zone, int32_t var, int32_t* isPassive); /* Older routines */ #if !defined CRAY # define TECINI142 tecini142 # define TECZNE142 teczne142 # define TECDAT142 tecdat142 # define TECDATD142 tecdatd142 # define TECDATF142 tecdatf142 # define TECNOD142 tecnod142 # define TECNODE142 tecnode142 # define TECGEO142 tecgeo142 # define TECTXT142 tectxt142 # define TECLAB142 teclab142 # define TECFIL142 tecfil142 # define TECFOREIGN142 tecforeign142 # define TECFLUSH142 tecflush142 # define TECEND142 tecend142 # define TECUSR142 tecusr142 # define TECAUXSTR142 tecauxstr142 # define TECZAUXSTR142 teczauxstr142 # define TECVAUXSTR142 tecvauxstr142 # define TECFACE142 tecface142 # define TECPOLY142 tecpoly142 # define TECPOLYFACE142 tecpolyface142 # define TECPOLYBCONN142 tecpolybconn142 /* * SZL-only API: */ # define TECFEPTN142 tecfeptn142 # define TECIJKPTN142 tecijkptn142 /* * SZL MPI-only APIs: */ # define TECMPIINIT142 tecmpiinit142 # define TECZNEMAP142 tecznemap142 /* * Older API versions: */ # define TECINI112 tecini112 # define TECZNE112 teczne112 # define TECDAT112 tecdat112 # define TECNOD112 tecnod112 # define TECNODE112 tecnode112 # define TECGEO112 tecgeo112 # define TECTXT112 tectxt112 # define TECLAB112 teclab112 # define TECFIL112 tecfil112 # define TECFOREIGN112 tecforeign112 # define TECEND112 tecend112 # define TECUSR112 tecusr112 # define TECAUXSTR112 tecauxstr112 # define TECZAUXSTR112 teczauxstr112 # define TECVAUXSTR112 tecvauxstr112 # define TECFACE112 tecface112 # define TECPOLY112 tecpoly112 # define TECPOLYFACE112 tecpolyface112 # define TECPOLYBCONN112 tecpolybconn112 # define TECINI111 tecini111 # define TECZNE111 teczne111 # define TECDAT111 tecdat111 # define TECNOD111 tecnod111 # define TECGEO111 tecgeo111 # define TECTXT111 tectxt111 # define TECLAB111 teclab111 # define TECFIL111 tecfil111 # define TECFOREIGN111 tecforeign111 # define TECEND111 tecend111 # define TECUSR111 tecusr111 # define TECAUXSTR111 tecauxstr111 # define TECZAUXSTR111 teczauxstr111 # define TECVAUXSTR111 tecvauxstr111 # define TECFACE111 tecface111 # define TECPOLY111 tecpoly111 # define TECINI110 tecini110 # define TECZNE110 teczne110 # define TECDAT110 tecdat110 # define TECNOD110 tecnod110 # define TECGEO110 tecgeo110 # define TECTXT110 tectxt110 # define TECLAB110 teclab110 # define TECFIL110 tecfil110 # define TECFOREIGN110 tecforeign110 # define TECEND110 tecend110 # define TECUSR110 tecusr110 # define TECAUXSTR110 tecauxstr110 # define TECZAUXSTR110 teczauxstr110 # define TECVAUXSTR110 tecvauxstr110 # define TECFACE110 tecface110 # define TECINI100 tecini100 # define TECZNE100 teczne100 # define TECDAT100 tecdat100 # define TECNOD100 tecnod100 # define TECGEO100 tecgeo100 # define TECTXT100 tectxt100 # define TECLAB100 teclab100 # define TECFIL100 tecfil100 # define TECFOREIGN100 tecforeign100 # define TECEND100 tecend100 # define TECUSR100 tecusr100 # define TECAUXSTR100 tecauxstr100 # define TECZAUXSTR100 teczauxstr100 # define TECVAUXSTR100 tecvauxstr100 # define TECFACE100 tecface100 # define TECINI tecini # define TECZNE teczne # define TECDAT tecdat # define TECNOD tecnod # define TECGEO tecgeo # define TECTXT tectxt # define TECLAB teclab # define TECFIL tecfil # define TECEND tecend # define TECUSR tecusr #endif /* * TecIO API version 142 introduced the ability write both PLT and SZL formatted files. * No polyhedral support for SZL files. */ EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECINI142( char const* Title, char const* Variables, char const* FName, char const* ScratchDir, INTEGER4 const* FileFormat, INTEGER4 const* FileType, INTEGER4 const* Debug, INTEGER4 const* VIsDouble); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECZNE142( char const* ZoneTitle, INTEGER4 const* ZoneType, INTEGER4 const* IMxOrNumPts, INTEGER4 const* JMxOrNumElements, INTEGER4 const* KMxOrNumFaces, INTEGER4 const* ICellMx, INTEGER4 const* JCellMx, INTEGER4 const* KCellMx, double const* SolutionTime, INTEGER4 const* StrandID, INTEGER4 const* ParentZone, INTEGER4 const* IsBlock, INTEGER4 const* NumFaceConnections, INTEGER4 const* FaceNeighborMode, INTEGER4 const* TotalNumFaceNodes, INTEGER4 const* NumConnectedBoundaryFaces, INTEGER4 const* TotalNumBoundaryConnections, INTEGER4 const* PassiveVarList, INTEGER4 const* ValueLocation, INTEGER4 const* ShareVarFromZone, INTEGER4 const* ShareConnectivityFromZone); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECDAT142( INTEGER4 const* N, void const* FieldData, INTEGER4 const* IsDouble); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECDATD142( INTEGER4 const* N, double const* FieldData); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECDATF142( INTEGER4 const* N, float const* FieldData); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECNOD142(INTEGER4 const* NData); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECNODE142( INTEGER4 const* N, INTEGER4 const* NData); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECFLUSH142( INTEGER4 const* NumZonesToRetain, INTEGER4 const* ZonesToRetain); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECEND142(void); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECLAB142(char const* S); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECUSR142(char const* S); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECGEO142( double const* XPos, double const* YPos, double const* ZPos, INTEGER4 const* PosCoordMode, INTEGER4 const* AttachToZone, INTEGER4 const* Zone, INTEGER4 const* Color, INTEGER4 const* FillColor, INTEGER4 const* IsFilled, INTEGER4 const* GeomType, INTEGER4 const* LinePattern, double const* PatternLength, double const* LineThickness, INTEGER4 const* NumEllipsePts, INTEGER4 const* ArrowheadStyle, INTEGER4 const* ArrowheadAttachment, double const* ArrowheadSize, double const* ArrowheadAngle, INTEGER4 const* Scope, INTEGER4 const* Clipping, INTEGER4 const* NumSegments, INTEGER4 const* NumSegPts, float const* XGeomData, float const* YGeomData, float const* ZGeomData, char const* mfc); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECTXT142( double const* XOrThetaPos, double const* YOrRPos, double const* ZOrUnusedPos, INTEGER4 const* PosCoordMode, INTEGER4 const* AttachToZone, INTEGER4 const* Zone, INTEGER4 const* BFont, INTEGER4 const* FontHeightUnits, double const* FontHeight, INTEGER4 const* BoxType, double const* BoxMargin, double const* BoxLineThickness, INTEGER4 const* BoxColor, INTEGER4 const* BoxFillColor, double const* Angle, INTEGER4 const* Anchor, double const* LineSpacing, INTEGER4 const* TextColor, INTEGER4 const* Scope, INTEGER4 const* Clipping, char const* String, char const* mfc); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECFIL142(INTEGER4 const* F); EXTERNC tecio_API void STDCALL TECFOREIGN142(INTEGER4 const* OutputForeignByteOrder); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECAUXSTR142( char const* Name, char const* Value); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECZAUXSTR142( char const* Name, char const* Value); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECVAUXSTR142( INTEGER4 const* Var, char const* Name, char const* Value); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECFACE142(INTEGER4 const* FaceConnections); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECPOLY142( INTEGER4 const* FaceNodeCounts, INTEGER4 const* FaceNodes, INTEGER4 const* FaceLeftElems, INTEGER4 const* FaceRightElems, INTEGER4 const* FaceBndryConnectionCounts, INTEGER4 const* FaceBndryConnectionElems, INTEGER4 const* FaceBndryConnectionZones); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECPOLYFACE142( INTEGER4 const* NumFaces, INTEGER4 const* FaceNodeCounts, INTEGER4 const* FaceNodes, INTEGER4 const* FaceLeftElems, INTEGER4 const* FaceRightElems); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECPOLYBCONN142( INTEGER4 const* NumBndryFaces, INTEGER4 const* FaceBndryConnectionCounts, INTEGER4 const* FaceBndryConnectionElems, INTEGER4 const* FaceBndryConnectionZones); /* SZL-only APIs: */ EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECFEPTN142( INTEGER4 const* partition, INTEGER4 const* numnodes, INTEGER4 const* numcells, INTEGER4 const* ngnodes, INTEGER4 const* gnodes, INTEGER4 const* gnpartitions, INTEGER4 const* gnpnodes, INTEGER4 const* ngcells, INTEGER4 const* gcells); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECIJKPTN142( INTEGER4 const* partition, INTEGER4 const* imin, INTEGER4 const* jmin, INTEGER4 const* kmin, INTEGER4 const* imax, INTEGER4 const* jmax, INTEGER4 const* kmax); /* SZL MPI-only APIs: */ EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECMPIINIT142( void* communicator, /* MPI_Comm */ INTEGER4 const* mainrank); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECZNEMAP142( INTEGER4 const* npartitions, INTEGER4 const* ptnranks); /* * V11.3 tecio functions */ EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECINI112( char const* Title, char const* Variables, char const* FName, char const* ScratchDir, INTEGER4 const* FileType, INTEGER4 const* Debug, INTEGER4 const* VIsDouble); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECZNE112( char const* ZoneTitle, INTEGER4 const* ZoneType, INTEGER4 const* IMxOrNumPts, INTEGER4 const* JMxOrNumElements, INTEGER4 const* KMxOrNumFaces, INTEGER4 const* ICellMx, INTEGER4 const* JCellMx, INTEGER4 const* KCellMx, double const* SolutionTime, INTEGER4 const* StrandID, INTEGER4 const* ParentZone, INTEGER4 const* IsBlock, INTEGER4 const* NumFaceConnections, INTEGER4 const* FaceNeighborMode, INTEGER4 const* TotalNumFaceNodes, INTEGER4 const* NumConnectedBoundaryFaces, INTEGER4 const* TotalNumBoundaryConnections, INTEGER4 const* PassiveVarList, INTEGER4 const* ValueLocation, INTEGER4 const* ShareVarFromZone, INTEGER4 const* ShareConnectivityFromZone); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECDAT112( INTEGER4 const* N, void const* FieldData, INTEGER4 const* IsDouble); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECNOD112(INTEGER4 const* NData); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECNODE112( INTEGER4 const* N, INTEGER4 const* NData); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECEND112(void); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECLAB112(char const* S); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECUSR112(char const* S); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECGEO112( double const* XPos, double const* YPos, double const* ZPos, INTEGER4 const* PosCoordMode, INTEGER4 const* AttachToZone, INTEGER4 const* Zone, INTEGER4 const* Color, INTEGER4 const* FillColor, INTEGER4 const* IsFilled, INTEGER4 const* GeomType, INTEGER4 const* LinePattern, double const* PatternLength, double const* LineThickness, INTEGER4 const* NumEllipsePts, INTEGER4 const* ArrowheadStyle, INTEGER4 const* ArrowheadAttachment, double const* ArrowheadSize, double const* ArrowheadAngle, INTEGER4 const* Scope, INTEGER4 const* Clipping, INTEGER4 const* NumSegments, INTEGER4 const* NumSegPts, float const* XGeomData, float const* YGeomData, float const* ZGeomData, char const* mfc); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECTXT112( double const* XOrThetaPos, double const* YOrRPos, double const* ZOrUnusedPos, INTEGER4 const* PosCoordMode, INTEGER4 const* AttachToZone, INTEGER4 const* Zone, INTEGER4 const* BFont, INTEGER4 const* FontHeightUnits, double const* FontHeight, INTEGER4 const* BoxType, double const* BoxMargin, double const* BoxLineThickness, INTEGER4 const* BoxColor, INTEGER4 const* BoxFillColor, double const* Angle, INTEGER4 const* Anchor, double const* LineSpacing, INTEGER4 const* TextColor, INTEGER4 const* Scope, INTEGER4 const* Clipping, char const* String, char const* mfc); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECFIL112(INTEGER4 const* F); EXTERNC tecio_API void STDCALL TECFOREIGN112(INTEGER4 const* OutputForeignByteOrder); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECAUXSTR112( char const* Name, char const* Value); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECZAUXSTR112( char const* Name, char const* Value); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECVAUXSTR112( INTEGER4 const* Var, char const* Name, char const* Value); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECFACE112(INTEGER4 const* FaceConnections); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECPOLY112( INTEGER4 const* FaceNodeCounts, INTEGER4 const* FaceNodes, INTEGER4 const* FaceLeftElems, INTEGER4 const* FaceRightElems, INTEGER4 const* FaceBndryConnectionCounts, INTEGER4 const* FaceBndryConnectionElems, INTEGER4 const* FaceBndryConnectionZones); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECPOLYFACE112( INTEGER4 const* NumFaces, INTEGER4 const* FaceNodeCounts, INTEGER4 const* FaceNodes, INTEGER4 const* FaceLeftElems, INTEGER4 const* FaceRightElems); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECPOLYBCONN112( INTEGER4 const* NumBndryFaces, INTEGER4 const* FaceBndryConnectionCounts, INTEGER4 const* FaceBndryConnectionElems, INTEGER4 const* FaceBndryConnectionZones); /* * V11.1 tecio functions TODO (JN): Tecplot's version is still in flux so the .1 may change */ EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECINI111( char const* Title, char const* Variables, char const* FName, char const* ScratchDir, INTEGER4 const* FileType, INTEGER4 const* Debug, INTEGER4 const* VIsDouble); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECZNE111( char const* ZoneTitle, INTEGER4 const* ZoneType, INTEGER4 const* IMxOrNumPts, INTEGER4 const* JMxOrNumElements, INTEGER4 const* KMxOrNumFaces, INTEGER4 const* ICellMx, INTEGER4 const* JCellMx, INTEGER4 const* KCellMx, double const* SolutionTime, INTEGER4 const* StrandID, INTEGER4 const* ParentZone, INTEGER4 const* IsBlock, INTEGER4 const* NumFaceConnections, INTEGER4 const* FaceNeighborMode, INTEGER4 const* TotalNumFaceNodes, INTEGER4 const* NumConnectedBoundaryFaces, INTEGER4 const* TotalNumBoundaryConnections, INTEGER4 const* PassiveVarList, INTEGER4 const* ValueLocation, INTEGER4 const* ShareVarFromZone, INTEGER4 const* ShareConnectivityFromZone); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECDAT111( INTEGER4 const* N, void const* FieldData, INTEGER4 const* IsDouble); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECNOD111(INTEGER4 const* NData); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECEND111(void); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECLAB111(char const* S); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECUSR111(char const* S); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECGEO111( double const* XPos, double const* YPos, double const* ZPos, INTEGER4 const* PosCoordMode, INTEGER4 const* AttachToZone, INTEGER4 const* Zone, INTEGER4 const* Color, INTEGER4 const* FillColor, INTEGER4 const* IsFilled, INTEGER4 const* GeomType, INTEGER4 const* LinePattern, double const* PatternLength, double const* LineThickness, INTEGER4 const* NumEllipsePts, INTEGER4 const* ArrowheadStyle, INTEGER4 const* ArrowheadAttachment, double const* ArrowheadSize, double const* ArrowheadAngle, INTEGER4 const* Scope, INTEGER4 const* Clipping, INTEGER4 const* NumSegments, INTEGER4 const* NumSegPts, float const* XGeomData, float const* YGeomData, float const* ZGeomData, char const* mfc); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECTXT111( double const* XOrThetaPos, double const* YOrRPos, double const* ZOrUnusedPos, INTEGER4 const* PosCoordMode, INTEGER4 const* AttachToZone, INTEGER4 const* Zone, INTEGER4 const* BFont, INTEGER4 const* FontHeightUnits, double const* FontHeight, INTEGER4 const* BoxType, double const* BoxMargin, double const* BoxLineThickness, INTEGER4 const* BoxColor, INTEGER4 const* BoxFillColor, double const* Angle, INTEGER4 const* Anchor, double const* LineSpacing, INTEGER4 const* TextColor, INTEGER4 const* Scope, INTEGER4 const* Clipping, char const* String, char const* mfc); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECFIL111(INTEGER4 const* F); EXTERNC tecio_API void STDCALL TECFOREIGN111(INTEGER4 const* OutputForeignByteOrder); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECAUXSTR111( char const* Name, char const* Value); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECZAUXSTR111( char const* Name, char const* Value); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECVAUXSTR111( INTEGER4 const* Var, char const* Name, char const* Value); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECFACE111(INTEGER4 const* FaceConnections); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECPOLY111( INTEGER4 const* FaceNodeCounts, INTEGER4 const* FaceNodes, INTEGER4 const* FaceLeftElems, INTEGER4 const* FaceRightElems, INTEGER4 const* FaceBndryConnectionCounts, INTEGER4 const* FaceBndryConnectionElems, INTEGER2 const* FaceBndryConnectionZones); /* * V11 tecio functions */ EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECINI110( char const* Title, char const* Variables, char const* FName, char const* ScratchDir, INTEGER4 const* Debug, INTEGER4 const* VIsDouble); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECZNE110( char const* ZoneTitle, INTEGER4 const* ZoneType, INTEGER4 const* IMxOrNumPts, INTEGER4 const* JMxOrNumElements, INTEGER4 const* KMxOrNumFaces, INTEGER4 const* ICellMx, INTEGER4 const* JCellMx, INTEGER4 const* KCellMx, double const* SolutionTime, INTEGER4 const* StrandID, INTEGER4 const* ParentZone, INTEGER4 const* IsBlock, INTEGER4 const* NumFaceConnections, INTEGER4 const* FaceNeighborMode, INTEGER4 const* PassiveVarList, INTEGER4 const* ValueLocation, INTEGER4 const* ShareVarFromZone, INTEGER4 const* ShareConnectivityFromZone); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECDAT110( INTEGER4 const* N, void const* FieldData, INTEGER4 const* IsDouble); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECNOD110(INTEGER4 const* NData); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECEND110(void); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECLAB110(char const* S); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECUSR110(char const* S); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECGEO110( double const* XPos, double const* YPos, double const* ZPos, INTEGER4 const* PosCoordMode, INTEGER4 const* AttachToZone, INTEGER4 const* Zone, INTEGER4 const* Color, INTEGER4 const* FillColor, INTEGER4 const* IsFilled, INTEGER4 const* GeomType, INTEGER4 const* LinePattern, double const* PatternLength, double const* LineThickness, INTEGER4 const* NumEllipsePts, INTEGER4 const* ArrowheadStyle, INTEGER4 const* ArrowheadAttachment, double const* ArrowheadSize, double const* ArrowheadAngle, INTEGER4 const* Scope, INTEGER4 const* Clipping, INTEGER4 const* NumSegments, INTEGER4 const* NumSegPts, float const* XGeomData, float const* YGeomData, float const* ZGeomData, char const* mfc); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECTXT110( double const* XOrThetaPos, double const* YOrRPos, double const* ZOrUnusedPos, INTEGER4 const* PosCoordMode, INTEGER4 const* AttachToZone, INTEGER4 const* Zone, INTEGER4 const* BFont, INTEGER4 const* FontHeightUnits, double const* FontHeight, INTEGER4 const* BoxType, double const* BoxMargin, double const* BoxLineThickness, INTEGER4 const* BoxColor, INTEGER4 const* BoxFillColor, double const* Angle, INTEGER4 const* Anchor, double const* LineSpacing, INTEGER4 const* TextColor, INTEGER4 const* Scope, INTEGER4 const* Clipping, char const* String, char const* mfc); EXTERNC tecio_API void STDCALL TECFOREIGN110(INTEGER4 const* OutputForeignByteOrder); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECFIL110(INTEGER4 const* F); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECAUXSTR110( char const* Name, char const* Value); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECZAUXSTR110( char const* Name, char const* Value); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECVAUXSTR110( INTEGER4 const* Var, char const* Name, char const* Value); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECFACE110(INTEGER4 const* FaceConnections); /* * V10 tecio functions kept for backward compatability. */ EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECINI100( char const* Title, char const* Variables, char const* FName, char const* ScratchDir, INTEGER4 const* Debug, INTEGER4 const* VIsDouble); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECZNE100( char const* ZoneTitle, INTEGER4 const* ZoneType, INTEGER4 const* IMxOrNumPts, INTEGER4 const* JMxOrNumElements, INTEGER4 const* KMxOrNumFaces, INTEGER4 const* ICellMx, INTEGER4 const* JCellMx, INTEGER4 const* KCellMx, INTEGER4 const* IsBlock, INTEGER4 const* NumFaceConnections, INTEGER4 const* FaceNeighborMode, INTEGER4 const* ValueLocation, INTEGER4 const* ShareVarFromZone, INTEGER4 const* ShareConnectivityFromZone); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECDAT100( INTEGER4 const* N, void const* FieldData, INTEGER4 const* IsDouble); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECNOD100(INTEGER4 const* NData); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECEND100(void); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECLAB100(char const* S); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECUSR100(char const* S); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECGEO100( double const* XPos, double const* YPos, double const* ZPos, INTEGER4 const* PosCoordMode, INTEGER4 const* AttachToZone, INTEGER4 const* Zone, INTEGER4 const* Color, INTEGER4 const* FillColor, INTEGER4 const* IsFilled, INTEGER4 const* GeomType, INTEGER4 const* LinePattern, double const* PatternLength, double const* LineThickness, INTEGER4 const* NumEllipsePts, INTEGER4 const* ArrowheadStyle, INTEGER4 const* ArrowheadAttachment, double const* ArrowheadSize, double const* ArrowheadAngle, INTEGER4 const* Scope, INTEGER4 const* Clipping, INTEGER4 const* NumSegments, INTEGER4 const* NumSegPts, float const* XGeomData, float const* YGeomData, float const* ZGeomData, char const* mfc); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECTXT100( double const* XOrThetaPos, double const* YOrRPos, double const* ZOrUnusedPos, INTEGER4 const* PosCoordMode, INTEGER4 const* AttachToZone, INTEGER4 const* Zone, INTEGER4 const* BFont, INTEGER4 const* FontHeightUnits, double const* FontHeight, INTEGER4 const* BoxType, double const* BoxMargin, double const* BoxLineThickness, INTEGER4 const* BoxColor, INTEGER4 const* BoxFillColor, double const* Angle, INTEGER4 const* Anchor, double const* LineSpacing, INTEGER4 const* TextColor, INTEGER4 const* Scope, INTEGER4 const* Clipping, char const* String, char const* mfc); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECFIL100(INTEGER4 const* F); EXTERNC tecio_API void STDCALL TECFOREIGN100(INTEGER4 const* OutputForeignByteOrder); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECAUXSTR100( char const* Name, char const* Value); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECZAUXSTR100( char const* Name, char const* Value); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECVAUXSTR100( INTEGER4 const* Var, char const* Name, char const* Value); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECFACE100(INTEGER4 const* FaceConnections); /* Old V9 functions retained for backward compatibility */ EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECINI( char const* Title, char const* Variables, char const* FName, char const* ScratchDir, INTEGER4 const* Debug, INTEGER4 const* VIsDouble); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECZNE( char const* ZoneTitle, INTEGER4 const* IMx, INTEGER4 const* JMx, INTEGER4 const* KMx, char const* ZFormat, char const* DupList); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECDAT( INTEGER4 const* N, void const* FieldData, INTEGER4 const* IsDouble); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECNOD(INTEGER4 const* NData); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECEND(void); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECLAB(char const* S); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECUSR(char const* S); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECGEO( double const* XPos, double const* YPos, double const* ZPos, INTEGER4 const* PosCoordMode, INTEGER4 const* AttachToZone, INTEGER4 const* Zone, INTEGER4 const* Color, INTEGER4 const* FillColor, INTEGER4 const* IsFilled, INTEGER4 const* GeomType, INTEGER4 const* LinePattern, double const* PatternLength, double const* LineThickness, INTEGER4 const* NumEllipsePts, INTEGER4 const* ArrowheadStyle, INTEGER4 const* ArrowheadAttachment, double const* ArrowheadSize, double const* ArrowheadAngle, INTEGER4 const* Scope, INTEGER4 const* NumSegments, INTEGER4 const* NumSegPts, float const* XGeomData, float const* YGeomData, float const* ZGeomData, char const* mfc); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECTXT( double const* XPos, double const* YPos, INTEGER4 const* PosCoordMode, INTEGER4 const* AttachToZone, INTEGER4 const* Zone, INTEGER4 const* BFont, INTEGER4 const* FontHeightUnits, double const* FontHeight, INTEGER4 const* BoxType, double const* BoxMargin, double const* BoxLineThickness, INTEGER4 const* BoxColor, INTEGER4 const* BoxFillColor, double const* Angle, INTEGER4 const* Anchor, double const* LineSpacing, INTEGER4 const* TextColor, INTEGER4 const* Scope, char const* Text, char const* mfc); EXTERNC tecio_API INTEGER4 STDCALL TECFIL(INTEGER4 const* F);