# makefile include for building CGNS code # this file contains the options and libraries used for # building and linking CGNS code, and is intended to be # included in a user's Makefile from the installation #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # CGNS library build options. A 1 indicates that the library # was built with that option, a 0 indicates without # CGNS_DEBUG = debug # CGNS_LEGACY = legacy code (prior to 3.0) # CGNS_SCOPING = scoping of enums # CGNS_64BIT = 64 bit support # CGNS_FORTRAN = Fortran interface # CGNS_PARALLEL = parallel I/O # CGNS_BASESCOPE = Base scope for family and zone reference-to #----------------------------------------------------------------------- CGNS_DEBUG = 0 CGNS_LEGACY = 0 CGNS_SCOPING = 0 CGNS_64BIT = 1 CGNS_FORTRAN = 0 CGNS_PARALLEL = 0 CGNS_BASESCOPE = 0 #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # CGNS_LIBDIR - installation directory for CGNS library # CGNS_INCLUDEDIR - installation directory for CGNS headers #----------------------------------------------------------------------- CGNS_LIBDIR = F:\temp\CGNS-4.3.0-INSTALL\lib CGNS_INCLUDEDIR = F:\temp\CGNS-4.3.0-INSTALL\include #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # CGNS_CC - C compiler used to build library # CGNS_CFLAGS - compiler flags used to build library # CGNS_LDFLAGS - any additional linking flags #----------------------------------------------------------------------- CGNS_CC = D:\software\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.16.27023\bin\Hostx86\x64\cl.exe CGNS_CFLAGS = /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /MD /O2 /Ob2 /DNDEBUG CGNS_LDFLAGS = /machine:x64 /INCREMENTAL:NO #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # LIBCGNS - CGNS library name #----------------------------------------------------------------------- CGNS_LIB = $(CGNS_LIBDIR)/cgns.lib #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # CGNS_HDF5INC - path to HDF5 header files # CGNS_HDF5LIB - HDF5 library # CGNS_SZIPLIB - szip library (if needed) # CGNS_ZLIBLIB - zlib library (if needed) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- CGNS_HDF5INC = CGNS_HDF5LIB = hdf5-shared CGNS_SZIPLIB = CGNS_ZLIBLIB = #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # CGNS_MPIINC - path to MPI header files # CGNS_MPILIBS - MPI libraries #----------------------------------------------------------------------- CGNS_MPIINC = CGNS_MPILIBS = #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # CGNS_LINKLIBS contains the list of libraries # with which a CGNS application needs to link #----------------------------------------------------------------------- CGNS_LINKLIBS = $(CGNS_LIB) $(CGNS_HDF5LIB) $(CGNS_SZIPLIB) \ $(CGNS_ZLIBLIB) $(CGNS_MPILIBS)