# Script demonstrating Global illumination materials # using path tracing rendering engine in 3D view #Category: Visualization #Title: Path tracing - Materials set aBallPath [locate_data_file occ/Ball.brep] pload MODELING VISUALIZATION # Ray-Tracing doesn't work with Compatible Profile on macOS if { $::tcl_platform(os) == "Darwin" } { vcaps -core } # Setup 3D viewer vclear vinit name=View1 w=512 h=512 vglinfo vvbo 0 vsetdispmode 1 # Restore exported shapes restore $aBallPath Ball0 restore $aBallPath Ball1 restore $aBallPath Ball2 restore $aBallPath Ball3 restore $aBallPath Ball4 restore $aBallPath Ball5 restore $aBallPath Ball6 restore $aBallPath Ball7 restore $aBallPath Ball8 # Create chessboard-style floor box tile 10 10 0.1 eval compound [lrepeat 144 tile] tiles explode tiles for {set i 0} {$i < 12} {incr i} { for {set j 1} {$j <= 12} {incr j} { ttranslate tiles_[expr 12 * $i + $j] [expr $i * 10 - 90] [expr $j * 10 - 70] -0.15 vdisplay -noupdate tiles_[expr 12 * $i + $j] vsetmaterial -noupdate tiles_[expr 12 * $i + $j] plaster if {($i + $j) % 2 == 0} { vbsdf tiles_[expr 12 * $i + $j] -kd 0.85 } else { vbsdf tiles_[expr 12 * $i + $j] -kd 0.45 } } } # Setup object 'Ball1' vdisplay Ball1 vsetmaterial Ball1 Brass vbsdf Ball1 -Kc 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball1 -Kd 0.272798 0.746262 0.104794 vbsdf Ball1 -Ks 0.253738 0.253738 0.253738 vbsdf Ball1 -Kt 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball1 -baseRoughness 0.045 vbsdf Ball1 -coatRoughness 0 vbsdf Ball1 -Le 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball1 -absorpColor 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball1 -absorpCoeff 0 vbsdf Ball1 -coatFresnel Constant 0 vbsdf Ball1 -baseFresnel Schlick 0.58 0.42 0.2 vlocation Ball1 -rotation 0 0 0 1 vlocation Ball1 -location 10 0 0 # Setup object 'Ball2' vdisplay Ball2 vsetmaterial Ball2 Brass vbsdf Ball2 -Kc 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball2 -Kd 0.8 0.8 0.8 vbsdf Ball2 -Ks 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball2 -Kt 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball2 -baseRoughness 0 vbsdf Ball2 -coatRoughness 0 vbsdf Ball2 -Le 2.02 0.171915 0.171915 vbsdf Ball2 -absorpColor 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball2 -absorpCoeff 0 vbsdf Ball2 -coatFresnel Constant 0 vbsdf Ball2 -baseFresnel Constant 1 vlocation Ball2 -rotation 0 0 0 1 vlocation Ball2 -location 10 40 0 # Setup object 'Ball3' vdisplay Ball3 vsetmaterial Ball3 Glass vbsdf Ball3 -Kc 1 1 1 vbsdf Ball3 -Kd 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball3 -Ks 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball3 -Kt 1 1 1 vbsdf Ball3 -baseRoughness 0 vbsdf Ball3 -coatRoughness 0 vbsdf Ball3 -Le 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball3 -absorpColor 0.75 0.95 0.9 vbsdf Ball3 -absorpCoeff 0.05 vbsdf Ball3 -coatFresnel Dielectric 1.62 vbsdf Ball3 -baseFresnel Constant 1 vlocation Ball3 -rotation 0 0 0 1 vlocation Ball3 -location -30 -40 0 # Setup object 'Ball4' vdisplay Ball4 vsetmaterial Ball4 Brass vbsdf Ball4 -Kc 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball4 -Kd 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball4 -Ks 0.985 0.985 0.985 vbsdf Ball4 -Kt 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball4 -baseRoughness 0 vbsdf Ball4 -coatRoughness 0 vbsdf Ball4 -Le 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball4 -absorpColor 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball4 -absorpCoeff 0 vbsdf Ball4 -coatFresnel Constant 0 vbsdf Ball4 -baseFresnel Schlick 0.58 0.42 0.2 vlocation Ball4 -rotation 0 0 0 1 vlocation Ball4 -location -70 -40 0 # Setup object 'Ball5' vdisplay Ball5 vsetmaterial Ball5 Glass vbsdf Ball5 -Kc 1 1 1 vbsdf Ball5 -Kd 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball5 -Ks 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball5 -Kt 1 1 1 vbsdf Ball5 -baseRoughness 0 vbsdf Ball5 -coatRoughness 0 vbsdf Ball5 -Le 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball5 -absorpColor 0 0.288061 0.825532 vbsdf Ball5 -absorpCoeff 0.3 vbsdf Ball5 -coatFresnel Dielectric 1.62 vbsdf Ball5 -baseFresnel Constant 1 vlocation Ball5 -rotation 0 0 0 1 vlocation Ball5 -location -30 0 0 # Setup object 'Ball6' vdisplay Ball6 vsetmaterial Ball6 Brass vbsdf Ball6 -Kc 1 1 1 vbsdf Ball6 -Kd 0 0.716033 0.884507 vbsdf Ball6 -Ks 0.115493 0.115493 0.115493 vbsdf Ball6 -Kt 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball6 -baseRoughness 0.045 vbsdf Ball6 -coatRoughness 0 vbsdf Ball6 -Le 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball6 -absorpColor 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball6 -absorpCoeff 0 vbsdf Ball6 -coatFresnel Dielectric 1.5 vbsdf Ball6 -baseFresnel Schlick 0.58 0.42 0.2 vlocation Ball6 -rotation 0 0 0 1 vlocation Ball6 -location -30 40 0 # Setup object 'Ball7' vdisplay Ball7 vsetmaterial Ball7 Brass vbsdf Ball7 -Kc 1 1 1 vbsdf Ball7 -Kd 1e-06 9.9999e-07 9.9999e-07 vbsdf Ball7 -Ks 0.0479573 0.804998 0 vbsdf Ball7 -Kt 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball7 -baseRoughness 0.447 vbsdf Ball7 -coatRoughness 0 vbsdf Ball7 -Le 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball7 -absorpColor 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball7 -absorpCoeff 0 vbsdf Ball7 -coatFresnel Dielectric 1.5 vbsdf Ball7 -baseFresnel Schlick 0.58 0.42 0.2 vlocation Ball7 -rotation 0 0 0 1 vlocation Ball7 -location -70 0 0 # Setup object 'Ball8' vdisplay Ball8 vsetmaterial Ball8 Aluminium vbsdf Ball8 -Kc 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball8 -Kd 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball8 -Ks 0.985 0.985 0.985 vbsdf Ball8 -Kt 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball8 -baseRoughness 0.026 vbsdf Ball8 -coatRoughness 0 vbsdf Ball8 -Le 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball8 -absorpColor 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball8 -absorpCoeff 0 vbsdf Ball8 -coatFresnel Constant 0 vbsdf Ball8 -baseFresnel Schlick 0.913183 0.921494 0.924524 vlocation Ball8 -rotation 0 0 0 1 vlocation Ball8 -location -70 40 0 # Setup object 'Ball0' vdisplay Ball0 vsetmaterial Ball0 Glass vbsdf Ball0 -Kc 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball0 -Kd 0.723404 0.166229 0.166229 vbsdf Ball0 -Ks 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball0 -Kt 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball0 -baseRoughness 0 vbsdf Ball0 -coatRoughness 0 vbsdf Ball0 -Le 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball0 -absorpColor 0 0 0 vbsdf Ball0 -absorpCoeff 0 vbsdf Ball0 -coatFresnel Constant 0 vbsdf Ball0 -baseFresnel Constant 1 vlocation Ball0 -rotation 0 0 0 1 vlocation Ball0 -location 10 -40 0 # Restore view parameters vcamera -perspective -fovy 25 vcamera -distance 238.089 vviewparams -proj 0.679219 -0.00724546 0.7339 vviewparams -up -0.733931 -0.00311795 0.679217 vviewparams -at -22.3025 0.0986351 3.30327 vviewparams -eye 139.412 -1.62643 178.037 vviewparams -size 170.508 # Restore light source parameters vlight -clear vlight -add AMBIENT -name amblight vlight -add DIRECTIONAL -direction -0.303949 -0.434084 -0.848048 -smoothAngle 17 -intensity 12 -name dirlight # Load environment map vtextureenv on 1 puts "Trying path tracing mode..." vrenderparams -ray -gi -rayDepth 10 # Start progressive refinement mode #vprogressive puts "Make several path tracing iterations to refine the picture, please wait..." vfps 512 puts "Done. To improve the image further, or after view manipulations, give command:" puts "vfps \[nb_iteratons\] or vrepaint -continuous"