hyperexpand_doc.py 521 B

  1. """ This module cooks up a docstring when imported. Its only purpose is to
  2. be displayed in the sphinx documentation. """
  3. from sympy.core.relational import Eq
  4. from sympy.functions.special.hyper import hyper
  5. from sympy.printing.latex import latex
  6. from sympy.simplify.hyperexpand import FormulaCollection
  7. c = FormulaCollection()
  8. doc = ""
  9. for f in c.formulae:
  10. obj = Eq(hyper(f.func.ap, f.func.bq, f.z),
  11. f.closed_form.rewrite('nonrepsmall'))
  12. doc += ".. math::\n %s\n" % latex(obj)
  13. __doc__ = doc