123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544 |
- """A utility for browsing COM objects.
- Usage:
- Command Prompt
- Use the command *"python.exe catbrowse.py"*. This will display
- display a fairly small, modal dialog.
- Pythonwin
- Use the "Run Script" menu item, and this will create the browser in an
- MDI window. This window can be fully resized.
- Details
- This module allows browsing of registered Type Libraries, COM categories,
- and running COM objects. The display is similar to the Pythonwin object
- browser, and displays the objects in a hierarchical window.
- Note that this module requires the win32ui (ie, Pythonwin) distribution to
- work.
- """
- import win32con
- import win32api, win32ui
- import sys
- import pythoncom
- from win32com.client import util
- from pywin.tools import browser
- class HLIRoot(browser.HLIPythonObject):
- def __init__(self, title):
- self.name = title
- def GetSubList(self):
- return [HLIHeadingCategory(), HLI_IEnumMoniker(pythoncom.GetRunningObjectTable().EnumRunning(), "Running Objects"), HLIHeadingRegisterdTypeLibs()]
- def __cmp__(self, other):
- return cmp(self.name, other.name)
- class HLICOM(browser.HLIPythonObject):
- def GetText(self):
- return self.name
- def CalculateIsExpandable(self):
- return 1
- def __init__(self, myobject, name=None ):
- if type(myobject)==type(''):
- myobject = pythoncom.MakeIID(myobject)
- if name is None:
- try:
- name = pythoncom.ProgIDFromCLSID(myobject)
- except pythoncom.com_error:
- name = str(myobject)
- name = "IID: " + name
- HLICOM.__init__(self, myobject, name)
- def CalculateIsExpandable(self):
- return 0
- def GetSubList(self):
- return []
- class HLI_Interface(HLICOM):
- pass
- class HLI_Enum(HLI_Interface):
- def GetBitmapColumn(self):
- return 0 # Always a folder.
- def CalculateIsExpandable(self):
- if self.myobject is not None:
- rc = len(self.myobject.Next(1))>0
- self.myobject.Reset()
- else:
- rc = 0
- return rc
- pass
- class HLI_IEnumMoniker(HLI_Enum):
- def GetSubList(self):
- ctx = pythoncom.CreateBindCtx()
- ret = []
- for mon in util.Enumerator(self.myobject):
- ret.append(HLI_IMoniker(mon, mon.GetDisplayName(ctx, None)))
- return ret
- class HLI_IMoniker(HLI_Interface):
- def GetSubList(self):
- ret = []
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(self.myobject.Hash(), "Hash Value"))
- subenum = self.myobject.Enum(1)
- ret.append(HLI_IEnumMoniker(subenum, "Sub Monikers"))
- return ret
- class HLIHeadingCategory(HLICOM):
- "A tree heading for registered categories"
- def GetText(self):
- return "Registered Categories"
- def GetSubList(self):
- catinf=pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(pythoncom.CLSID_StdComponentCategoriesMgr,None,pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC,pythoncom.IID_ICatInformation)
- enum=util.Enumerator(catinf.EnumCategories())
- ret = []
- try:
- for catid, lcid, desc in enum:
- ret.append(HLICategory((catid, lcid, desc)))
- except pythoncom.com_error:
- # Registered categories occasionally seem to give spurious errors.
- pass # Use what we already have.
- return ret
- class HLICategory(HLICOM):
- "An actual Registered Category"
- def GetText(self):
- desc = self.myobject[2]
- if not desc: desc = "(unnamed category)"
- return desc
- def GetSubList(self):
- win32ui.DoWaitCursor(1)
- catid, lcid, desc = self.myobject
- catinf=pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(pythoncom.CLSID_StdComponentCategoriesMgr,None,pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC,pythoncom.IID_ICatInformation)
- ret = []
- for clsid in util.Enumerator(catinf.EnumClassesOfCategories((catid,),())):
- ret.append(HLICLSID(clsid))
- win32ui.DoWaitCursor(0)
- return ret
- class HLIHelpFile(HLICOM):
- def CalculateIsExpandable(self):
- return 0
- def GetText(self):
- import os
- fname, ctx = self.myobject
- base = os.path.split(fname)[1]
- return "Help reference in %s" %( base)
- def TakeDefaultAction(self):
- fname, ctx = self.myobject
- if ctx:
- cmd = win32con.HELP_CONTEXT
- else:
- cmd = win32con.HELP_FINDER
- win32api.WinHelp(win32ui.GetMainFrame().GetSafeHwnd(), fname, cmd, ctx)
- def GetBitmapColumn(self):
- return 6
- class HLIRegisteredTypeLibrary(HLICOM):
- def GetSubList(self):
- import os
- clsidstr, versionStr = self.myobject
- collected = []
- helpPath = ""
- key = win32api.RegOpenKey(win32con.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "TypeLib\\%s\\%s" % (clsidstr, versionStr))
- win32ui.DoWaitCursor(1)
- try:
- num = 0
- while 1:
- try:
- subKey = win32api.RegEnumKey(key, num)
- except win32api.error:
- break
- hSubKey = win32api.RegOpenKey(key, subKey)
- try:
- value, typ = win32api.RegQueryValueEx(hSubKey, None)
- if typ == win32con.REG_EXPAND_SZ:
- value = win32api.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(value)
- except win32api.error:
- value = ""
- if subKey=="HELPDIR":
- helpPath = value
- elif subKey=="Flags":
- flags = value
- else:
- try:
- lcid = int(subKey)
- lcidkey = win32api.RegOpenKey(key, subKey)
- # Enumerate the platforms
- lcidnum = 0
- while 1:
- try:
- platform = win32api.RegEnumKey(lcidkey, lcidnum)
- except win32api.error:
- break
- try:
- hplatform = win32api.RegOpenKey(lcidkey, platform)
- fname, typ = win32api.RegQueryValueEx(hplatform, None)
- if typ == win32con.REG_EXPAND_SZ:
- fname = win32api.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(fname)
- except win32api.error:
- fname = ""
- collected.append((lcid, platform, fname))
- lcidnum = lcidnum + 1
- win32api.RegCloseKey(lcidkey)
- except ValueError:
- pass
- num = num + 1
- finally:
- win32ui.DoWaitCursor(0)
- win32api.RegCloseKey(key)
- # Now, loop over my collected objects, adding a TypeLib and a HelpFile
- ret = []
- # if helpPath: ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(helpPath, "Help Path"))
- ret.append(HLICLSID(clsidstr))
- for lcid, platform, fname in collected:
- extraDescs = []
- if platform!="win32":
- extraDescs.append(platform)
- if lcid:
- extraDescs.append("locale=%s"%lcid)
- extraDesc = ""
- if extraDescs: extraDesc = " (%s)" % ", ".join(extraDescs)
- ret.append(HLITypeLib(fname, "Type Library" + extraDesc))
- ret.sort()
- return ret
- class HLITypeLibEntry(HLICOM):
- def GetText(self):
- tlb, index = self.myobject
- name, doc, ctx, helpFile = tlb.GetDocumentation(index)
- try:
- typedesc = HLITypeKinds[tlb.GetTypeInfoType(index)][1]
- except KeyError:
- typedesc = "Unknown!"
- return name + " - " + typedesc
- def GetSubList(self):
- tlb, index = self.myobject
- name, doc, ctx, helpFile = tlb.GetDocumentation(index)
- ret = []
- if doc: ret.append(browser.HLIDocString(doc, "Doc"))
- if helpFile: ret.append(HLIHelpFile( (helpFile, ctx) ))
- return ret
- class HLICoClass(HLITypeLibEntry):
- def GetSubList(self):
- ret = HLITypeLibEntry.GetSubList(self)
- tlb, index = self.myobject
- typeinfo = tlb.GetTypeInfo(index)
- attr = typeinfo.GetTypeAttr()
- for j in range(attr[8]):
- flags = typeinfo.GetImplTypeFlags(j)
- refType = typeinfo.GetRefTypeInfo(typeinfo.GetRefTypeOfImplType(j))
- refAttr = refType.GetTypeAttr()
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(refAttr[0], "Name=%s, Flags = %d" % (refAttr[0], flags)))
- return ret
- class HLITypeLibMethod(HLITypeLibEntry):
- def __init__(self, ob, name = None):
- self.entry_type = "Method"
- HLITypeLibEntry.__init__(self, ob, name)
- def GetSubList(self):
- ret = HLITypeLibEntry.GetSubList(self)
- tlb, index = self.myobject
- typeinfo = tlb.GetTypeInfo(index)
- attr = typeinfo.GetTypeAttr()
- for i in range(attr[7]):
- ret.append(HLITypeLibProperty((typeinfo, i)))
- for i in range(attr[6]):
- ret.append(HLITypeLibFunction((typeinfo, i)))
- return ret
- class HLITypeLibEnum(HLITypeLibEntry):
- def __init__(self, myitem):
- typelib, index = myitem
- typeinfo = typelib.GetTypeInfo(index)
- self.id = typeinfo.GetVarDesc(index)[0]
- name = typeinfo.GetNames(self.id)[0]
- HLITypeLibEntry.__init__(self, myitem, name)
- def GetText(self):
- return self.name + " - Enum/Module"
- def GetSubList(self):
- ret = []
- typelib, index = self.myobject
- typeinfo = typelib.GetTypeInfo(index)
- attr = typeinfo.GetTypeAttr()
- for j in range(attr[7]):
- vdesc = typeinfo.GetVarDesc(j)
- name = typeinfo.GetNames(vdesc[0])[0]
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(vdesc[1], name))
- return ret
- class HLITypeLibProperty(HLICOM):
- def __init__(self, myitem):
- typeinfo, index = myitem
- self.id = typeinfo.GetVarDesc(index)[0]
- name = typeinfo.GetNames(self.id)[0]
- HLICOM.__init__(self, myitem, name)
- def GetText(self):
- return self.name + " - Property"
- def GetSubList(self):
- ret = []
- typeinfo, index = self.myobject
- names = typeinfo.GetNames(self.id)
- if len(names)>1:
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(names[1:], "Named Params"))
- vd = typeinfo.GetVarDesc(index)
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(self.id, "Dispatch ID"))
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(vd[1], "Value"))
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(vd[2], "Elem Desc"))
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(vd[3], "Var Flags"))
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(vd[4], "Var Kind"))
- return ret
- class HLITypeLibFunction(HLICOM):
- funckinds = {pythoncom.FUNC_VIRTUAL : "Virtual",
- pythoncom.FUNC_PUREVIRTUAL : "Pure Virtual",
- pythoncom.FUNC_STATIC : "Static",
- pythoncom.FUNC_DISPATCH : "Dispatch",
- }
- invokekinds = {pythoncom.INVOKE_FUNC: "Function",
- pythoncom.INVOKE_PROPERTYGET : "Property Get",
- pythoncom.INVOKE_PROPERTYPUT : "Property Put",
- pythoncom.INVOKE_PROPERTYPUTREF : "Property Put by reference",
- }
- funcflags = [(pythoncom.FUNCFLAG_FRESTRICTED, "Restricted"),
- (pythoncom.FUNCFLAG_FSOURCE, "Source"),
- (pythoncom.FUNCFLAG_FBINDABLE, "Bindable"),
- (pythoncom.FUNCFLAG_FREQUESTEDIT, "Request Edit"),
- (pythoncom.FUNCFLAG_FDISPLAYBIND, "Display Bind"),
- (pythoncom.FUNCFLAG_FDEFAULTBIND, "Default Bind"),
- (pythoncom.FUNCFLAG_FHIDDEN, "Hidden"),
- (pythoncom.FUNCFLAG_FUSESGETLASTERROR, "Uses GetLastError"),
- ]
- vartypes = {pythoncom.VT_EMPTY: "Empty",
- pythoncom.VT_NULL: "NULL",
- pythoncom.VT_I2: "Integer 2",
- pythoncom.VT_I4: "Integer 4",
- pythoncom.VT_R4: "Real 4",
- pythoncom.VT_R8: "Real 8",
- pythoncom.VT_CY: "CY",
- pythoncom.VT_DATE: "Date",
- pythoncom.VT_BSTR: "String",
- pythoncom.VT_DISPATCH: "IDispatch",
- pythoncom.VT_ERROR: "Error",
- pythoncom.VT_BOOL: "BOOL",
- pythoncom.VT_VARIANT: "Variant",
- pythoncom.VT_UNKNOWN: "IUnknown",
- pythoncom.VT_DECIMAL: "Decimal",
- pythoncom.VT_I1: "Integer 1",
- pythoncom.VT_UI1: "Unsigned integer 1",
- pythoncom.VT_UI2: "Unsigned integer 2",
- pythoncom.VT_UI4: "Unsigned integer 4",
- pythoncom.VT_I8: "Integer 8",
- pythoncom.VT_UI8: "Unsigned integer 8",
- pythoncom.VT_INT: "Integer",
- pythoncom.VT_UINT: "Unsigned integer",
- pythoncom.VT_VOID: "Void",
- pythoncom.VT_HRESULT: "HRESULT",
- pythoncom.VT_PTR: "Pointer",
- pythoncom.VT_SAFEARRAY: "SafeArray",
- pythoncom.VT_CARRAY: "C Array",
- pythoncom.VT_USERDEFINED: "User Defined",
- pythoncom.VT_LPSTR: "Pointer to string",
- pythoncom.VT_LPWSTR: "Pointer to Wide String",
- pythoncom.VT_FILETIME: "File time",
- pythoncom.VT_BLOB: "Blob",
- pythoncom.VT_STREAM: "IStream",
- pythoncom.VT_STORAGE: "IStorage",
- pythoncom.VT_STORED_OBJECT: "Stored object",
- pythoncom.VT_STREAMED_OBJECT: "Streamed object",
- pythoncom.VT_BLOB_OBJECT: "Blob object",
- pythoncom.VT_CF: "CF",
- pythoncom.VT_CLSID: "CLSID",
- }
- type_flags = [ (pythoncom.VT_VECTOR, "Vector"),
- (pythoncom.VT_ARRAY, "Array"),
- (pythoncom.VT_BYREF, "ByRef"),
- (pythoncom.VT_RESERVED, "Reserved"),
- ]
- def __init__(self, myitem):
- typeinfo, index = myitem
- self.id = typeinfo.GetFuncDesc(index)[0]
- name = typeinfo.GetNames(self.id)[0]
- HLICOM.__init__(self, myitem, name)
- def GetText(self):
- return self.name + " - Function"
- def MakeReturnTypeName(self, typ):
- justtyp = typ & pythoncom.VT_TYPEMASK
- try:
- typname = self.vartypes[justtyp]
- except KeyError:
- typname = "?Bad type?"
- for (flag, desc) in self.type_flags:
- if flag & typ:
- typname = "%s(%s)" % (desc, typname)
- return typname
- def MakeReturnType(self, returnTypeDesc):
- if type(returnTypeDesc)==type(()):
- first = returnTypeDesc[0]
- result = self.MakeReturnType(first)
- if first != pythoncom.VT_USERDEFINED:
- result = result + " " + self.MakeReturnType(returnTypeDesc[1])
- return result
- else:
- return self.MakeReturnTypeName(returnTypeDesc)
- def GetSubList(self):
- ret = []
- typeinfo, index = self.myobject
- names = typeinfo.GetNames(self.id)
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(self.id, "Dispatch ID"))
- if len(names)>1:
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(", ".join(names[1:]), "Named Params"))
- fd = typeinfo.GetFuncDesc(index)
- if fd[1]:
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(fd[1], "Possible result values"))
- if fd[8]:
- typ, flags, default = fd[8]
- val = self.MakeReturnType(typ)
- if flags:
- val = "%s (Flags=%d, default=%s)" % (val, flags, default)
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(val, "Return Type"))
- for argDesc in fd[2]:
- typ, flags, default = argDesc
- val = self.MakeReturnType(typ)
- if flags:
- val = "%s (Flags=%d)" % (val, flags)
- if default is not None:
- val = "%s (Default=%s)" % (val, default)
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(val, "Argument"))
- try:
- fkind = self.funckinds[fd[3]]
- except KeyError:
- fkind = "Unknown"
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(fkind, "Function Kind"))
- try:
- ikind = self.invokekinds[fd[4]]
- except KeyError:
- ikind = "Unknown"
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(ikind, "Invoke Kind"))
- # 5 = call conv
- # 5 = offset vtbl
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(fd[6], "Number Optional Params"))
- flagDescs = []
- for flag, desc in self.funcflags:
- if flag & fd[9]:
- flagDescs.append(desc)
- if flagDescs:
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(", ".join(flagDescs), "Function Flags"))
- return ret
- HLITypeKinds = {
- pythoncom.TKIND_ENUM : (HLITypeLibEnum, 'Enumeration'),
- pythoncom.TKIND_RECORD : (HLITypeLibEntry, 'Record'),
- pythoncom.TKIND_MODULE : (HLITypeLibEnum, 'Module'),
- pythoncom.TKIND_INTERFACE : (HLITypeLibMethod, 'Interface'),
- pythoncom.TKIND_DISPATCH : (HLITypeLibMethod, 'Dispatch'),
- pythoncom.TKIND_COCLASS : (HLICoClass, 'CoClass'),
- pythoncom.TKIND_ALIAS : (HLITypeLibEntry, 'Alias'),
- pythoncom.TKIND_UNION : (HLITypeLibEntry, 'Union')
- }
- class HLITypeLib(HLICOM):
- def GetSubList(self):
- ret = []
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI(self.myobject, "Filename"))
- try:
- tlb = pythoncom.LoadTypeLib(self.myobject)
- except pythoncom.com_error:
- return [browser.MakeHLI("%s can not be loaded" % self.myobject)]
- for i in range(tlb.GetTypeInfoCount()):
- try:
- ret.append(HLITypeKinds[tlb.GetTypeInfoType(i)][0]( (tlb, i) ) )
- except pythoncom.com_error:
- ret.append(browser.MakeHLI("The type info can not be loaded!"))
- ret.sort()
- return ret
- class HLIHeadingRegisterdTypeLibs(HLICOM):
- "A tree heading for registered type libraries"
- def GetText(self):
- return "Registered Type Libraries"
- def GetSubList(self):
- # Explicit lookup in the registry.
- ret = []
- key = win32api.RegOpenKey(win32con.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "TypeLib")
- win32ui.DoWaitCursor(1)
- try:
- num = 0
- while 1:
- try:
- keyName = win32api.RegEnumKey(key, num)
- except win32api.error:
- break
- # Enumerate all version info
- subKey = win32api.RegOpenKey(key, keyName)
- name = None
- try:
- subNum = 0
- bestVersion = 0.0
- while 1:
- try:
- versionStr = win32api.RegEnumKey(subKey, subNum)
- except win32api.error:
- break
- try:
- versionFlt = float(versionStr)
- except ValueError:
- versionFlt = 0 # ????
- if versionFlt > bestVersion:
- bestVersion = versionFlt
- name = win32api.RegQueryValue(subKey, versionStr)
- subNum = subNum + 1
- finally:
- win32api.RegCloseKey(subKey)
- if name is not None:
- ret.append(HLIRegisteredTypeLibrary((keyName, versionStr), name))
- num = num + 1
- finally:
- win32api.RegCloseKey(key)
- win32ui.DoWaitCursor(0)
- ret.sort()
- return ret
- def main(modal=False):
- from pywin.tools import hierlist
- root = HLIRoot("COM Browser")
- if "app" in sys.modules:
- # do it in a window
- browser.MakeTemplate()
- browser.template.OpenObject(root)
- else:
- # list=hierlist.HierListWithItems( root, win32ui.IDB_BROWSER_HIER )
- # dlg=hierlist.HierDialog("COM Browser",list)
- dlg = browser.dynamic_browser(root)
- if modal:
- dlg.DoModal()
- else:
- dlg.CreateWindow()
- dlg.ShowWindow()
- if __name__=='__main__':
- main()
- ni = pythoncom._GetInterfaceCount()
- ng = pythoncom._GetGatewayCount()
- if ni or ng:
- print("Warning - exiting with %d/%d objects alive" % (ni,ng))