test_texmanager.py 2.5 KB

  1. import os
  2. from pathlib import Path
  3. import re
  4. import subprocess
  5. import sys
  6. import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  7. from matplotlib.texmanager import TexManager
  8. from matplotlib.testing._markers import needs_usetex
  9. import pytest
  10. def test_fontconfig_preamble():
  11. """Test that the preamble is included in the source."""
  12. plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
  13. src1 = TexManager()._get_tex_source("", fontsize=12)
  14. plt.rcParams['text.latex.preamble'] = '\\usepackage{txfonts}'
  15. src2 = TexManager()._get_tex_source("", fontsize=12)
  16. assert src1 != src2
  17. @pytest.mark.parametrize(
  18. "rc, preamble, family", [
  19. ({"font.family": "sans-serif", "font.sans-serif": "helvetica"},
  20. r"\usepackage{helvet}", r"\sffamily"),
  21. ({"font.family": "serif", "font.serif": "palatino"},
  22. r"\usepackage{mathpazo}", r"\rmfamily"),
  23. ({"font.family": "cursive", "font.cursive": "zapf chancery"},
  24. r"\usepackage{chancery}", r"\rmfamily"),
  25. ({"font.family": "monospace", "font.monospace": "courier"},
  26. r"\usepackage{courier}", r"\ttfamily"),
  27. ({"font.family": "helvetica"}, r"\usepackage{helvet}", r"\sffamily"),
  28. ({"font.family": "palatino"}, r"\usepackage{mathpazo}", r"\rmfamily"),
  29. ({"font.family": "zapf chancery"},
  30. r"\usepackage{chancery}", r"\rmfamily"),
  31. ({"font.family": "courier"}, r"\usepackage{courier}", r"\ttfamily")
  32. ])
  33. def test_font_selection(rc, preamble, family):
  34. plt.rcParams.update(rc)
  35. tm = TexManager()
  36. src = Path(tm.make_tex("hello, world", fontsize=12)).read_text()
  37. assert preamble in src
  38. assert [*re.findall(r"\\\w+family", src)] == [family]
  39. @needs_usetex
  40. def test_unicode_characters():
  41. # Smoke test to see that Unicode characters does not cause issues
  42. # See #23019
  43. plt.rcParams['text.usetex'] = True
  44. fig, ax = plt.subplots()
  45. ax.set_ylabel('\\textit{Velocity (\N{DEGREE SIGN}/sec)}')
  46. ax.set_xlabel('\N{VULGAR FRACTION ONE QUARTER}Öøæ')
  47. fig.canvas.draw()
  48. # But not all characters.
  49. # Should raise RuntimeError, not UnicodeDecodeError
  50. with pytest.raises(RuntimeError):
  51. ax.set_title('\N{SNOWMAN}')
  52. fig.canvas.draw()
  53. @needs_usetex
  54. def test_openin_any_paranoid():
  55. completed = subprocess.run(
  56. [sys.executable, "-c",
  57. 'import matplotlib.pyplot as plt;'
  58. 'plt.rcParams.update({"text.usetex": True});'
  59. 'plt.title("paranoid");'
  60. 'plt.show(block=False);'],
  61. env={**os.environ, 'openin_any': 'p'}, check=True, capture_output=True)
  62. assert completed.stderr == b""