_triinterpolate.pyi 964 B

  1. from matplotlib.tri import Triangulation, TriFinder
  2. from typing import Literal
  3. import numpy as np
  4. from numpy.typing import ArrayLike
  5. class TriInterpolator:
  6. def __init__(
  7. self,
  8. triangulation: Triangulation,
  9. z: ArrayLike,
  10. trifinder: TriFinder | None = ...,
  11. ) -> None: ...
  12. # __call__ and gradient are not actually implemented by the ABC, but are specified as required
  13. def __call__(self, x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike) -> np.ma.MaskedArray: ...
  14. def gradient(
  15. self, x: ArrayLike, y: ArrayLike
  16. ) -> tuple[np.ma.MaskedArray, np.ma.MaskedArray]: ...
  17. class LinearTriInterpolator(TriInterpolator): ...
  18. class CubicTriInterpolator(TriInterpolator):
  19. def __init__(
  20. self,
  21. triangulation: Triangulation,
  22. z: ArrayLike,
  23. kind: Literal["min_E", "geom", "user"] = ...,
  24. trifinder: TriFinder | None = ...,
  25. dz: tuple[ArrayLike, ArrayLike] | None = ...,
  26. ) -> None: ...