wzj 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
ANC101.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
DataExchangeDemo.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
MBBGehauseRohteil.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
ModelingDemo.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
Penrose.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
Readme.txt 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
VisualizationDemo.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
bottle.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
cad.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
cpu.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
cutter.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
dimensions.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
drill.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
logo2019.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
markers.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
materials.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
pathtrace_ball.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
pathtrace_cube.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
pathtrace_materials.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
pencil.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
raytrace.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
snowflake.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
spheres.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
vis_pbr_spheres.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce
xde.tcl 904c87623c sources for windows 9 ay önce


This directory provides a set of demo scripts for using OCCT functionality from
within DRAW Test Harness. Call the scripts from DRAW prompt, e.g.:

Draw[]> source samples/tcl/VisualizationDemo.tcl