wzj daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
PIL daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
Pillow-10.1.0.dist-info daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
__pycache__ daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
contourpy daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
contourpy-1.2.0.dist-info daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
cycler daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
cycler-0.12.1.dist-info daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
dateutil daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
fontTools daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
fonttools-4.45.1.dist-info daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
kiwisolver daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
kiwisolver-1.4.5.dist-info daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
matplotlib daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
matplotlib-3.8.2.dist-info daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
matplotlib.libs daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
mpl_toolkits daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
numpy daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
numpy-1.26.2.dist-info daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
numpy.libs daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
packaging daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
packaging-23.2.dist-info daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
pip daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
pip-23.2.1.dist-info daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
pyparsing daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
pyparsing-3.1.1.dist-info daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
python_dateutil-2.8.2.dist-info daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
six-1.16.0.dist-info daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
README.txt 904c87623c sources for windows 11 ماه پیش
numpy-1.26.2-cp312-cp312-win_amd64.whl daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
pylab.py daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش
six.py daf9a874a1 feature: Python更新到3.12 11 ماه پیش


This directory exists so that 3rd party packages can be installed
here. Read the source for site.py for more details.